AUGUST, 1892.1
No. 152.74 Bo[dhiga]tasa dânam. The gift of Bodhigupta.
No. 153.76 ..... Himavate i .....
No. 154.76 .......... [m]ika[sa dânam).
No. 155 (xxv. 4; lv. 94).77 M[u]ga[pa]k[i]y[a]j[]ta[ka]. The jdtaka (which treats) of the cooking of beans ().
No. 156 (xxvi. 7). Isis[imgiya jata[ka). The játaka (which treats) of Ribyabringa.
No. 157 (xxvi. 8; lv. 97). Yam bram[h]ano avayesi jatakam. The játaka (entitled)" yan brahmans avádési."
No. 158 (xxvii. 11; liii. 11). Hamsa-jataka. The swan jdtaka.
No. 159 (lvi. 66). Tirami timigila-kuchhimha Vasuguto mâchito Mahadevânam.78
Vasugupta is rescued from the belly of the sea-monster (and brought) on shore by Mahadova.70
No. 160 (lvi. 19). 1 [Ba]huhathika asana 2. [bhaga)vato MahÂdevasa. The seat of the blessed Mahadeva (under the banyan tree) Bahuhastika.90
Asada (Ashiha) 9. Achhara (Apsaras) 51 to 54.
Åsana 160. Agaraju (Angâradyut) 1.
asa vårika (asva°) 36. Ajakalaka (Adya) 93.
atha (artha) 124. Ajâ tasata (satru) 77.
Atimuta (mukta) 108. Alambusâ (Alambushậ) 54.
avayesi (3rd pers. sing. aor. of vidayati) 157. amtevasin (ante) 97.
Avisana (Avishanna) 141, 142. Anadhapedika (Anathapiņdika) 38.
aya (Arya) 2, 23, 25, 26, 45, 67, 76, 95, 97, 114, Anuradha 85.
122, 134. anusisati (sâsti) 4. Apikinaka 122.
Badhika (Bodhikâ ?) 27. Arabaguta (Arhadgupta) 80. lvi. 3.
Bahahathika (Chastika) 61, 62, 160. arâmaka (Arâmika) 63.
bhadamta (bhadanta) 23, 66.
74 On rail 8, Plate xxxviii. No. 3; much injured, 78 On rail 12, Plate xxiv. No. 8.
76 On pillar 28, Plate xix. 11 Nos. 155 to 160, the originals of which were not removed to Caloutta, are transcribed from General Cunningham's photographs and eye-oopies in his Stapa of Bharhut.
7 Road Tiramhi timingila- kuchhimha Vasuguto mochito Vanaderna.
To see the corresponding relief on Plate xxxiv. No. 2, of the Stapa of Bharhut. Mahadeva probably refers to the Mahisatta or Bodhisatta ; compare No. 160.
* See p. 232, note 42. • Arabic figures refer to the Nos of the insoriptions, Roman figures to the Plates of the Stapa of Bharhul.