JANUARY, 1890.1
V. 1016 current: Tuesday, 25 January, A.D. 959.
v. 1018 expired: Saturday, 14 January, A.D. 960; the 13th tithi of the bright half ended 13 h. 39 m. after mean sunrise.
4.- V. 1036.- ante, Vol. XIV. p. 160. Copper-plate inscription of Vakpatiraja of Dhara :
(Line 11).. shattri(tri)mía-sahasrika-samvatsarê=smin Karttika-suddha-paurņņimayan soma-grahaņa-parvvani.
V. 1036 current : 18 October, A.D. 978; no eclipse.
V. 1036 expired : 6 November, A.D. 979; & partial lunar eclipse, visible in India, 21 h. 33 m. Greenwich time, or, at Ujjain, 20 h. 36 m. after mean sunrise.
(The corresponding date, given by me, loc. cit. p. 159, the 26th October, A.D. 980,' being for the year V. 1037 expired, is wrong).
5.-V. 1055.- ante, Vol. XVI. p. 203. Nanyaurà copper-plate inscription of the Chandella Dhangadêva :
(Line 7)... samvatsara-sahasrê pañchapañchåśad-adhike Karttika-paurņņamîsyam Ravi. dine øvam samvat 1055 K[A]rtti[ka]-sudi 15 Ravau ady-th=[ai]va Käsikiyam Sainhikeyagraha-grasa-pravėsikrite-mandale Rohiņi-hfiday-Ananda-kanda-harinalanchhane 11
V. 1055 current: Monday, 18 October, A.D. 997; no eclipse.
V. 1055 expired: Sunday, 6 November, A.D. 998; a total lunar eclipse, visible in India, 19 h. 43 m. Greenwich time, or, at Ujjain, 18 h. 46 m. after mean sunrise.
6. - V. 1188. - Archeol. Surv. of India, Vol. XXI. p. 35, and Plate x. C; (and Jour. Beng. As. Soc., Vol. XVII., Part I. p. 321, No. 4); and rubbings supplied to me by Dr. Burgess. Rock inscription at Kalaõjar, of the reign of the Chandella Madanavarmadêva :
(Line 9) ... Sarnvat 1188 Kürttika-sudi 8 Sa(Ba)n[au] 11
V. 1188 current: Sunday, 12 October, A. D. 1130; the 8th tithi of the bright half ended 5 h. 44 m. after mean sunrise.
V. 1188 expired: Saturday, 31 October, A. D. 1131 ; the 8th tithi of the bright half ended 5 h. 53 m. after mean sunrise.
7.- V. 1199. - ante, Vol. XVIII. p. 21. Gagahá'copper-plate inscription of Govindachandradêva and Rajyapaladdva of Kanauj:
(Line 18)... samvatsarêshyrêkadaśa-sa(sa)têshu navanavaty-adhikeshu Phâlgunê mûsi [sa]kla-pakshê êkê [da]śyâyâm tithau Sa(ka)ni-dine tath=înkê=pi samvat 1199 Phâlgtuna-sudi 11 Sa(Ba)nau 11
V. 1199 current : Sunday, 8 February, A.D. 1142; the 11th tithi of the bright halt ended 11 h. after mean sunrise.
v. 190 expired: Saturday, 27 February, A. D. 1143; the 11th tithi of the bright half ended 13 h. after mean sunrise.
8.- V. 1261. - Dr. Peterson's Third Report (1884-86), App. p. 77. Date of a MS. of Hémachandra's Yogasdetra, of the time of the Chaalakya Bhîmadêva II. : -
Svasti srl-Vikrama-nripaton samvat 1251 varshð Kartika-sudi 12 Sukro Bevati. nakshatrê Siddha-y@gê maharaja-sri-Bhimadêve-vijayarajye...
V. 1251 current : Sunday, 7 November, A.D. 1193.
v. 1251 expired: Friday, 28 October, A.D. 1194 ; the 12th tithi of the bright half ended 12 h. 3 m., and the nakshatra was Revatt up to 21 h. 40 m. after mean sunrise ; the yoga was Vajra ap to 2 h. 30 m., when it was followed by Biddhi (No. 16, not Siddha, No. 21).
(The result of the calculation shows that the reading Siddha-yôge in the date is erroneous, and should be Siddhi-yógé).
. Read kddafydn.