c. 1470. -"Shabait, 37 on the Indian Sea, is a very large place; a tribute of one tenke a day is paid there to each Korosanee, big and small." - Nakitin in India in 15th Cent. Vol. III.. p. 20.
c. 1470. - "The seaports of Cheen and Machines are also large. When a woman conceives a child by a stranger, the husband pays him a salary. If the child is born white, the stranger receives a duty of eighteen tenkas: if it is born black he gets nothing, but is welcome to what he ate and drank." -Nikitin in India in 15th Cent. Vol. III. p. 21.
1511. - "The Mirei complained that his losses amounted to six lakhs of tankahs of Gujarat currency, that tankah being worth eight Murâdî tankahs - at the present time this tankah is still current in Khandesh and in the Dakhin." - Mirdt-i-Sikundari in Bayley, Gujarat, p. 246.
1516. - Y. a. v, tanga. -"A round coin like ours, and with Moorish letters on both sides and about the size of a fanon of Calicut .... and its worth 55 maravedis, they call these tanga, and they are of very fine silver." - Barbosa, p. 45.
1525.-Y. . v. T'incall in Supplt. -- "tymquall [borax) small, 60 tangas a maund." - Lembrunças, p. 50.
1525.-"2 fules = 1 dinar; 12 dinars = 1 tanga; 3 taugas 10 dinars = 1 new larin; 3 tangas 9 dinars = 1 old larin .... at Cambaye 1 tanga larin = 60 reis." - Lembrungas in Subsidios, Vol. III. pp. 38, 53. .
1535. - Y. &. v. copeck. - " It was on this that the grand Duchess Helena, mother of Evita Vassilievitch and regent in his minority, ordered, in 1535, that these Dengui should be melted down and new ones struck, at the rate of 300 dengui, or 3 roubles of Moscow à la grivenka, in kopeks. From that day accounts have continued to be kept in Roubles, Kopeks and Dengui." - Chaudoir, Aperçu sur les Monusies Russes.
c. 1541.- Y. 8. v. tanga. - "Todar....fixed first a golden ashrafi as the enormous remuneration for one stone, which induced the Gakkhars to flock to him in such numbers that afterwards a stone was paid with a rupee, and this pay gradually fell to 5 tankas,39 till the fortress (Rohtas) was completed." -Tarikh-i-Khún-Jahún-Lo, in Elliot, Vol. V. p. 115.
1551.-" The value of both of which is 35 rupees, 12 tangans." - Ain-:-Akbari, Blochmann's Trans. p. 37,
1551. -"The dîm weighs 5 tanks, i.e., 1 tolah, 8 mashas and 7 surkhs; it is the fortieth part of a rupee. At first this coin' was called paisah (we may now add "and last"? and also Bahloli; now it is known under this name (dam)." -din--Akbari, Bluchmann's I'd. p. 31.
1551. -- "Fazil of Khajand [? 1059-1071) says thnt in former days dirhams had been of two kinds; first :- full ones of eight and six dángs (1 dáng of his = 2 qiráts; '1 qirit 2 tassuj; 1 tassuj = 2 habbah).... the dínár is a gold coin, weighing I misqil, i. e.. 1 3/7dirhams, as they put 1 misqál, == 0 dángs; 1 dáng + tilssaj; 1 tassuj = 2 habbahs: 1 habbah = 2 jaus (barley-corns)." -- Ain-i-Akbari, Blochmann's bil, p. 36.
1554. "Nuner in his Tables does not mention these (cruxados or patacões) by either name, but mentions pardaos, which represented 5 silver tangas or 300 reis." - Yule, Hobson-Jolson 3. t. pardao in Supplt.
1534 - Y.. v. bargany in Supplt. - "E as tamgas brancas que se recebem dos foros, são de 4 barganis a tamga, e de 24 leaes o bargany." - 4. Nunez in Subsidios, p. 31.
11 Shabait
Sandra, the Port of Sumatra : see Yule, Hobson-Jobson, . v., Sumatra, and Cathau.
p. 323.
26 By the coast of Cheen and Macbin, Nikitin meant that of Siam, Cambodia and Cochiu China. % Meaning, says Yule, Bablait or Sikandarl tank is of copper.