JULT, 1892.)
bows and arrows. They have a square leather weeds have constantly to be kept down, and the shield, which, when on the war.path, they carry in work of weeding falls to the lot of the women, the left hand, and with which they ward off spear who also loosen the ground round the young thrusts and arrows. They have no accoutre- shoots with Dámbyás, which are bought from ments.
Burmans, as soon as the crop is a few inches high. Exports and Imports.-The principal exports The first crop of sàt is reaped in August; other of these Chin tribes are
crops are reaped in November and December. Plantains.
Sat (a small millet). The same ground is cultivated for two years only, Tobacco. Ginger.
as in the third year the grass grows so strongly Indian-corn leaves Pork.
that cultivation is impossible. It is therefore left (for cheroots.) Honey.
until jungle has again grown on it, when, usually Chillies. Beeswax.
after five years.-- it can again be cleared and Turmeric. Cane mate.
cultivated. The principal imports are
Threshing is performed as under:-The grain Salt. Marbles.
in the ear is collected in heaps near the grainBlankets. Trinkets.
huts in the fields, and trodden out by foot on large Sheets. Spears.
cane mate, from which it is transferred into Gaungbaungs. Damarks.7
enormous cane baskets standing over four feet Cotton (raw). Pauktis."
high. Some grains, such as Indian-corn, are Cotton (thread). Iron.
stored loose in the ear in the grain-huts. Needles. Sickles.
The principal crops areDyes. Cattle.
(1) Taungyá paddy. (12) Sugarcane. Brass-wire. Goats.
(2) Sát (a small mil- (13) Plantains. Gongs. Dogs.
(14) Pineapples. Cymbals. Fowls.
(3) Chaiksàn (a large- (15) Chillies. Small bells. Ngapi.
grained millet). (16) Brinjals. (AuBeads. Dumbyàs.10 (4) Millet.
bergine). Agriculture.-The system of cultivation carried (5) Indian-corn. (17) Tomatoes. on by the different sections or tribes on the South (6) Yams.
(18) Pumpkins. Yd frontier is much the same everywhere, and (7) Sweet potatoes. (19) Gourds. the crops produced vary but slightly. It is all (8) Ginger.
(20) Tobacco. taungya" cultivation. No cattle are used in (9) Beans (of various (21) Cotton. ploughing. All the work is done by hand, a great kinds, some an (22) Turmeric. deal being performed by women. The only
inch in length). (23) Onions. exception to this systom of agriculture is that a (10) Peas (of kinds). (24) Garlic. few villages of Chinbôns in the southern end of
(11) Dal. the Môn Valley have a few buffaloes, with which they plough a few paddy-fields; but this industry Much damage is done to the crops by bears, does not prosper, as their more powerful neigh- pigs, and deer, and also by birds. The Yindus bours carry off their cattle to sacrifice to the nats. build huts high up in trees, in which they sit at The first operation in the taungyd system is
night to frighten off the bears. Various scareto clear the jungle off the slopes to be brought
crows are also used to frighten off birds. under cultivation. This work is performed by Grains which require to be husked are treated the men in the month of October with damauks, as follows:-A log is planted in the ground which they buy from the Burmans. The jungle, protruding about three feet. The top is scooped thus cut, lies until quite dry, till it is burnt in out so as to form a deep cup, into which the grain the month of April. The ground is then cleared is dropped and pounded with a club. The Chinand, without further preparation, the grain is bôns, who live in houses near the ground, have planted as follows:-In the right hand a sharpened this log protruding through the floor of their or rather pointed, stick is held, with which holes houses and therefore perform this work inside are drilled into the ground. Into these holes the the house. This work falls on the women, and grain is dropped with the left hand. After this very hard work it is. While cultivating, the
Burmese turbans. 1 dls or knives used for household purpose. & Spades.
Preparation of putrified fish used as a condiment. 19 Trowels. 11 Temporary forest clearing.