[AUGUST, 1889.
(expired) (A.D. 1886-87). It runs thus :- ekadasi gha 29 pa 31 vartamana-dvádasyan Svasti: sriinan.nripa-Vikramárka-samay-atita- Bhauma-vågaré Anuridhà-dina-nakshatré samvat 1913 Hômalamba-nama-sati vatsarù; tathå Vriddhi-yogo tatkalike Kaulava-karane surysriman-nsipa-Salivahana-Sakê 1808 Vyaya-nama- odayát gha 50 pa 56 tada Makara-rasau samvatsare; dakshinayanê hemanta-ritau ravih sain kramaņam bhavati. Tada udaga yanaPangha.mir wukla-pakshe tithau 13 gha 3 pa pravrittih. Sankriiti-punya-kalah dvadas yarn 49 param 14 samkramaņa-tithau Manda- Budha-visarê sury.udayât asta-paryamtain. Here Våsaré nakshatra Mpiga gha 10 pa 7 param the details are for Tuesday, 21st December, Årdri samokraman-arkshồ yoga Aindra 52 pa 19
A.D. 1886. The ordinary tithi of the day was samkramana-yógå tåtkalikê Vanija-karanê êvain. Pausha krishna 11, which ended at 29 gh. 31 p.; indi-panchanga-suddhåv atra-dino sri-sury- but the hour for the suyana Makara-Saii kranti Odayad gate-gha 47 pa 20 samay. Makars. being later, viz. 50 gh. 56 p., the tithi that is rasau ravih sankramana syat. Tada quoted as the actual tithi of the savileriinti, is dakshinayana - hemanitaritu - Dhanasari kramtayo krishna 12, expressly specified as "current," and nivrittäh; udagayana-sisirapitu-Makarsankrain- connected here with the Tuesday, though in the tayah pravsittah. Tadi dévånam din-Odayah: passage for the punya kala it is connected with daityanath råtry-udgamah. Asya punya-kalah
the Wednesday, to which it ordinarily belongs as Pansha-su-15. Ravau gha 7 pa 20 paryartam an expired tithi, ending at 26 gh. 26 p. So also uttamah, tad-agre gaunah. From this, with the in the same almanac for Baka-Samvat 1809 page for the month of Pausha in the body of the (expired) (A.D. 1887-89), in the Grahalaghava almanac, we learn that the nirayana Makara- savikranti-phala we have - Svasti: SrimanSankranti occurred, or was cast to occur, at 47 gh. nsipa Vikraunarka-samvat 1914 Vikari-nama20 p. after sunrise on Mandavåsara or Saturday, samvatsare; tathi cha sriman-nripa-Salivahana3th January, A.D. 1887. On that day, there Saké 1809 Sarvajin-nama-samvatarrê; hemartaended (1) the ordinary tithi of the day, Pausha sitau Pausha-kri-14 gha 20 pa 31 vartamansukla 13, at an earlier moment, vix. at 3 gh. 49 p. amavasyayari Guru-vásaré sury-odayat after sunrise ; and (2) the tithi sukla 14 at 55 gh.gha 55 pa 33 tada Púrv-Ashachu-dinal30 p., after the time for the Maknra-Sankranti. nakshatró Harshana.yoge Någa-karanê MakaraAccording to the usual rule, this latter tithi was r&sau ravaih samkramanam bhavati Tasya an expunged tithi, for all ordinary purposes : 1 punya-kalah Bhrigu-våsaré súry-dayat saryand it is so shewn in the almanac. This tithi, åsta paryaitan. Here the details are for however, though thus expunged, is the one which, Thursday, 12th January, A.D. 1888. The ordinary being actually current at the moment of the tithi of the day was Pausha krishna 1.1, ending at sariakrúnti, is quoted as the tithi of the sankranti. 20 gh. 31 p.; the nirayana Makara-Sankranti In this case, the nakshatra is specified in exactly occurred at 50 gh. 33 p. ;' and the tithi then the same way; so also both the nakshatra and current was the amavusyd or new-moon, Pausha the yüga, in both almanacs, in some others of the krishna 15 or 30, which ended at 18 gh. 7 p. on ten years examined. For this, I can see no the Friday. particular reason; as it seems self-evident that From these passages we see that, in specifying the actually current nakshatra and yoga should the tithi of samkranti, the custom is to always be quoted. But instances of mentioning quote the tithi that is actually current at the in this way, first the expired and then the current moment of the samkranti. And the rule thus nakshatra and yoga, are to be found in the Newar disclosed will doubtless help to solve some dates dates Nos. 13 and 16, given by Prof. Kivlhorn, which otherwise may not apparently yield ante, Vol. XVII. pp. 249, 250.
correct results. It will be necessary, however, In respect of the savikramana.tithi, the same in dealing with dates mentioning sankrantis, to practice is disclosed in the Sayana-Panchang for note the actual wording of them, and to determine Saka-Samvat 1808 (expired) (A.D. 1886-87), whether the given tithi is intended to be the tithi where, in the edyana sankranti-phala, we have of the occurrence of the sankranti, or the tithi of Svasti ; samvat 1943 Vilambi-nama-samvatsare; the punyakula or meritorious time for celebrating tathả cha śri-Sa-Sa 1808.V yaya-nama-samvatsare; any rites and ceremonies connected with the hemarnta-pitau Paushe masé krishna-pakshe savikranti. For the punyakula, which is too
The nirayana Makara-Sankranti occurred at 39 gh. 58 p. on Wednesday, 12th January, A.D. 1997, Pausha kļishna 3, ending at 41 gh. 11 p.; and this is the only tithi mentioned in the Grahaldghausainkranti-phala.
In the body of the almanac, the palas are given as
30; there being thus a misprint at one or other of the two places. The siyana Makara-Sankranti occurred at 5-gh, 19 p. on Thursday, 22nd December, A.D. 1887, Pansha sukla 8, ending at 48 gh. 15 p.; and this is the only tithi mentioned in the syana sariakranti-phala.