JANUARY, 1891.]
ment of the Kaliyuga, i.e. at the time of the work. The index, i. e. the ahargana according to mean, not apparent, Mesha-Samkranti of Kaliyaga that Karana, at about the beginning of the luni. Sathvat i current (0 expired), i. e., again, at solar year Kaliyuga 4871 current (Sakı-Samyat Thursday midnight on the 17-18th February, 1691 expired), calculated by the rule on page 153 f., B. 0:3102, according to the Storya-Siddhanta, and is 172046, which divided by 7 leaves no re. at sunrise on Friday, 18th February, B. C. 3102, mainder; and as the ahargana in that Karana is according to the first Arya-Siddhanta (see my to be counted from Thursday, noon, this ahargana paper on the Original Surya-Siddhanta ; also brings us to a Thursday, noon. Calculating from Burgess and Whitney's Translation of the Súrya- the Surya-Siddhanta and also from Warren's Sidihanta, Chapter 1). And consequently, the Table XLVIII. Part I., and Table XLIX. Part I, lougitude for the commencement of a solar year, I find that the mean Mêsha-Sankranti of that computed either by aetual proportion as worked year occurred on a Tuesday, at 53 gh. 33 pa. 38 out by Warren on page 200 or from his Tables X. vipa after mean sunrise (38 gh. 38 p. 38 vi, after and XI, is not for the apparent, but for the mean mean noon); and that it took place some ghatikds Mésha-Sankranti; and evidently the time-equi. more than 5 days after its previous andvdsyd. valent of the expired portion of the current sign Therefore, adding 5 daye, 38 gh. 38 pa. 38 vipa. to of Jupiter at the commencement of the solar year, 172046, the above-found index, we find that the should be substracted from the time of the mean index (the ahargana) for the mean Mesha-Sam. Mosha-Sankranti. But Warren subtracted it from krinti, according to Vavilala Cuchinna's work, is the time of the Mêsha-Sankranti, either as derived 172051 days, 38 gh. 38 pa. 38 vipa. Counted from from Table XLVIII. Part II. (p. 63), after deduct- Thursday noon, this gives Tuesday, and shews ing the lodhyam (2 days,8 gh.51 palas, 15 vipalas). that it is correct. Then, calculating with this or as given in his First Chronological Table; and index, Jupiter's mean longitude from Table this is the time of the apparent Meala-Sankranti.
XLIII. (p. 56), we get 7 signs, 2 degrees, 37 To show the correctness of this assertion of mine, I minutes, 0 seconde, which is exactly the same as cannot well refer the reader to Warren's description given by Warren. of Table XLVIII (p. 239 ff.) and to his remarks
It is clear, therefore, that the time of the elsewhere about the epoch of the Kaliyuga ; for
commencement of a samvatsara found by the reason that an ordinary reader is only likely
Warren's method is wrong. In the case of the to be confused by them. But even from them,
Jyútishotattva-rule, it is earlier by 2 days, 8 gh. any one who has a practical direct knowledge of
51 pa 15 vipa., which is the 80dhya according to the Hindu or European astronomy, will see at
the first Arya-Siddhanta on which the rule is once the truth of what I say. Suffioe it to say
based. If we use the First Chronological Table for that the time computed from Warren's Table
the Mênha-Sankranti, the amount of the Godhya XLVIII. is the time of the mean Mêsha-Sam.
must be added, and if we compute the Mesha. kranti; and the subtraction of the bodhyam
Samkranti from Table XLVIII. Part II., that from it gives the time of the apparent Mosha
amount should not be subtracted ; and thus the Sankranti. 11
mistake can be avoided. In the case of the SúryaI will prove, however, in another way, that Siddhanta rule, Warren takes the mean motion of t.Ke longitude of Jupiter computed by Warren Jupiter from that Siddhanta, but uses the Mêsha. for the commencement of a solar year, is not Sankranti of the Arya-Siddhanta. But the times for the apparent, but for the mean Mêsha- of the mean Mêsha-Sarnkråntis of these two Sankranti. Take the first example, given by authorities differ from each other, as I have stated Warren on page 200. There he computed the above. Therefore, the mistake amounts to this longitude of Jupiter for the commencement of difference, in addition to 2 days, 8 gh. 51 pa. A. C. i. 6. Kaliyuga-Samvat 4871 current (4870 | 15 vipa., which is the amount of the bodhya. And expired), according to the present Sarya-Siddh. to avoid the mistake, we must use the mean anta, from which it is found, without bfia, to be Mesha-Sankranti from Table XLVIII. Part I. 7 signs, 2 degrees, 37 minutes. It is seen from the Jupiter's year, i. e. the time in which his mean Appendix to the Second Memoir (and I have also motion amounts to one sign (rdbi), according to fully satisfied myself) that the mean places and the Súrya-Siddhanta, corrected by bja, as given motions of the planets according to Vavilala on pages 191, 201 note, 213, and as used as the Cuchinna's Karana-work, exactly correspond with basis in constructing Table XIII. (p. 16) and Table those of the present Sarya-Siddhanta. Let us now XVII. (p. 19), is slightly inaccurate. So also is compute the same longitude from that Karapa. I the year according to the first Arya-Siddhanta as
4 My above remarks, as to the time from which the ahargana is to be counted, should not be forgotten.