[JANUARY, 1890.
months from Karttika to Phalguns being common to the northern and southern years, I have had to ascertain, for dates in bright fortnights of these months, erely the possible European equivalents for the current and expired Indian years, and for dates in dark fortnights, the equivalents for the current and expired years, according to both the purnimanta and amánta schemes. In the case of the seven months from Chaitra to Asvina, on the other hand, it was necessary to calculate, for dates in bright fortnights, the possible equivalents for the northern current, the northern expired (or southern current), and the southern expired years, and for dates in dark fortnights, the equivalents for the same three years, again according to both the purnimanta and amánta schemes. In arranging the dates for my list, I have considered it best to begin with the dates in bright fortnights, and to place the dates of the months Kârttika to Phalguna before those of the months Chaitra to Aévina, and generally to group together the dates according to the manner in which the results of my calculations have furnished European equivalents which satisfy the requirements of the Hindu dates.
All those dates for which calculations by the ordinary rules and Tables have yielded no satisfactory equivalents, I shall give separately, as irregular dates; but in using the expression "irregular," I merely wish to say that these dates require each of them a separate examination, and I would not be misunderstood to maintain that we have to do here, in every case, with errors or inaccuracies of the writers who have recorded the dates, or of the scholars who have copied them.
A.-DATES IN BRIGHT FORTNIGHTS. 1.-Dates in the months Karttika to Phalguna. (a).-Dates in Current Years.
1.-V. 1804.-Dr. Peterson's Third Report on Sanskrit MSS. (1884-86), App. p. 239. Date of the composition of Udayasagara's Snátṛipañchášiká :
Varshê s bdhi-kh-âgn-imdu-mitê sn-ramyê
ári-Pausha-mûsê cha valaksha-pakshe
ári-purṇimâyâm Sasi-vasarê cha
éri-Padalipt-akhya-purê Surâshṭrê ||
V. 1804 current: Monday, 24 December, A.D. 1246; the full-moon tithi ended 2 h. 49 m. after mean sunrise.
V. 1304 expired: Friday, 13 December, A.D. 1247.
2.-V. 1397.-Archeol. Surv. of India, Vol. XXI. p. 143, and Plate xxix. B.-D.
Inscriptions on pillars at Kovati-Kund':
(Line 1)... Samvat 1397 samayê [or, in D, varshê] Magha-sudi 4 Soma-dinê | tasmin kale varttamâne samvatsarê Lûkasthân maharaja (ja)-srî(śri)-Hamiradova-rûjyê ||
V. 1397 current: Monday, 3 January, A.D. 1340; the 4th tithi of the bright half ended 22 h. 54 m. after mean sunrise.
V. 1397 expired: Sunday, 21 January, A.D. 1341; the 4th tithi of the bright half ended 21 h. 20 m. after mean sunrise.
(Sir A. Cunningham, loc. cit., p. 143, takes the corresponding date to be Monday, 22 January, A.D. 1341).
(b).-Dates in Expired Years.
3.-V. 1016.-Proceedings Beng. As. Soc., Vol. XLVIII. p. 162, and Kávyamálá, No. 38. Copper-plate inscription of the Mahúrájádhirája Mathanadêva, from Rajôrgadh near Alvar:-ári-Vijayapaladva-pådänkm-abhípravarddhamina-kalyktavijayarkiyê samvatsarasateshu dasasu shodas-ottarakêshu Maghamisa-sitapaksha-trayôdasyâm Sani-yuktâyâm= evam sam 1016 Magha-sudi 13 Sanav-adva śrî-Rajyapur-âvasthitô mahârâjâdhiraja-paramêsvaraéri-Mathanadêvô...