(FEBRUARY, 1896.
and that, roughly speaking, a Kollam year may mean sunrise. Besides, Jupiter was in the sigu be converted into a year A. D. by the addition Kumbha which it had entered on the 25th August of 824-25. With these equations, the dates in A. D. 1214. Mr. Pillai's pamphlet which contain details for
4. - P. 25, No. 6. A Tiruvattar inscription cxact verification work out as follows:
of the time of Vira-Udaiya-Mårtandavarman of 1. - P. 19, No. 3. A Puravachêri inscription Vêņåd is dated in the Kollam year 348, with of the time of Vira-Ravivarman of Venad is dated Jupiter in Karkataka, and the sun.. days in the year 386 after the appearance of Kollam, old in Mina, Thursday, Anuradha nakshatra. with the sun six days old in the sign of Vrishabha, Here the year 348 should correspond to Saka. Saturday, Mrigasiraha nakshatra. - In Saka. Samvat 348 + 746 = 1094 expired; but the date Samvat 336 + 747 = 1083 expired the Vpishabha really fell in Saka-Samvat 1093 expired. In that sarnkranti took place (by the Arya-siddhanta) year thu Mina-samkranti took place 20 h. 32 m. 6 h. 35 m. after mean sunrise of the 24th April after mean sunrise of the 22nd February A. D. A.D. 1161; and the 6th day of the month of 1172; and during the month of Mina the moon was Vrishabha therefore was Saturday, the 29th in the nakshatra Anuradha on Thursday, the April A. D. 1161, when the moon was in the 16th March A.D. 1172, which was the 23rd of the nakshatra Mrigasirsha for 20 h. 21 m. after month. On this 16th March Jupiter, as required, mean sunrise.
was in the sign Karkataka which it had entered
on the 23rd February A. D. 1172. 9. - P. 56, No. 13. A Varkkalai inscription of the time of Vira-Padmanabha-Mártandavarman I am not at present prepared to say that the of Vêņad is dated in the Kollam year 427, with
figures 389 and 348 of the dates 3 and 4 must Jupiter entering into Mêsha, and the sun 21 days necessarily both be considered as incorrect, but it old in Vpishabha, Wednesday, the 5th lunar is clear that at least one of them must be wrong. day after new-moon. - In Saka-Samvat 427 + Similarly to what is the case in many Saka dates 747 = 1174 expired the Vrishabha-samkranti took which quote wrong years, the position of Jupiter place 19 h. 33 m. after mean sunrise of the 24th is given correctly in both dates, and there is not April A. D. 1252; and the 21st day of the month the slightest doubt about the proper European of Vrishabha therefore was Wednesday, the 15th equivalent of either date. May A. D. 1252, when the 5th tithi of the
The other dates in Mr. Pillai's pamphlet do not bright half ended 10 h.38 m. after mean sunrise,
admit of exact verification. But the dates of the and when Jupiter was in the sign Mêsha which
inscriptions 7, 9 and 10, on pp. 28, 38 and 42 may it had entered on the 17th March A. D. 1252.
be looked upon as correct, because in the years 3.-P. 46, No. 11. A Kadinamkulam inscrip- quoted by the dates Jupiter really was in the tion of the time of Vira-Råma-Keralavarman of positions assigned to it. On the other hand, the Vénál is dated in the Kollam year 389, with dates of the inscriptions 2 and 8 on pp. 15 and Jupiter in Kumbha, and the sun 18 days old in 36 are quite incorrect. And in the date of the Mina, Thursday, Pushya nakshatra, the 10th inscription 12 on p. 49 one would at any rate have lunar day.-- By our equation the year 389 should expected the year to be +11 instead of 410. correspond here to Saka-Samvat 389 + 746=1135 expired; but in reality the date fell in Saka
The following dates are from inscriptions which Surivat 1136 expired. In that year the Mina
have not yet been published: - xiliakranti took place 23 h. 29 m. after mean
5.-The year 428, the 8th day of Mina, Sunday, sunrise of the 22nd February A.D. 1215; and the Rêvati nakshatra. - In Saka-Samvat 428 + 746 13th day of the month of Mina therefore was | = 1174 expired the Mina-sankranti took place Thursday, the 12th March A. D. 1215, when the 19 h. 24 m. after mean sunrise of the 22nd 10th tithi of the bright half ended 13 h. 2m. and February A. D. 1253; and the 8th day of the tlak nakshatra was Pushya for 11 h. 10 m. after month of Mina therefore was Sunday, the 2nd
• It will be seen from the above that, omitting hundrede, of an inscription in Archæol. Surv. of South. India, a kollam year, for the months from Sithon (or Kanya) to Vol. IV. p. 112, the Kollam year 775 is rightly described Mina, is exactly the same year of the Saptarshi era (ante, as Sarvarin according to the southern luni-solar system. Vol. XX. p. 151). Thus the year 428 of the date No. 5, This inscription has not been translated correctly by below, would be Saptarshi-8thvat 4328, or simply Mr. Pillai. The original indicates that Jupiter was in Samvat 28.
Dhanus in the Kollam year 366 (expressed by the word • This simply means the 6th,' and not the 7th.' Mártanda) A. D. 1189-90 ; and Jupiter was in Dhanus
6 In all the above dates the position of Jupiter is given from the 12th December A, D. 1188 to the 8th December in accordance with the mean-siga system. In the date A.D. 1189.