[OCTOBER, 1997.
1867.-" The Menhla Tseetkay has wide jurisdiction over the whole valley of the Irrawaddy below Maudalay." - Fytche in Parl. Papers, British Burma, 8th June 1869, p. 39.
1867. - "The Tsootkay, or Governor of the district, came down somu miles with several pulling boats to meet as." - Pytche in op. cit. p. 41.
1868.-"The Troetkay . . . . official of Bhamo, sent me .... with letters," - Sladen, Bhamo Route, Parl. Papers, East India, 17th April 1871, p. 143.
1868. - "Tsitkay, Burmese official (under a Governor)." - Slatlen, Dhamo Route, Parl. Papers, East India, 17th April 1871, p. 144.
1871.- "The Tsoekay of the place, a very stout man, came on board." - Tulboys Wheeler, Mandalay to Bhamo, p. 99.
1876.-"A tsakai can only move diagonally one move at a time, backward or forward (in Burmese Chess)." - Strettell, l'icus Elastica, p. 57. [In the illustration to p. 58 the word is spelt sakay.]
1879. - "The police report that Moang Salmeh [? Salweh), the Sithoh [misprint for Sitkeh] of Minhla, has been ordered to collect 700 boatmen and arms there with muskets." - Parl. Pupers, Burinah (1886), [c. 4,614), p. 66.
1882, - "The pieces are as follows (in Burmese chess) :- Min =one king; Si'ke = one Lieutenant-General .... Si'ke can move diagonally in advance or retrograde one square at a time." - Scott, the Burman, p. 72 f.
1885. - "If they have to settle timber accounts to have lenve to come up to Mandalay with the Thitkyeitkyee Tseekai .... The Thithyeitkyee Sit-kai has therefore been sent to call you all to give evidence in this case according to your knowledge and without fear." Parl. Papers, Burmah, (1886), (c. 4,614) p. 183 f.
1885. -- " In order to attain this object they hired Nga Moungyee, the previous Tsit-kai of Thit Saikgyee (Thitkyeitkyee of the last quotation as their advocate .... Thitkyeitkyee Tseekai, Ko Moung Gyee told again." - Parl. Papers, Burmal, (1886), (c. 4,614], pp. 185, 195.
1886. - "The aconsed Maung Gyi and Maung Laut were respectively Myook of Taungnyo and Sitke of Thiteheikgyi (yet another form ! ] in the Ningyan district." - Purl. Papers, Burmal, No. 1, (1887), p. 160.
1889.-" (Letter) to Mobye Sitkò directing him to proceed to Ngwedaung and superintend the working of the silver mines ....From Sitkè of Kale-Teinnyin-Yazagyo reporting the suppression of the disturbances at Mognung .... From Mone Sitkègyi praying that the authority exercised by him as Military Saperintendent of Monè be net divided .... From Theinni Sawbwa stating that he is administering his State in consultation with Sitkè Nemyominhlayannaing appointed by His Majesty." — Taw Sein Ko, Hlutduro Records, pp. 4, 5, 6.
1893. - "Sitke, a lieutenant.general .... a sitke is now a judicial officer of the subordinate judicial service. In the Burmese times a sitkè in Upper Burma ranked next to a wun. There were two sitkes at a wan's head-quarters." - Stevenson, Bur. Dict. p. 367.7
Yongdo. The wide divergence in the form which this word has assumed in the works of various writers is due, firstly to its being composed of two separate parts, Yong, a court or office, and
47 There seem to be two separate radicale sit in Burmese : the one meaning "war, battle": the other meaning "to examine judicially." Henco probably the double, civil and military, senses in which the word sitkd is used. See Stevenson's remarks under ritkyo, etc., on p. 809.
** The Government recognised spelling is Yondaw. In this Journal I have adopted i to representar