the 13th June A. D. 1513, the first of these two ekadasis, is the proper equivalent of the date.7
17. S. 1585.- Page 143, No. 23. Talakadu plates of Devaraja of Maisûr : - Sri-Sâlivahana-śakê śara-nanga-bâng
sitâmsu-sammita-saratsu gatâsv-amushmin
varshê tu Bobhakriti mâsi Suchau valakshê
pakshe 'tha Vaishnava-tith&v=Amritambu-varê ||
In S. 1585 expired= Sobhakrit (Sobhana) the Vaishnavi (i. e., here, 12th) tithis of the bright half of Suchi (Ashâḍha) commenced 1 h. 21 m. before mean sunrise of Monday, the 6th July, and ended 26 m. after mean sunrise of Tuesday, the 7th July, A. D. 1663. Here, again, in a calendar both the Monday and the Tuesday would be numbered 12,' and the day of the date, Monday, the 6th July A. D. 1663, would be properly described by the term prathama
18.-S. 1588 (for 1509). - Page 66, No. 103. Mêlakôte plates of Kanthirava Narasaraja of Maisûr: -
Naga-rtu-bana-vasudha-yuji Salivahan
akhye fake śaradi Sarvajid-thvayâyâm Vaisakha-mâsi Mrigasirsha-samahvaya-rkshe
punyê tath-Akshayatritiya-dinê cha Bhaume II
Varê Sukarma-yuji sat-karanê cha bhadrê (?) san-mangalê sakaladharmada-punyakâlê |
In Sarvajit S. 1569 (not 1568) expired the Akshaya-tritiya or third tithi of the bright half of Vaisakha and the karana Gara ended 13 h. 6 m. after mean sunrise of Tuesday, 27th April A. D. 1647, when the nakshatra was Mrigasiraha for 16 h. 25 m., and the yoga Sukarman for 12 h. 50 m., after mean sunrise.
Page 156, No. 63. Narasipura plates of the time of Krishnaraja of
19.3. 1671. Maisûr :
Salivahana-nirgitê sak-abdê dasabhiś-sataiḥ | samanvit-aikasaptatyâ shat-satair-api vatsaraiḥ || Bukl-Akhyê vatsarê mâsi Vaisâkhê Bhauma-vasarė | dvâdasyam sukla-pakshasya chandra-târâ-bal-ânvite I Hasta-rkshê Harshanê yêgê karapê Balav-ábhidhê I
§. 1671 expired Sukla: Tuesday, 18th April A, D. 1749; the 12th tithi of the bright half and the karana Balava ended 9 h. 25 m., the nakshatra was Hasta from 2 h. 38 m., and the yoga Harshana for 15 h. 17 m., after mean sunrise.
In Ep. Carn. p. 16, No. 6, there is a similar date, which at the same time would furnish an instance of an Unmilant Maha-dvddait (see ante, p. 178); but that date is quite incorrect.
• Compare Hemådri's Chaturvarga-chintamani, Vol. III Part II. p. 885, 1. 11: duddasi Chakrinas-tatha.— In other dates the 11th tithi is described as Hari-dina.
As the text stands, the word bhadré would be taken as the name of a karana, but, so far as I know, Bhadra is not synonymous with Gara. According to the Rev. F. Kittel's Kannada-English Dictionary, bhadre in Kanarese denotes the seventh astrological division of the day' (vishti, which would be out of place here).