MARCH, 1892.)
Bhadraba hu II. took place 4 years after Vikrama's aceession to the throne. Further Bhadrabahu II. had a disciple named Gupti. The latter had three names, viz., 1, Guptagupti30, 2, Arhadbalin, 3, Visakhacharya. Further he had four disciples, viz., 1, one who used to keep his fourmonthly rainy season's retreat in the hollows) lower part of a tree of the Nandi species ;- this was the Acharya Maghanandin, who founded the Nandi Sangha : 2, one who originated the practice of keeping the rainy season's retreat under bushes ;31 he was called Jinasêna, and founded the Sena Sangha : 3, one who tised to keep his rainy season's retreat in the hole of lion,.hence he founded the Simha Saigha : 4, one who used to keep his rainy senson's retreat in the house of a courtenan named Dêvadatta; (he founded) the Deva Sangha. Thus, there arose four Sanghas of Acharyas in the Jain religion during the fifth period.
(1) Further in the before-mentioned Nandi Sangha there were the following names in use (for the Saogha): 1, Nandi Sangha, 2, Parijata Gachchha, 3, Balatkârn Gana: and the following four names for the Munis, viz. 1, Nandin, 2, Chandra, 3; Kirtti, 4, Bhûshana. Also the following four (names for the Saigha) were in use: 1, Sri Mula Saigha, 2, Nandi-Amnaya, 3, Sarasvati Gachchhn, 4, Balatkára Gaņa; and the four already-mentioned names for Munis: 1, Nandin, 2, Chandra, 3, Kirtti, 4, Bhushang.
(12) On this subject the following slokas occur in the Nîtisára, a work of Indranandin :
The Guru Arhadbalin effected the excellent combinations into Sanghas: the Simha Saigha, the Nandi Sangha, the famons Séna Sangha, and the Deva Sangha, which are well know to be distinguished by the places of their establishment.33
(13) Further the year 492 after the Lord Mahavira, which was the 24th year of Subhadra's pontificate, was also the 22nd year after the birth of Vikiama. Again in the fourth year of the latter's reign Bhadrabahu succeeded to the pontificate.
(14) Now 470 years after Mahîvîra King. Vikrama was born. Afterwards he passed 8 years in child's play ; next he spent 16 years in wandering over different countries; next he passed 56 years in ruling (his own country), being at the same time) devoted to varions sorts of beresy : finally having abandoned his earlier heresies and fostered tho Jain religion for forty years, he obtaineâ admission among the gods. Thus was the birth, etc., of King Vikrama.
(15) On this subject there are the following Gâthâs in the Vikrama Prabandha :
"It was the year 470 when the birth of Vikrama took place. For eight years he played as a child; for sixteen he roamed over the country; for fifty-six he exercised rulo, being given over to false doctrine; for forty years he was devoted to the religion of the Jina and then obtained heaven."
(16) Thus there arose in the Mola Sangha Gáņas, Gachchhas, Sanghas, and such like (distinctions). On this subject there is the following verse ir the Nitisira :
" First there arošo from the Mûla Saugba the Sitapata (or white-robed) Saugha, and then the Kishtha Sangha. Then there arose the so called Drávida (Saùgha), and then again a certain Yapúli Saugba. In that Müla Sangha, adorned by many Munis, there was the Sôna and the Nandi Sangha; also the Sangha of wide reputation, which was called after Simha; and as the fourth there was tho Deva Sangha."
Thus then in the original Mâla Sangha there aroșe first another şvêta Parti, or "whiterobed," Gachchha, after that there came the Kashţha Sangha, after that the Drávida Gachchha, and finally the Yapuliya Gacltchba.
(17) Further, some time after the above-mentioned Gachchhas the Svêtâmbaras came into existence : also the Yápaniya Gachchha, the Kêkipichchba, the Svētavisa, the Nibpichchha, and the Drávida. These five Sanghas are called false Jains. They adopt marks in imitation
10 Or rather, Gaptigupta.
01 Text: trinta-tala vishai, lit. at the foot of grassos.' * Referring to the places probably, where the several retreats used to be kept in the rainy seasons.