APRIL, 1892.)
On arrival they found an engraved stone, with inscriptions said to have been written by the deities to guide them in ruling the country,
All Sabwas are said to be descendants of the two first rulers and the officials of Sang P'an and Tariya
The earth is supposed to have been brought from the depths by a species of white-ant. The depth is 84,000 yusands, the height 84,000, and the shape square. Nine spirits from above came down and then established earth, water, heavena, and religion. They divided the world into 16 divi. sions. The story of the division is as follows:
A lotus with four leaves flowered between three stones. Then the Myinmo mountain, which was 84.000 yesaniis within the waters, and 84,000 yúsands above, then appeared. It was surrounded by seven mountains, namely, (1) Wikanto, (2) Yokkantala, (3) Eks'engdala, (4) Némengdala, (5) Sudatsana, (6) Astana, (7) Gandama. These are the worla, which was divided into four great islands, namely, (1) Pop'a Wideha, or the Eastern Island; (2) Amyagaw ya, or the Western Island; (3) Guru. Utang, or the Northern Island ; (4) Sampudipa, or the Southern Island. This last was subdivided into 16 countries. These having been formed, nine Brahmans came down from heaven and created man, animals, trees, flowers, fruits, grain, and water.
varsa-nirmmülana Lainkadvipa-luntana-dvitiyaRama Cholakula-snila-kulisa Karnnåțarajavidravana Kathaka-kari-katapakala vividha-ripudurgga-marddana Virs-Kanda-Gopala-vipinadå vadahana Kanchi-puruvaradhisvara-Gana. pati-hari
2 nn-Särdadla Nelldrapura-virachita-vira. bhisheka pranata-raja-pratishthapaka maharâjâdbirija-paramêsvara - KŮChchadaiparmarmana Tribhuvanachchakravarttiga! emmar. dalamunkond-aruliya Sri-Sundara-Pandiya. dévax[ku] yinilu 10vadu pattávadu Risbabhnnâ yarru apara-[pa]kshattu Budan-kilamaiyuv prathamaiyum perra A[ni). 3 lattu-nal.
TRANSLATION. A.-Sanskrit portion.
Hail! Prosperity! Hail! The snpport of the whole world, the ornament of the race of the Moon, the Madhara (Krishna) of the city of Madhura, the uprooter of the Korula rnce, a second Rama in plundering the island of Lanka, the thunderbolt to the mountain (which was) the Chola race, the dispeller of the Karnata king, the fever to tl.e elephant (which was) the Kathaka (king), the destroyer of the strongholds of various enemies, the jungle-fire to the forest (which was) ViraKanda-Gopala, the tiger to the deer (which was) Ganapati (who was) the lord of Kanchi the best of cities, he who was anointed as a hero in the town of Nellor, who re-established those kings who prostrnted themselves before him, the maharijadhirája-paramébvara :
B. - Tamil portion. In the 10th-tenth-year of the reign) of (thia) king (ko) Jatavarman, alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Sundara-Pandyadeva, who was pleased to conquer every country,--on the day of (the nakshatra) Anuradha, which corresponded to Wednesday, the first tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Rishabha.
Among the enemies of whose conquest the king boasts in the Sanskrit preamble of his inscription, there are two names of individuals, viz. Ganapati, the lord of Kasichi, and ViraKanda.Gopala The dates of each of these are known from other sources. An inscription of the
OF SUNDARA-PANDYA. The island of Srirangam neaz. Trichinopoly bears two ancient temples, one of Vishnu which is called Ranganatha, and one of Siva which is ealled Jambukêsvars in Sanskrit and Tiruvanai. kkòvil in Tamil. Within the second of these two temples, my First Assistant, Mr. V. Venkayya, discovered an inscription of Sundara Pandya, which promises to settle the date of this king within narrow limits The inseription is engraved on the south wall of the second prikira which I was not permitted to enter. The subjoined transcript of its first lines is made with the help of another identical inseription, the date of which is lost, on the west wall of the third prúkdra.
TEXT. i Svosti srih .. Svasti Samasta-jagad-adhara Somakula-tilaka Madhurapura-Madhava Kêrnļa-
of his Buddhahood, was presented by the two brothers Mahápunna and Cholapunna with a sandalwood monas. tery situated at Vánijjagama, otherwise called Légaing, ia Sunapuranta." Legaing is in the Minbu District of Upper Burma. Mahapurna and Chulapurņa are other wise known as Mahasambhava and Chulasambhava, aons of Lahaduka, adopted son of Thadonganaing, first my. tbological king of Tagaung. The legends given, aute,
Vol. XVIII. p. 272ff. and Vol. XIX. p. 437ff, read with this one go far towards settling the origin of these garbled Shân tales. Sanparalit is possibly the Chandapuri on the Mekong of Yule and other writers.-ED.)
A y n (y jana) is the measure of the distance the eye enn rench.
15 [The Indian origin, probably through Buddhist tradition, of the above folktales is obvious. -ED?