.......... 313
Skandagapta (Early Gupta); see Indôr ....... 219 Skandapura, an ancient agrandra in Kasmir
98, 104 Skandavarman, an ancestor of Ravidatta 365, 368 sleeping beauty, varied as a decoy girl in
enchanted palace ..................................... 22 ff. social customs, in Bombay, 267; - in
Kasmir, 287; - in Madras ..................... 287 86bhanastutayak, the ; examination of the date
of a MS. of a commentary on it, of the
seventeenth century A. D. ...................... 252 SödA or Sød mandala, the territory of
MArasimha ..................................... .. 171 Sodara, an ancient spring in Kasmir 68, 70,
and n. 71 Solar Race, the; see Saryavama........... 12, 132 Sóma, son of Dattasens, an ancestor of the Gangas of Kalinga...........
... 170 Somáli grammar ............... ................ 116 Sômantha in Gujarat; Yuvarajadôva did
worship here, and also Lakshmanarája...... 215 Sômanathadára, a god, perhaps at V&mana
sthalt ............................................116 and n. Sömarkjadáva, Mahapratthdra (P), an officer
of Bhimadeva II.............. ............... 115 Sómavansa, the Lunar Race; it included the Gangas of Kalinga, 170 and 'n.;-the Kalachuris of Chôdi, 215; - and the family of
Indrabala and Nannndova................. 179, 180 Sómsvara; see Surathotsava ............... 186, 187 Som @svars, Mahamatya of AjayapAla ... 84, 845 Sômávara (Kalachari); 89e Hulgar ........... 127 Sômékvara I. (West. Chalukya); remarks on
his relationship with Vishņuvardhana. Vijayaditya ...........
...... 38 Sômésvara II. (West. Chalukya); he built a temple or set up an image of SantinAtha at Gudigere, 37; - au inscription of SakaSamvat 998, which perhaps belongs to the
end of his reign, edited............................. 35 son, only, adventures of, in folktales, 21 ff.;
- seventh, in folktales, 120; - seventh, is
an arch-impostor...................................121 ff. sons, seven, in folktales ............................ 146 Sophronius of Palestine, author of the Wisdom
of Balavar ............... Soraka, an ancient city in Kasmir op Dar. distan ...........
.............. 67 Sôrasa, an ancient vihdra in Kasmir............ 67 Soshadi, an ancient river in the Surlahţraḥ
mandala ............................................. 111, 115 Spaphari's Mission to China.................. 49, 279 apurious grant, edited ............................. 362 frdhe, or asrdhe, a word, used in dates, re.
quring explanation ..................... 37, 38, 39 n. frohthio, apparently an unnecessary way of
writing breathi ....... .........111, 114
ért, as an integral part of a proper dame,
emphasised by the use of trimat before the
name ................ ............................. 36 n. Srichchhavilld, one of the works used by
Kalhana for the history of Kasmir............ 68 bríkarana, 'the records department' ......... 115 Srinagari, the capital of Kasmir, represented
sa founded by Asoka, 68; - other refe
rences ............... ............... 68, 70, 71, 98, 103 Sripura, ancient name of Sirpur, 179, 180; - also Sripuri ...........
............ 179 Srisa-Pratishthâna, Pratishthana ......... 33 n. Srivallabha-Bappa; see Bappa ................... 270 Stephanites and Ichnelates, Italian version of 288 athana', an abbreviation of sthanapati ...... 114 sthánd', an abbreviation of sthanddhikarin
or athanapati ........... ............... 114 and n. sthanddhikara, the office of superintendent of a shrine
............... 146 athanapati, a title of religious office... 114, line 50 Sthåròvaka (P) family, the...................... 343 stone monuments, rude; a curious instance
of possibly misleading examples ............... 96 Sabê Khân, see Mahbab 'Ali Khan ............... 329 Subhakirtidêva, a Jain teacher, in the Kareya
gana .............. sudivasti, 'a lucky day,'a term used obecurely
in some of the Asoka edicte, but perhape denoting the sixteenth day of each month
of the chuturmusya ........................... 76, 78 Safi faith, the cardinal points of the............ 288 Sukchain, ancestor of the RajAs of Jind ...... 325 sukhasaritathdvinoda,' the delight of pleasing
conversations, a term used in connection with royalty.............
.............. 275 Sukhodadhi, the; it was completed in Vik.
rama-San vat 1779 ............ Sukra, the preceptor of the demons; apparently
mentioned as the ancient preceptor of the
gode'......................................... 170 and n. Sumatra, sacrifice for purification, in ...... 31, 32 Sumuda, an ancient village in the Sammag vishaya..........
176 sun, worship of the, at the time of making a
grant...........13, 19, 133, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142 sun and moon, as emblems on seals of grants 165. Sunnamaya, a brook in Kasmir, mentioned
under the ancient name of Suvarna
manikulya ............................................ 67 Surashtrih mandala, the province of KAchil - wed ....... ................................ 111, 115 Surat grant of Trilochanapala, of Saka-Sanhvat .
972; examination of the date .................. 91 Surathtaava of Som dávara; written before
A.D. 1240-41; remarks on new MS. of it ........................................ Syrendra, a king of Kaimir..................... 67