FEBRUARY, 1896.)
March A. D. 1253, when the nakshatra was Ravati the 23rd June A.D. 1604, when the 7th tithi of from 3 h. 17 m. after mean sunrise.
the bright half ended 21 h. 36 m., and when the 6. - The year 42[8), the 17th day of Mina,
nakshatra was Hasta, by the equal space system Tuesday, the 10th lunar day, Pushya nak.
from 7 h. 13 m., and by the Brahma-Biddhanta shatra. - The yenr and month being the same as
from 3 h. 56 m. after mean sunrise. Jupiter, as in the preceding date, the 17th day of the month
required, was in Dhanus, which it had entered on of Mina was Tuesday, the 11th March A.D. 1253,
the 3rd February A. D. 1604. when the 10th tithi of the bright half ended 11.- The year 685, the 6th day of Tula, Friday, 12 h. 10 m., and the nakshatra was Pushya for the 8th lunar day of the dark half, Punarvasu 12 h. 29 m. after mean sunrise,
nakshatra. In Saka-Samvat 685 + 746 = 1431 7. – The year 440, the 23rd day of Karkataka,
expired the TulA-samkrinti took place 6 h. 31 m. Sunday, the 5th lunar day of the bright half,
after mean sunrise of the 30th September A. D. Hasta nakshatra. - In Saka-Samvat 440 + 747 1509; and the 6th day of the month of Tull = 1187 expired the Karkataka-sankranti took therefore was Friday, the 5th October A. D. 1509, place 4 h. 35 m. after mean sunrise of the 27th
when the 8th tithi of the dark half commenced June A. D. 1265; and the 23rd day of the month
9 h. 47 m., and the nakshatra was Punarvasu for of Karkataka therefore was Sunday, the 19th 17 h. Hm. after mean sunrise. July A. D. 1265, when the 5th tithi of the 12. The year 720, the 26th day of Makara, bright half ended 2 h. 8 m., and the nakshatra | Friday, the 18th Irnar day of the bright half, was Hasta for 6 h. 34 m. after mean sunrise. Mrigadirsha nakshatra. In Saka-Samvat 720
8.- The year 663, the 28th day of Tai(Makara), + 746 = 1466 expired the Makara-satikrinti took Thursday, the 11th lunar day of the bright place 1 h. 58 m. after mean sunrise of the 28th half, Mrigasireha nakshatra, Vaidhriti () December A. D. 1544, and the day intended by the yoga. - In Saka-Samvat 663 + 746 = 1409 expired date clearly is Friday, the 23rd January A. D. the Makara-saukránti took place 8 h. 5 m, after 1545, when the nakshatra was Mrigasiraha for mean sunrise of the 28th December A. D. 1487, 10 h. 30 m. after mean sunrise. This, however, which, according to the practice of the Trivandrum was the 27th (not the 26th) day of the month of and Calicut calendars, should have been counted Makara, and on it the 11th (not the 12th) tithi of as the last day of the month of Dhanus. But it the bright half ended, 14 h. 10 m. after mean was apparently here counted as the first day of gunrise. the month of Makara, and the 28th day of this
13.- The year 757, the 12th day of Vriácbika, month therefore was Thursday, the 24th January
Saturday, the lat lunar day of the dark hall, A. D. 1488, when the lith tithi of the bright
Rohini nakshatra, Jupiter in Dhanus.-In Saka. half commenced 4 h. 2 m., and when the nakshatra
Sainvat 757 + 746 = 1503 expired the Vriáchikawas Mrigasirsha for 21 h. 1 m., and the yoga
samkranti took place 19 h. 10 m. after mean Vaidhfiti for 13 h. 26 m. after mean surfrise. sunrise of the 30th October A. D. 1581; and the
9. - The year 749, the 1st day of Karkataka, 12th day of the month of Vrischika therefore was Wednesday, the 12th lunar day of the bright Saturday, the 11th November A. D. 1581, when half, Anuradha nakshatra. - In Saka-Satiivut the 1st tithi of the dark half ended 14 h. 36 m., 749 + 747 = 1496 expired the Karkataka-san- and the nakshatra was Rohini for 13 h. 8 m. after kranti took place 2 h. 58 m. after mean sunrise of menn sunrise. But Jupiter was no longer in the Wednesday, the 30th June A. D. 1574, which sign Dhanus, having loft that sign already on the therefore was the 1st day of the month of Karka. 11th May A. D. 1581. taka. On this day the 12th tithi of the bright
14. -- The year 778, Kaliyuga 4704, the 7th day half ended 21 h. 16 m., and the nakshatra was
of Mêsha, Monday, Rohini nakshatra, Gands Anuradha for 7 h. 13 m. after mean sunrise.
yúga, Jupiter in Vrischika. - In Saka-Saivat 10. - The year 779, Kaliyuga 4704, the 26th 778 + 747 = 1525 = Kaliyuga 4704 expired the day of Mithuna, Saturday, the 7th lunar dayMosha-sankranti took place 16 h. 27 m. after meun of the bright half, Hasta nakshatra, Jupiter in sunrise of the 28th March A. D. 1603, and the 7th Dhanus. - In Saka-Samvat 779 + 747= 1526 = day of the month of Mosha therefore was Mondsy. Kaliyuga 4705 (not 1704) expired the Mithuna- the 4th April A. D. 1603. On this day the sankranti took place 6 h. 33 m. after mean sunrise nakshatra was Rohini, by the Bruhma siddhantil of the 29th May A. D. 1604; and the 25th day of from sunrise, and by the equal-space systein from the month of Mithuna therefore was Saturday, 16 h. 34 m. after mean sunrise ; but the yogu
• Compare the date No. 14, below.