AUGUST, 1889.)
copper pieces, and some brief notes on the silver samkrintayo nivsittkhudagayana-sisirasite pieces, in accordance with which the series was Makarasaunkratntayalı prarşittah. Tadi dévânatı promptly re-arranged. My notes have since been din-odayah; daityinin râtry-udgamah. Asya published in full in my paper entitled “The Coin- punya-kala sankranaga-samayat sovy-astaage of the Early or Imperial Gupta Dynasty of paryamtain. From this, with the page for the Northern India," which appeared in the Journal month of Pausha in the body of the almanae, we of the Royal Asiatic Society for January, 1889. learn that the nirayana Makara-Sankranti
The Bodleian collection of Gupta coins is spe- occurred, or was cast to occur, at 19 ghat's after cially distinguished by the unique specimen of sunrise on Mandavisara or Saturday, 12th Kumiragupta's coinage. I found two small January, A.D. 1878. On that day there ended copper coins of Chandragupta among the un- the tithi Pausha sukla 8; and this is the tithi of classed specimens, and, since the publication the day for all ordinary purposes. But this tithi of the paper referred to, five or six more examples had actually ended at 5 gh. 10 p. after sunrise; of the copper money of the same king have been or 13 gh. 50 p., = 5 hrs. 32 min., before the time rescued from the crowd of unassigned coins. of the sankranti. And the passage quoted above
The time at my disposal did not permit me to goes on to say, " after this time there is the tithi examine in detail the other classes of early Indian9;" to stamp this as the samkramana-tithi or coins, but a hasty glance at some trays showed tithi of the sankranti; and to connect this tithi me that the collection includes many examples of with the Saturday, though, as it ended at 7 gh. the coinage of the Mitra kings, and other ancient 43 p. after sunrise on the Sunday, the latter day pre-Muhammadan dynasties of India.
is the one with which it is ordinarily to be A catalogue of the Bodleian Buddhist and connected. Exactly similar passages occur in Hindu coins cannot well be attempted until the Ganpat Krishnaji's almanaes for Saka-Sativat British Museum leads the way by catalogning its 1800, 1801, and 1805 (expired); in each of which possessions of the kind, and unfortunately the years, in the same way, the Makara Sankranti difficulties in the way of such an undertaking are occurred, or was cast to oceur, at a moment later very formidable. But in time these difficulties than the ending point of the expired tithi will doubtless be surmounted by the energy of ordinarily belonging to the day. In the other years Mr. R. S. Poole and his able colleagues, which examined by me, Saka-Saravat 1802, 1903, 1804, has already triumphed over so many obstacles, 1807, and 1808 (expired), the circumstances were and it will then be easy to complete the catalogue different; in each case the moment for the of the Bodleian numismatic treasures.
sannkrdnti is earlier than the ending time of the 15th March 1889.
V. A. SMITH expired tithi properly belonging to the day; and
no reference is made to the next tithi. THE TITHI OF A SAMKRANTI.
I find the practice to be the same in the In the sankranti-phalo of Ganpat Patwardhant Panchang. In each of the years Krishnaji's almanac for Baka-Samvat 1799
Saka-Samvat 1799, 1802, 1803, 1805, 1806, and 1807 (expired) (A.D. 1877-78), there is the following
(expired), the Makara-Sarbkranti occurred, or was passage : - Svasti; sriman-nripa. Vikram&rka. cast to occur, before the ending-time of the Bamay.Atits-earhvat .1934 Barvadhart-nama. expired tithi properly belonging to the day, and samvatsarg; tath& Sriman-nfipa-Salivaban no reference is made to the next tithi. But in the Sakê 1799 Isvara-name-samvatsaré ; 'dakshi years Saka-Samvat 1800, 1801, 1804, and 1808 niyanê hemannta-fitau Pausha-masé sukls expired), the circumstances were analogous to pakshe tithau 8 ghatikah 8 palani 10 parar o those of Saka-Samvat 1799 (expired), according to sam kramana-tithau Mamda-vasard nakshatra Ganpat Krishnaji's almanac; and in the same Asvini ghatikah 41 palani 37 samkraman-arksho way there is named, first the tithi ending on the yoga Siddhi ghatikah 25 palêni 15 sarıkra- day, and then the next tithi, commencing at that mana-yðgê tátkalike Balava-karane évam-di-pam- moment, and current at the time of the sankranti. chânga-buddha atra-dine sri-martanda- And, as it emphasises in a special manner the
amdal-odayad gata-ghatikah 19 palani o pcint that I have in view, I will quote in full the samaye Makara-rasau ravéh samkramanam passage in the sankranti-phala of the ayat. Tada dakshiņayana-hêmamtaritu-Dhana- Patwardhant Panchang for Saka-Hamvat 1808 I give the passages, throughout, just as they stand
Navin othavd Patvardhan Pajichang," the New or in the original almanacs.
Patwardhani Pagicblog." As I have stated on a previous This is the most convenient name for quoting the occasion (ante, Vol. XVI. p. 8i), this almaane appears almanac started by Prof. K. L. Chhatre. Since his to be rather a theoretical one, intended to improve and doath, it has been continued by his collaborateurs, rectify the calendar: and Ganpat Krishna's almanao apparently on the same lines, and with the same title of is the ono most in actual uso in the Bombay Presidency.