[MAY, 1891.
The gum of the acacia arabica is a 'delicacy A FOLK-TALE.
in Gujarat and a medicine in Maisdr, used espe One day Isvara called a man, and told him to cially with ghi by women during pregnancy. It ask for any favour he might wish to be conferred is supposed to be a strong tonic. on him. The man, after much consideration,
The favourite remedies among South Indian wisely asked for strength. “Very well," said
old-wives for a bad cough in children, are the Isvara," come here again on a certain day, when
punga-seed (pungamia glabra : Skr. ingudi, Hind. I will make you owner of the strength of seven
kuranj), and a copper medal or token engraved she-buffaloes." The man promised to come, but,
with the image of a dog on both sides. on the appointed day, he failed to attend. Now, a tiger, who had overheard the conversation When a bad cough sets in, a coin is taken to a between the man and Isvara on the previous
copper-smith, who alters the superscription to an occasion, came and presented himself, on that image of a dog on both sides. Or a dried seed of day, before Isvara. Isvara asked him what he the pungamia glabra is procured. In either case wanted, and the tiger said he had come to have a hole is bored, and the “charm" is hung round strength conferred upon him. Upon this, Isvara the loins or neck of the suffering child. bestowed upon the tiger the prodigious strength of The modern theory is that a cough is a nervous seven she-buffaloes, and thus, through sheer
affection, and that copper and punga-seeds act on carelessness, man lost his legal right to the
the nerves and so cure the ailment! I can vouch strength of seven she-buffaloes!
for the action being very slow! GEO. FE. D'PENHA.
To persons who have lost their nervous power A SONG ABOUT LORD LAKE.
by excess of debauchery, a preparation made out The following is an old song quoted in that of the seeds of the ndyurivi (Skr. apdmdrga) is curious book The wanderings of a Pilgrim in supposed to give an instant cure. The seeds search of the Beautiful, by Mrs. Fanny Parkes : (achyranthes aspera) are gathered, dried well in perhaps some one can give some more of it, or the sun, husked, and turned into a kind of rice. some information about the author, &o.
This rice is fried in a little ghi and is powdered. Mért jAn, kahin dekha Kumpant nisban?
A handful of the powder with a little sugar is to BAnkê Lék már leo Hindustân.
be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Môrf jan, kahin dekha Kumpant nishan? Oure follows in a week. LAI A1 kartt, gavvê gavv8 jawan,
A certain oil is extracted from the seeds of the Hath môn patthar kala, pith par tôedan;
plants called kundumaņi (abrus precatorius), and Mért ján, kahin dekha Kumpani nishan P
araliraiofrai (amaranthus tristis.) Either kind Åge &gê paltan, pfchhê pfchhê sawar :
of oil is supposed to be the best of restorers for Top ki dankár sê bhige Hinda Musalman !
falling hair. When rubbed into the hair in a Mért jan, kahin dekhi Kumpant nishan
healthy state, they are supposed to promote its Das das kumpaņi jis mên göre göre Kaptan!
rapid growth. "Gudami phair" bolte, nikal j&vé ausan. Mêri jan; kahtá dékhá Kumpani nishan P
In addition to these two oils, the hot blood of
hares when rubbed into the hair of the head is I suppose it means - "My love, have you soen
supposed to promote its growth. The pride of the anywhere the Company's flag P The gallant
Marktha kings of Tanjore was that they daily Lake has conquered Hindustan. My love, have
killed a hare and smeared ita hot blood over you seen anywhere the Company's flag P With
their heads, and thus made their locks grow red red coats, sturdy sturdy young men, firelock in hand, and cartridge pouch on back! My love, have you seen anywhere the Company's flag The kdījar or tragia cannabina is a very Foot regiments in front; cavalry in the rear : irritating plant, and is supposed to have the same At the cannon's roar bulted Hinda and Musal. effect on dobilitated nerves as the ndyurivi. The män! My love, have you seen anywhere the root of the plant (generally half an anna in Company's flag P Companies ten by ten, and a
weight) is fried in ghi and the preparation is eaten white Captain over each! As they shout "Fire ! with the ordinary food. If it is taken for a week, God damn you!" we are stupified. My love, have the lost power is revived. you seen anywhere the Company's flag P"