[APRIL, 1892.
Bases in IN. - At Kh., we have both the Feminines. - Dative sing. in úyé; D. : consonantal form piyadasiné, piyadasind, and the vihiinsayé, V, 10; VII-VIII, 9, &c. -- Instr. vocalic form piyadasisú, 1, 2, 3, &c. - At Dh., sing., Kb.: madhuliyayê, XIV, 20; pujáyé, along with the nom. piyadasi (never osi), we XII, 31; vividhaya, XII, 31 (read vividhúyé) : only find the consonantal declension piyadasine, Dh.: dav(a)yé, det. I, 9; isáya, det. I, 10; piyadasina. - At D., we have only the nom. túlanáya, det. I, 11 (Jaug. in dye); D.: agáyá, piyadasi, written always with the short final 1, 3 (RMya); agáya, I, 4 (
M yan); anulu, vowel, while A has usually piyadasi. -- Bh. : páyú, VII-VIII, 13, 16, 18; arihinsayê, VIIpiyadasi, 1.
VIII, 9; kú mutáyú, I, 3 (ARM 'ya); palikháyd
I, 4 (ARM Øya); pújáyú, VI, 8 (RMya); (c). - Declension of vocalic bases. vividháya, VI, 8; vividháyá, VII-VIII, 3; Bases in A. - Masculinos. - Nom. sing. susisiyá, I, 4 (RM oya). - Abl. sing., D.: everywhere é. Kh. has two noms. in 8 : kela- vihiti yé, II, 13. - Loc. sing. Kh.: sarililaputó and satiyaputo, II, 4. - Dat. sing. in lanayé, pujúyé, VI, 19; Db.: sculilandya, CI, úyé, everywhere except at R., which has only | 31 (Jang. bas saritilaniyd, which should prothe two datives étaya athaya, and once at M. bably be read : 'nayd); palisáya, VI, 30. D.: in athaya, corresponding to D., II, 15. - Loc. artalikúyé, V, 20; athamipakháyé, V, 15, sing. in asi. Anné bhagé (Kh., VIII, 23; Dh.,
18; cháyudusúyé, V, 15, &c.; tisáyan, V, 11 VIII, 5) and pajópadáyé (Kh., IX, 24; Dh.,
(tisayé, V, 15, 18). - Nom. plur., Dh. : pajá, IX, 6) appear to be locs, in é; at Jang, det. II, V, 17; janáó, IX, 24; Bh. : gáthú, 5; upásikú, 16, khanókhanasi of Dh. is represented by khané 8. san'an, which can hardly be taken as any Bases in T.-Neuters.- Nom. plur., Dh. ;. thing but a double locative, santan being
hathini, IV, 3. D.: ásinavagumini, III, 20; equivalent to savité (?); Kh. appears to read
anusathini, VII-VIII, 20, 1. vijayariui, XII, 11.- Abl. sing. in in manatatá, R., II, 5, 3.-The acc. plur. would be in a
Feminines.- Nom. sing., Kh.: in i ;D h.; in bahuká dôsú, Kh., 1, 2, if comparison with in i, except ahini, IV, 18; dadhi, det. I, 15, G. and J. did not lead us to consider that this 16 ; annsathi, I, 4, 14 ; VIII, 5; apariyati, III, spelling represents the singular bahukan 11 ; asasi, atipati, IV, 12; det. I, 5; lipi, I, I, posan. In Dh. det. I, 18 ; Dr. Bühler appears
4; det. I, 19; det. II, 9, 10 (Jaug. 1) ; dhiti, to take tise (which is his reading for my tisena)
det. II, 6; D.: in i, except áladhi, VII-VIII, as an acc. plur.
10; libi, VII-VIII, 10, 11 ; lipi, I, 2; II, 15;
IV, 2; dháti, IV, 11; palipati, VII-VIII, 7; Neuters. - Nominatives singular every
vadhi, VII-VIII, 8, 9; vidhi, I, 9. - Dative where in é. Kh., however, has the following
sing., Kh.: radhiya, V, 15. D., in iyé : nominatives in ani: ai, IV, 12; XII, 31 ; anu
anupalipatiye, VII-VIII, 7, &c. - Instr. sing., susanan, IV, 12; badhari, VII, 22 ; XII, 32;
Kh.: in iyá; but anusathiye, IV, 10. Dh, in XIII, 36 ; dánari, III, 8; galumatatalari, XIII,
iyá; but anárritiya, det. I, 11 (Jaug. tiye). 36; kataviyon (lokahité), VI, 19; lékhitav,
D., iyći, as anusathiya, I, 5 (RM 'ya), &c. - IV, 13; madaron, (?), XIII, 2; nityar, (?),
Abl. sing., Kh.: taxibapariniyd, XIII, 6. Dh.: XIV, 19; palari, V, 14 ; yaa, VIII, 23. - Dh.:
niphatiya, IX, 10.- Loc. sing., Dh.: puthabudhari, VII, 2; durála (= lan ?), det. II,
riyari, V, 26; tosaliyan, det. I, 1 ; II, 1. D.: 2 ; (Jaug., I, 2, duválarn; II, 2, duvále);
chátumúsiyé, v, 15; pusimamúsiyani, V, 11. - rutai, IX, 10 ; hédisan, IX, 10; det. I, 29. -
Nom. plur., Bh. : bhikhuniyé, 7. - Gen. plur., In det. I, 14, I doubt very much the nom.
Kh. : nátinari, IV, 9, 10; bhagininasi, V, 10. sumpalipáda -- dan of Dr. Bühler. – D. :
Dh., bhugininau, V, 25; nátinan (7), V, 26. 1.: badhan, III, 21 ; VII-VIII, 1.- S. : bâdhani,
dévinari, VII-VIII, 6. - Loc. plur., Dh.: natisu, 1. - Acc. sing. in an everywhere. But at
IV, 11, al. D.: nátisu, VI, 5; cháturimúsisu, V, Kh.: satabháyê, sahasabhágé, XIII; 39 ; dáné,
11, 16. XII, 31 ; viyasané, XII, 38 ; niché, VIII, 22. - Nom. and acc. plur. in áni. But at Kh.: Bases in U. - Masculines. - Nom. sing., dasaná, IV, 9; hálápitá, lópápitá, II, 6; savá, D.: sádhí, II, 12 (ARM dhu). - Gen. plur., XII, 31 ; at Dh. : hálápitá, II, 7.
Kh.: gulunan, IX, 25. Dh.: gulúnan, IX, 9,