AUGUST, 1892.]
and two serpent kings (någardja). Baddhistical terms are: - chaitya, bôdhi or bodha, bidhichakora and dharmachakra. The mention of donors who were versed in the Pitakas, (No. 134), in the Satranta (No. 95) and in the five Nikdyas (No. 144) proves that the Buddhist canon and its subdivisions were known and studied in the second or first century B. C. Among the donors are one householder (grihapati), one trooper (asvaváriku), one sculptor (rúpakdraka), four preachers (bhdnaka) and twelve nuns (bhikshumi). Others are characterised as members of the priesthood by the epithet reverend' (Arya or bhadanta).
No. 1 (Cunningham's Plate liii. No. 1). 1 Suganam raje raño Gâgi-putasa Visadevasa 2 pauteņa Goti-putasa Ågarajusa puteņa 3 Vâchhi-putena Dhanabhätina karitam torann 4 silê-kammato cha upamņa.10
Daring the reign of the Sungas, - Vatsi-putra Dhanabhati, the son of Gaupti-putra AngAradyutil (and) grandson of king Gargi-putra Vibvadeva, caused (this) gateway to be nade, and the stone-work1 arose.
No. 2 (liii, 1.b). Aya-Någadevasa dânam. The gift of the reverend Nagadáva.
No. 8 (liii. 2 b; Hoernle's No. 5). Maghadeviya jataka. The játaka (which treats) of Makhadova.
No. 4 (liii. 3 b; Hoornle's No. 6). Dighatapasi sise anusâsati. Dirghatapasvin instructs (his) pupils.
No. 5 (liii. 4 b.; Hoernle's No. 7). Abode châtiyam.13 The chaitya on (Mount) Arbuda.
No. 6 (liii. 5). Sujato gahuto jataka. The já taka (entitled) "Sujata caught. "14
No. 7 (liii. 6). Bidala-jatara 15 kukuta-jataka. The cat játaka, (also called) the cock játaka.
No. 8 (liii. 7). Dadanikamo chakama. The enclosure (called) Dandanish krama (?).
. The text of Nos. 1 to 154 is transcribed from impressions which I prepared at Caloutts in 1885. A facsimile of No. 1 is found ante, Vol. XIV. p. 189, and facsimiles of Nos. 3 to 15, 17 to 51, 55 to 151, and 159 in the Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morg. Ges. Vol. XL. pp. 60 and 70.. • Read toranan (I instead of D.
10 Read upanno (1 instead of I). 11 As suggested by Dr. Buhler, this name has to be explained by Angara[ka] ia dyötata ity Angaradyut, shining like the planet) Mars. The ouatom, in accordance with which each of the three kinga bears & secondary name derived from the gótra of his mother, has descended through the Andhras to the Kadambas and Chalukyas ; se Dr. Fleet's Kanarese Dynasties, p. 5, note 2.
11 See Childers' Pau Dictionary, s. v. lammanto. 18 Possibly & clerical mistake for chetiyan.
# Gahuto (Sanskrit grihttan) appears to mean either surprised' or 'anderstood' (by his father); see the Sujdtajataka, Fausboll's No. 852.
10 This is a clerical mistake for jataka (i.. jdtakar).