FEBRUARY, 1991.)
Dalip Singh to be present at a review of the troops, which had been arranged to take place initiae phuin of MR Mit. On that cocasion, however, the troops demanded that the Maharaja Gubulai Şitigla, to whom they had pledged their liggur, and had promised safety when they brought him, skould fortle with be allowed to return to Jammllis; and as they threatened to kill Jawihan Singh on the spot, and to pull Dalip Singl down from hss eleplant, it became necessary to withdraw the guard, which had kept Gulab Singk prisoner, and to allow laim to inske bis appearance next day at the Court of the Maharaja Dalip Singh, where he was questioned aboutTthe gold and property of the Raja Kirâ Singh and the possessions of Raja Suchet Singh. The court, however, continued to plot mischief against him, but his friends who were much attached to him, as well as others whose affection herlaad won by his affability, kept him informed of what was brewing against him, and also of the presence of musketeers in the darbdr, who might shtetikite at any time, from their ambush behind a curtain, at a given signal. This put him on his inetrip, andadoorslingly ke one day batled in tke river at sunrise, plneed a saffron mark on his foreheal, armed himsell with a salire and gan, and proceeded to the court where he found some nobles assembled, including Sardar Jawahir Singh, Lil Singh, Shan Singh and others, each of whonlelated by his own importance, kad armed retainers by his side. They were surprised when he made his approarance among them, and still more at the manner in which he addressed them, stating that he had long served under the lato Mihiraja Ranjit Singh, and had fought in many battles, but as fate ha l not willed it, no harm had come to hiin. Now, however, as they lind, with the intention of destroying him, placed men in ambush to shoot him, after the matiner Obrigands, he challenged any brave and honourable man in the assembly, desirous of shedding Lis blood, to step forth and to fight kive; and it ne 'one felt able be would accept any two onists, and dye the door of the court with'tbeit' Jood, tart' he had slain everyone in the
The bravery of Goyal'single being well known, and the Sardars, not daring to accept his.cballerge remained silent. Not even Sardar Sham Singh, who was distinguishod for liis valour, would fight, and became very red in the face. T fire StGuld Singh's fre was thereon
6 100v. Severyone in the Darbar swore to be most amicably disposed to margs
n a: 4 BSNL * Some time after warde/an attempt was made to poison Gulab Singh, by throwing Malverised diamonds into some snow and sugarcane juice, which it was expected he would drink, but thaving been warned by friends, he abstained from mixing the sugar with the snow, saying that he could enjoy the snow alone as he was a mountaineer. On another occasion, the coart ordered Ralaneu'llah Khan of RajAorf, and Faiz Talab, the son of Sultan KIA, to wait on the road against the return of Gulab Singh from the court and shoot him. They prepared for this deed by taking up a position, one very dark night with 200 men, on the road, which they knew that their intended viotin must' pass. It so happened, however, that after the rising of the court, Gulab Singh went to the abode of a celebrated asoótic, and conversed with him for so long a time, that his Diwan went home by another road! The miscreants, having
t tired of waiting any longer, departed in single ale with the matches of their firelocke still burning, when the Maharaja Gulab Singh at last passed with his retinue, wherean" they quickly took to their heels; but he had some of tliem, captured, and these revealed the whole plot after the application of some pressure. Next morning Gulab Singh sent his Diwan to the darbúr with the gaptives as witnesses, but when the Diwau made his statement, the members of it pretended te be ignorant of the plot they had themsel yes devised. They compljed, however, at his request, to renove the prisoners to some distance, in order to set at rest the apprehensions of Gulab Sage, and they were acoordingly deported in chains to Gobindgarh udowod n il tals 13 Dissensions being alisen between the Sardat Jawahir Singh and the Raja Lai slágh, most people concluded that if Gulab Singh, whose bravery was well known, were to favour the Eclains of one of the thikputants, it would be very diffieult tousetple their differences.Tle Sardar Muhammad Khal, who was well disposed towards Gulab Singh, took the opportunity of reminding the RajÀ LAI Singh, that Gulab Singh-of whose antibition and prudenoo he was aware'as well