JUNE, 1892.]
Tlantlangs. -The Tlantlangs are about 7,500, but about them I am not so certain as about the Yokwàs and Håkàs.
Independent Baungshês.-I estimate the independent Baungsbê villages south of Yokwa and Hakà at 2,500 houses, which, computed as above, gives a population of 12,500.
The totals therefore are
Tashöns .................... 50,000 Håkås .............
12,500 Yok was ..................... 3,000 Tlantlangs ..................
7,500 Independent Baungshês. 12,500
Total ... 85,500
NOTES AND QUERIES. GOOD AND BAD OMENS IN MADRAS. made on the forehead with a paste of cummin seed If a person comes across the following when and sugar, which is called the upanayanam pa starting on a journey, or on a special errand, extra, nayanam = eye, or extra eye), and also the it is a good omen: a married woman, a virgin, mental eye. This ceremony generally takes a prostitute, two Brahmans, the playing of music, place before a Brahman boy attains his twelfth any money, fruit, a light, an umbrella, any food, year. If it is delayed longer the boy is classed
with the Sûdras. milk, curds, mutton, precious stones, sandalwood, rice, a cow, a bull, an elephant, a horse, a pot full Punyavachanam are rites of purification. of water, a pot of tadi, a black monkey, a dog, Literally the term means "something said on a a deer, a corpse, a royal eagle, any honey, fish, good day," (punya = good, odchanam = word). the recital of the Vedas.
The rites consist in bathing the body (andnam): But if he comes across any of the following, it seating the principal persone upon wooden seats is a bad omen:-one or three Brahmans, a in the midst of assembled guests and relations, widow, any fuel, smoke, a snake, a new pot, &
new pot, a and announcing the ceremony of sankalpam : i.e., blind man, a lame man, a pot of oil, any leather,
the worship of Ganêśa as the god of wisdom, salt, a tiger.
who is adored in the shape of a cone made of
turmeric powder and water, placed upon rice If a person places his head always towards the
contained in a silver tray. enst in the sleeping posture, he will obtain
This ceremony is wealth and health: it towards the south, a
performed on the twelfth day after confinement lengthening of life: if towards the west, fame:
or delivery, on which day the days of pollution
are said to cease. The husband, who has grown if towards the north, sickness. So a person
his hair from the day of conception till now, may should not lay his head to the north while
shave when the ceremony is over. sleeping If you dine with a friend, or relative, on Monday,
Among the Brühmaņs the host and the hostess
call with the family priest on their friends and Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday, it is well: if on
relations in the place on the day previous to a a Tuesday, there will ensue an ill-feeling: if on a
marriage, generally towards the evening, and Thursday, endless enmity: if on a Sunday,
invite them to the ceremonies and to all meals hatred.
during the days of the marriage celebration. In If, when you are leaving the house, your head
token of the invitation the priest presents them or feet strike accidentally against the threshold,
with a little holy rice or mantarakshadai. The you must not go out, as it foretells that some
invitation party is always accompanied with mischief will befall you.
music. Among the lower castes printed invi. When the thalt or the sacred jewel on a tations are distributed with pan supdri by some thread worn round the neck of a Brahman male member of the house, told off for this duty, woman is lost, it is an omen that her husband will
to the friends and relations in the place. fall ill or be lost soon.
(1) ThinjÀn. In the Rangoon Gazette of the When an elderly person calls on his friends 6th April, 1892, there appeared the following or relations and expects to see their children, he paragraph :should generally take with him some sweet. "At 8 hrs. 34 m. 488. p. m. on Monday, the meats to be given to the children.
full moon of Naung Taga, 1253, (11th April, Upanayanam is the ceremony of investiture 1892) three guns will be fired from the Post with the sacred thread. In this rite a mark is Officer's Flag Staff at Rangoon and from the