[JANUARY, 1889.
When the two well-known great regal families, sprung from the Moon and the Sun, had perished, then, the self-existent (Brahman), the pare minded, considering the sound of the Veda to have become almost extinct in the whole world, having conceived the inclination to assume a bodily form here, in order to re-establish on earth the path of religion, as well as the two famous regal families, 's
In that family there was then born that illustrious prince Chandraddva, the crest-jewel of rulers, who scattered the haughty hostile Warriors as the moon does the) darkness (and) who by the valour of his arm acquired the matchless sovereignty over the glorious Gadhipura," when an end was put to all distress of the people by his most noble prowess.
Protecting the holy bathing-places of Kabi, Kubike, Uttarakovala, and the city of Indra, after he had obtained them, (and) incessantly bestowing on the twice-born gold equal (in weight) to his body, he hundreds of times marked the earth with the scales (on which he had himself weighed).
(L. 5.) - Victorious is his son Madanapala, the crest-jewel of the rulers of the earth, the moon of his family. By the sparkling waters from his coronation jars, the coating of impurity of the Kali-age has been washed off from the earth.
When he went forth to victory, the orb of the earth bent down beneath the excessive weight of the footsteps of his rutty elephants marching along, tall as towering mountains : then, as if suffering from cold, Sasha, radiant with the clotted blood that trickled from his palate pierced by the crest-jewel, hid his face for a moment in his bosom.
As (the moon) whose wife is the night (sprang) from the ocean, 80 was born from him Govindachandra, pleasing by his great loveliness, who, As son of the king, acquired fame like Rama, the son of Dasaraths.
Victorious is here that tree of paradise for granting) requests, who, terrific in cleaving the frontal globes of arrays of irresistible mighty large elephants from Gauda, again and again by the play of his matchless fighting makes the Hammira lay aside (his) enmity. (and who is) skilled in appropriating the earth (which is) marked by the scraping of the hoofs of (his constantly marching bouncing horses.
(L. 10.)- In the reign of victory of the Paramabhatjáraka, Maharajadhiraja, and Paraméstara, the devout worshipper of (Siva) Mahdávara, the illustrious Madanapaladéve-who meditates on the feet of the Paramabhattáraka, Mahdrájádhiraja, and Paraméévara, the devont worshipper of (Siva) Mabesvara, the illustrions Chandradeve, who by his arm had acquired the sovereignty over the glorious Kanyakubja :
Flis son, the illustrious Govindachandradeve, the son of the Mahárája, commands and . informs all the Mahatlamas and the people residing at the village of Ramaïtha in the Sigurodha pattala, as well as the neighbouring people, (and) the Rajas, Rájnis, counsellors, chaplains, ministers, keepers of records, treasurers, physicians, astrologers, commanders of troups, superintendents of gynæceums, all officers having authority, and others, -as follows:
(L. 13.)-You should know that this life does not last for ever. As the dew-drop which sticks to the point of a blade of grass, on account of wind and heat, has no stable position, so it is with life. Unsteady like the drop of water on a lotas-leaf, resembling the babble produced by the shower from a eloud, fortune appears for & moment and then vanishes. Momentary are the pleasures of the senses. Ever fleeting is the life of mortals. Of this" I
" The sentence contained in this verse is incomplete, because it contains no principal verb; and I consider it impossible to connect the verse grammatically with the following verse, although it may be true that Chandradés is intended to be described as an incarnation of Brahman. To me it appears, that the verse Vash tatra originally followed immediately upon the verse Abhiinansip, and that the verse Pradhvante Bima- has been inserted here froin some other praiasti in which it was followed by a verse which is not given in the present inseription.
" For this and some of the following names and expressions compare the preceding inscription.
* In the original one would expect to read here yathistu rahsariwiditam, Viditéyam. The following must be understood to be the words of the Raraka Layarkpraváha (in line 90), whose donation is made public by Govindschandra.
. If the original is correct, which I doubt, the word chanchala must be taken to qualify the following bud. buda. I have translated as if the reading were -chanchald.
Here again the words of the original, tad-idarh, are ungrammatical.