Jayanaman, a Jain teacher ....
.... 158 king local magnate in folktales...........45 note Jayaditya of Vijayapura, his copper-plate kinoly, a mythical animal of the Malagasy ... 259
punt found at Gorakhpur.......................169 f. kirita = Ro Keren .............................. 317 yêtûvati, a suburb of Pegu ......................... 385 Kite, superstitions as to the, in Madras ...... 273 pinaprabhamuni, the author of the Sandtha- Kògun, caves at, described ............ ......... 378 vishanshadir ....................................... 21+ Kokarék, a visit to .............
............ 379 Jinêndrabuddhi, another name of Dêva. Kokbûn na yun Hill, visited ......................381 f. nandin .....
........... 156 n. Kümati, folk-etymology of the name 93:-- a
folktale of the caste .............................93 f.
Könagumana the Buddha, mentioned in the K and t, contusion of, in the Haki Chin lan
Bharaut inscriptions .............................. 226 guage ............
................. 128
Kongbaung Thariwadi, King of Burna ... 290 k, a prefix to verbal roots in Chin, explained. 125 Kongunan dalam, conquered by KulotttungaKachins, a tribe of the Shan States ............. 116 Chòla............
............. 282 Kadambas, the Early .............................. 93
Kornúr, a village in the Belgaum District; Kadin Chins, their language ...................... 216 the rock-cut inscription of Damodara (Early Kakatiya kings of Worangal, their genealogy 197 Kaulamba), edited ............ ................. 33 Kakutsanda, the Buddha, mentioned in the Ko Rajakosarivarman = Kulottunga-Ckóla Bharaut inscriptions ......... ................ 226
281, 282 Küla princes, logendary accounts of the ......21 ff. Köring Nát, a spirit of the Ching ................ 191 Kalinira king, defeated by Ganapati of Kan. Kot Salbahan in Sahaswûn ........................ 319 chipura ............
................. 197 Krittikare
Ksittikäryn, a Jain teacher, 158; Taine l
elsewhere alingamandalam conquered by Kulottunga. the name is Kshattriya ......................... 158 n. Chola..........
. ..................... 283 Kulttunga-Chòla, his life 282 f.: acceded wigattu-Parani, its notices of Kulût. 1071 A. D., 283:- inscriptions of him ...281 ff. tunya-Chola.............
................... 283 | Kuntala (= Western Chalukya) fight with Kalit a shrine in North Travancore ......... 95, 96 the kings of, by Kulottunga-Chola ......... 282 kalpintarváchydini, a note on the 211, de. Kwônùn Chins, their dress ..................... 216
scried 213, its recent date .................... 21+ Kyaikpun near Pegu, ruins at, notes on......383 f. kalpasitra, a note on the 211:- the first
Juin text translated ......... Kalsi, real local name of ...... .......... 319
luck, good, to go to see a sacred image with Kalyani inscriptions at Pegu, allusion to......
the eyes closed 96; in seeing the deity first Kalyanisima, account of 383; inscriptions at,
of all things at a fixed festival 96:- bad, noted......................................
a disgrace............................................. 102 Kanchipura was included in the dominions
Las, a tribo in the Shan States .................. of the Kakatiya kings ...... .................. 197
Lata =Gujarat ................ Kanh) Chins occupy the country to S. of
life-index, instance of 187 f. :-is a jowel......
Lõhtrya, a Jain teacher Manipur ...................
190 Kanishka founded the Saka era 206, le and
lunar astronomy of the Jains his successors used the Saka era..............
Lunar Race, the, included the Western kautôn = Kanh) ............
Chalukyas ................ Kerant quoted Taitila.....
Lushais were probably one race with the il... . .................. 18 f. Karennis, their customs ...........................317 f.
Hakà Chins not long since 197; their lanKarens in the Shan States 116: customs of
guage most nearly related to Haki Chins... 123 the Red, 317 f.:-language, noted ............. 377 Kirikal, real name is Karaikkal.................. 327 ma, the letter, is a test letter in ancient Kasyura the Buldha mentioned in the
Indian Alphabets ............
.......... 0 Bharint inscriptions .............................. 926
Midhariputa Sirisena the Ardurabhritya ... 204 Katarapra, ancient name of the Chandragiri Migudhi Prikçit discussed 26 f.:- as the
hill at Sravanil-Belgola ...... ................ 158 ! dialect of Asoka, term explained 173; was Kansâmbli = Kösa mentioned in the
the official dialect of Asoku's Court .......173 f. Bharaut inscriptions .......... .............. 225 Maghanandin, the Digambaras divided into Kaya = Red Karen .................................. 317 four divisions in his time ......... ......... 59 K daba Pagoda visited 382; is che Kolasubba Mahîcheti, an ancient Pagoda at Pego, notes
pabbatacbetiya of the Kalyani inscriptions. 382 on ....................................... ....... 3S3 . Khundaruttu Jutaku described ..................305 f. Mahadeva, father of Ganapati of Kaachipura 197