Satakapâlesa, an ancient Saiva temple at Khêri 104 and n. satka, belonging to,' used redundantly... 237 n. Sattvatas, a sub-division of the Yadava tribe,
189; the Tusâm inscription gives the earliest mention of the Sâttvata sect... 190
Saurânga, an ancestor of the Gangas of Kalinga........... sayaka, probably salyaka Sayyid Ahmad Kasani Khoja Ahrâr Scherman, Dr. Lucian; notice of his examination of the philosophic hymns of the Rig and Atharva Vôdas Scythians, the, of Bactria, invaded India about B. C. 25. seals; an ancient terracotta seal from Bulandshahr, 289;- emblems on seals of grants, 10, 134, 136, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 161, 165, 172, 231, 289; legends on seals of grants, 10, 134, 136, 138, 139, 141, 142, 231, 289; an instance in which the emblem is engraved on the plate itself, not on the seal 81 Sédâ or Sôda mandala, the territory of Marasimha....... .......... 171 Sefer Hayyashar, see Book of the Just....... Seleukidan empire included Bactria till about B. C. 250 Senart, M. E.; translation of his renderings of the inscriptions of Piyadasi ...1, 73, 105, 300 Sênabóva, a village-accountant,' the modern Sânabhoga or Kulkarni
Sêndrakas of Gujarât, 266, 269; and of more southern parts serpent in folklore, 46, 47; in folktales, 276, 348; from princess's mouth, to kill
Sêshadêvati, an ancient hamlet in Gujarat Seyffarth, Dr. Gustav, Dr. Ebers' notice of the life of........
shadangavid, a termination of a Brahman's hame, or a title or epithet.
170 75 155
គ ត ន &
Shadarhadvana, an ancient grove in Kasmir 69, 72 Shah Nasru'ddin (of Persia), Diary of
Shahnama compared with the Mahabharata 89 Shang-yu-pa-ki, notice of Dr. de Harlez's translation of the........ shanda, in Pali sandaka, a bull living or wandering at liberty' .................75, 80 Shatashaḍika Ghat, probably the ancient name of the Alha-Ghât .....................213, 214 Shekh Sadr Jahân of Kôtla-Malêr. Shêr Muhammad Khan of Kôtlá - Môlêr 328 ships in folktales .22, 146 ff. Siam, Dr. Himly on chess in ..................... 28 Siddha, a king of Kasmir 98, 102 Siddhachakravartin, a biruda of Jayasimhadova (Chaulukya)
25 177
siddiqi, the half muhr of Tipa .................. 314 Sigurôdha pattald, an ancient territorial. division Sihvar, a village in the Benares District; the grant of Jayachchandra, of VikramaSamvat 1232, edited......
Sikandar 'Ali Khan of Kôtla-Mêlêr, his coins 329; description of them..................... 339 Silaratnasûri; he completed his commentary on Mêrutunga's Méghadáta, at Ana hillapataka, in Vikrama-Sarhvat 1491 stma, a popular word for 'country' on the banks of the Krishna and the Godavari... 61 simala, the Pali name of an animal requir ing to be identified........ ....75, 80 Simhals, Ceylon, mentioned in the Rájata: ramgint ................................... 98, 102 Simhavarman, father-in-law of Bhujangdhiraja (P). ....365, 368 Sindarapóra, a town of Anantavarma-Chôdaganga, probably in Utkala............ 172 étrá, a particular land-measure,' -four halas
14, 19 Sinhalese MSS. in Colombo Museum Library 320 Sirasâvi, ancient name of Sarsão............... 178 Sirdarya, description of the people of 53 Sirpur, a village in the Raypur District, mentioned nnder the ancient names of
Sripura, 179, 180; and of Sripuri, 179; the inscription of Sivagupta, edited 179 fishshinti, a religious pupil, or disciple'...36 and n., 37 sister of hero in folktales, will not acknowledge him in poverty .....................28, 24 Siva, the god, "the destroyer" of the Hindu triad; mention of him with attributes of "the creator," as "the father of all things animate and inanimate," 84, 110, 145, 164, 171; and the sole architect for the construction of the universe," 145, 164, 171; -worship of him at the time of making grants, 13, 19, 33, 35, 84, 110, 133, 136, 137, 189, 140, 142; in one of the Têwar inscriptions, he apparently has the local designation of Gâhunda Sivaliya, an ancient village in the Surashtraḥ mandala 111, 115 Sivagupta, son of Harshagupta (of a branch of the Lunar Race), 179, 180; :- he had the biruda of Bâlârjuna, 180; his Sirpur inscription, edited Sivamara, another name of Saigotta-GangaPermanadi Sivasimha, a king; see Bihar..................... Siwalik Hills, in the Pañjab; mention of the region round them by the ancient name of Sapadalaksha ........
112, 115
310, 312 30