[MARCH, 1892.
this shrine, and believe that he who proceeds coming into it; but the rook always gradually thither a sufficiently large number of times obtains rises, so as to throw down the building. The salvation. The pagoda is on the top of a preci- old nen of the village are always willing to pitons rock, a small portion of which alone touches certify to this. the earth, affording a beautiful and wonderful
N. SUNKUNI WARIAR. scene to anyone who goes up. A Pisharoti (high-caste Sadra temple-servant by profession), who lives close by, has the sole management of the
ANTIQUITIES OF MALABAR: PARAL. pagoda, although he is looked down upon, because Mr. R. Sewell, Lists of Madras Antiquities he has not a large family growing up round him. (Vol. I., p. 255), says - Siva and Bhagavati are both enshrined here. Of "Five miles south by west of Trichar - on a recent years a figure of Brahmå is said to have rock, here, is an inscription with some large foot. sprung up of itself on the top of the rock. prints cut in bas-relief and other sculptures."
There is a superstition that if Bhagavati's I beg to subjoin some notes on the place.
nge is not the first to be seen on going up to The small pagoda here is known as Parola lit. worship, the pilgrim is sure to die within eight on a rock, as it actually is). It is dedicated to days thereafter, generally by a sudden attack of Vishnu. It belonged to Mayaya Mangalam fever. Several instances in point are cited by the Naiburi (author of the Naishada Champu?), villagers. Pilgrims, therefore, take the necessary on the extinction of whose family the rights precautions to avoid so sudden a termination of 1 in it devolved on Tarananellurir Namburi. The their earthly existence.
pagoda was built about 1866 by the present Uaya In Malabar the solar (or Tamil) New Year's Day Raja of Cochin (recurring on 12th April) is called Vishu, -and is On the northern side of the pagoda are five observed as a day of rejoicing and festivity. Early tirthams or sacred pools, and one on the western on the morning of this day it is the duty of side. These tirthams are named after the every devout Hindu to see the village deity the Pandavas, who are said to have lived bere for first of all things. For this purpos many lie some time. down to sloep the previous night within the
Dharmaputra's is circular in shape. That of pagoda precincts, and people, who sleep in their
Bhimasena is shaped like his gada (instrument).
Bhima own houses in the neighbourhood, are escorted
That of Arjuna is shaped like his bow. Those of thither by those who have been the first to
Nakula and Sahadeva are smaller in size, and are make their obeisance. The good or bad fortunes
the only ones in which there is no water during of the whole year appear to them to turn on this
the hottest weather. The water in that of matter. Many go to see the image with their
Paschali (the consort of the Pandavas) is reddish, eyes shut, and sometimes bound with a cloth,
and said to be so because she bathed in it to - common custom during visits to parti.
purify herself after her courses. cular images.
On the rock may be traced lines drawn for The evening pfija to the goddess is offered at playing at dice. Here is a small shrine dedicated the Pisharoti's house, and not at the pagoda on the top of the hill, which is not approached
About half a mile to the south is the celebrated by human beings in the afternoon, or after the
pagoda of Ayyappan or Shasthavu, the village midday service is over. The tradition is that
deity, nearly opposite which is the fifth milestone the goddess was once coming from Muhambi (a
from Trichûr. It is owned by a large number of celebrated shrine in the Western Ghats in South
Namburi houses in the district. Kanara) playing with two pieces of stone and tossing them up and down as she was moving
The offerings most pleasing to the deity are along, with a worshipper in front of her. All
cakes, kadali plantains, rusuyums, nei (yl) and of a sudden, as they came near this spot, the
pal (milk). man, according, it is said, to a row the goddess The god is noted for giving to dumb worhad taken, - sat down. There are two rocks shippers perfection in the art of letters, and on the hill, which appear to touch the ground
there are traditions of several men having become beneath them without actually doing so, and
famous after a continued worship here. The these are said to be the two stones used by the young Brahmans of the neighbourhood make it goddess.
a point, before starting in life, to worship here
for terms varying from seven days to one year. Efforts are occasionally made to raise & wall round the pagoda to prevent crows, &c., from