(JULY, 1897.
IX. - Maha-navami or Durga-navami. [Púrva-viddhá.]
Manvadi. [Forenoon.] x: - Vijaya-dabami, anniversary of Rama's marching against Råvaņa; worship of
Aparajita, dešintara-yitra, etc.; (Dasra festival). Is very anspicious, when joined with the nakshatra Sravaņa. [Afternoon part or evening; special
Buddha-jayanti, Vishņu's incarnation as Baddha. [Sunset.] xi. - Påśâūkuša ekadasi. xv. - Kojagart purnima; Köjägara-vrata; the night is spent in worshipping Lakshmi
and Indra, and in games of chance. [Midnight.] ' Navanna-pürņima (only in some calendars. According to Molesworth, so ealled,
because at this time people generally begin to dress the new corn of the year).
Asvina-[or purnimanta Karttika-]kfishnapaksha. 1. – Aśünyasayana-vrata.** [Moonrise.] IV. - Karaka-chaturthi (in some calendars called Sankashta-chaturthi). [Moonrise.] VIII. - Kál-âshtanî. [Púrva-viddha.]
XI. - Rama ekadasi. XII. - Govatsa-dvadast (in Maraçhî also called Vasu-bi rasa), on which the cow and
calf are worshipped. (Evening.) XIII. - Dhana-trayodakl, on which money-lenders and others worship money. XIV.- Sivaratri. [Midnight.]
Naraka-chaturdast; bathing, etc., of people who are afraid of falling into hell.
· [Moonrise.] xv. - This titki and the immediately preceding and following tithis are called Dipavali
(Divatt)a festival with nocturnal illuminations, feasting, gambling, etc, in honour of Vishại and in propitiation of Lakshmi.' The principal day is the one on which the roon is in the nakshatra Svati.
VIII. - Karttika-suklapaksha. I. - Bali-pratipada; Bali-půjâ, worship of the Daitya Bali. [Párva-viddhd.] II. - Yama- or Bhratfi-dvitiya (in Marathi, Bhâu-bij). On this tithi Yama was
entertained by his sister Yamuna; hence sisters (on this tithi) give entertainments to their brothers, who make presenta in return.' [The day on which the tithi commences, if the tithi occupies the afternoon part of that day
only; otherwise the day on which the tithi ends ; others differently.] IV. - Vainayaki or Gaņeśa-chaturtht. (Midday.) VI. - When it falls on Tuesday, feeding of Brahmang, eto. VII. – Kalpadi, [Forenoon.) VIII. - Durg-or Annapurni-ashtami
Gop-Ashtami ; worship of cows, IX. - Kpitayugadi. [Forenoon.]
* See the same tithi of the three preceding months.