OCTOBER, 1892.)
pearl fisheries, and Podiyam, where flourished the three kinds of Tamil (literature), and the mid Sahya hills (Western Ghâts), where huge wild elephants are captured, and Kappi (Cape Comorin), and fixed the limits of the Southern (Påņdya) land; who sent to the upper world all the kings of the western hilly country . * and, scattering his enemies, erected on all the pablic paths boundary-marks (of his territories) including Kottaru; who conquered the Kalingamandalam of embanked floods; whose valour and munificence shone like the gorgeous necklace and the garland of flowers on his shapely shoulders; who, worshipped by the wbole world, deigned to sit on the throne of heroes with Tyagavalli, the mistress of the whole world, like Siva with Umâ, and with Blisaivallabhi, the mistress of the seven worlds, the most beauteous amongst women, like Ganga with Umâ, and with the goddess Earth, - the deed in writing of a sale of land by the great assembly of Vanavanmahadevi. chaturvedimangalam in Kumilinadu in Åmarkottam in Jayańkondacholaman. dalam. The land that we have sold and given, to be used as a garden for a Matha, to Chantillzo Chande varadeva of the temple of our lord Mahadeva of Tirukkaluk kunram in Sembiyan-Tirukkalukkupram, otherwise known as Ulagalanda-Cholapuram, in Kalattar-Kumilinadu, is as follows: Of the land which we have given in Kraippakkam [P] [a western hamlet) of our village, to be improved by cutting down the jungle and by removing the stumps of trees, the eastern boundary is Orômâtta [P], the southern boundary is Tâlaivêtta [P], the western boundary is Vigâmbam [P], the northern boundary is Taydurai [P]. Within these four limits, the wet land and dry land, the trees overground and the wells underground, we have sold to be used as a garden land for the Naminandi-Adigal-Maths in the madai-világan of this town, exempt from taxes, and we have received as the price achai nelli kasu ten. We have sold (the land and all our rights thereto) completely, and, having received the whole of the price, we have executed this deed of sale. We, the great assembly are bound to pay the peruváram, the silavuvari, and all other taxes that may be imposed on this land. Exempt from all taxes we have given it. The representatives of this assembly are:13 ........... We all have had this deed of sale engraved, so that it may last as long as the sun and moon exist. We, the great assembly. This is the writing of Vanavanmahadevi. udaiyan Selvan Kumarap of Amarkottam.
BY MAJOR'B. C. TEMPLE. In Vol. XX. pp. 422-423, ante, reference was made to a statement that the rule of Succession in the Manipur State was, that all the brothers of the reigning king succeeded by seniority before his sons ; failing brothers the king's sons succeeded in turn. The line of succession would therefore run thus: - The living brothers in order of seniority, then the sons of the last brother in order of seniority. The tree of succession might in fact be as follows:
A (1) Reigning king
B (2) Eldest son
d (3) Second son
D (4) Third son
Fourth son (died young)
Fifth son. (died young)
G (5)
* Read I diddaa ?.]
11 [Should the two preceding words be a misreading of katu 10 P.) 13 [The names of these people are omitted in the translation, as their spelling is very uncertain. Each of them has either the attribute bhafta or kramavid.)