(JANUARY, 1892.
Book II. in three chapters, tirichchha kim gachhai, how does the sun go sideways?, viz. :
[407] 1. Eight different antagonistic opinions in reference to the rising and setting of the sun.
2. Of the passing of the sun from one circle to another, etc. 3. Of the speed of the sun's motion through each of its 184 circles. Book III. obhâsaï kêvaiyam ? how much (space) is illuminated (by sun or moon) ?
Book IV. Of the sêya, svetatî, the luminous body and field of illumination of the sun and - moon.
Book V. Of the resistance which is met with by the light of the sun (20 different pratipattis).
Book VI. Of the nature of the sun's light, and of the continuance of the power of its beams.
Book VII. Who draws to himself (absorbs) the light of the sun ?
Book VIII. Of the rising of the sun, or of both the suns, in Jambudvipa, and of the 4, 12, 42, 72 suns in the other dvipa.
Book IX. Of the amount of shade in the different seasons.70 See Ind. Stud. 10, 284.
Book X. in 22 chap. (about of the whole). Of the connection of the moon with the nakshatras, viz. :
1. &valiya, the order of succession of the 28 nakshatras beginning with Abhijit.
2. muhuttagge, the number of hours for the connection of each of the naksh, with the moon or with the sun.
[408] 3. bhågå, the parts of the day or night (or of the heavens) which belong to each of the nakshatras.
4. jógasa, more exact statements in reference to the time of day in which the nakshatras some into conjanction with the moon and the length of this conjunction.
5. kulaim, the family connections of the naksh. with the months.
6. punnamisi, the days of the full moon; how and with which nakshatra these end during each of the five years of a yoga.
7. sanivåe, the mutual harmonious concatenation of the days of the new and full moon. 8. samthii, figures of the naksh, 9. tåraggam, number of stars of the naksh. 10. nota, leader, i. e. which naksh. lead which month? 11. chamdamaggam, relation of the nakshatras to the 15 day-circles of the moon. 12. dêvatâņa ya ajjhayanê, the tutelary divinities of the nakshatras. 13. muhuttanam namayai, the names of the 30 muhurtas.
14. divasarãi, the names of the 15 days and the 15 nights of the karmamasa, calendar month.
15. tihi, tithayah, ditto of the lanar month. 16. gotta, the families of the naksh.
17. bh@yankņi, the foods which are good during each of the naksh-That the naksh. begin here with Ksittika (!), is due to the influence of the well-known material that is here treated of.
18. Aichchachâra, course of the naksh.) with the sun or with the moon during the yoga.
[409] 19. müsâ, names of the months of the world and those above the world (18köttara, chiefly of climatic contents).
19 pôris mandalam is oited in Nandi as a separate text.