MARCH, 1896.)
“No one has yet found any fault in my work," said his father, and took a knife with a silver handle and killed himself,
“O my father, your son came to see your work only, but you have killed yourself!" said Sambu Kalkuda.
He buried his father and began to work in his place. Then a thousand people of Karkal came to see the Gammata, and said they wanted one like it; so Sambu Kalkuda disappeared from Belgula and appeared at Kårka!, where he made a Gammata two cubits higher than that at Belgala).
A thousand people of Yênur came to see the Gummata at Karkal, and said that they also wanted to establish one like it, and in the same way. When he saw them coming, he raised the Gummata straight up and disappeared immediately, going to Yênür. He made a Gummata, seven and seven, altogether fourteen, kôls 18 higher than that at Kirku!). One Bairana Sada saw this and broke one of his legs and a hand.
"Bairana Süda, you are rich and of a mean caste. You will see what happens hereafter, said Samba Kalkada.
He raised the Gummata straight up by only one hand, and disappeared, going on to Karinja, where he said that he would work at something. While he was working there Hitta Adyandar and Mitta Adyandar came to see his work. "
“ Can you build two temples with only one hand and one leg? And will you go early in the morning all round the temple ?" asked they.
“ I shall make a round of the temple at once," said Sambu Kalkuda.
"Are you the man to finish such a work at once ?'' said they, and spat in his face, and went away.
He built one temple and a high building in front of it. He made a stone wall around the temple. He made a tank for bathing. He made a car, in which to draw the god. In this manner he built the temple on the higher ground and came to the lower ground. He laid a foundation for the second temple and built on it. He built two temples before the morning and made the god to turn over the temple in the morning. When Hirta Adyandar and Mitta (Milla) Adyandar heard this and came running, the god ordered them not to touch the walls and not to come into the yard.
"If so much ground as the water in a cocoanut will surround is presented to me you may enter the temple !" said the god.
Then it turned out that the water in a cocoanat was sufficient to pour around a place sowing a hundred and twenty muras of paddy! This place was presented to the god, and they received sandal and flowers.
"I go to bathe in the Ganga in the south 1" Samba Kalkuda bathed in pare water at the Ubara Tirta at Ubara.
"I will go to bathe in the Gangå in the north, whither Baļa Sénava has gone." He went and bathed there, too.
POSA MAHÅRÅYE. Original, in the Kanarese character, occupies, text and translation, leaves 233 and 234 of the Burnell MSS. Translation according to the Burnell MSS.
** Two cubits = 1 kol.