(JUNE, 1889.
gratitude by Abhayakumara (the son of the king Srêņika of Rajagriha), obtained játismaranam and turned to pravrajyd so as to receive the pratyékabuddha dignity, etc. The sermon appears to be addressed to Gosala. In the last verse : buddhassa anád imani samdhu (tattvajñasya sri Wirasya ajildyári ..), buddha is used directly as a name of Vira [266].
7. NAlamdažjjam, odÅ V., Nálandiyam, in prose; śråvakavidhih). Legend of Udaya (Udaka) PedhAlaputta Métajja,' a Pásávachchijja, Pårávåpatyfya, i.e. scholar, or follower of Påráva, whom the bhagavara Goyama (Indrabhûti) leads to Mahavira, after he has heard the same from the Kumaravuttiya (Kumaraputriya), nama samaná niggastha. Udaya thus leaves the châujjâma dhamma of Parýva and accepts the panchamahavvaïyam sapadikkamaņam dhammam of Mahåvira.
The table of contents in anga 4 (or Nandi) is as follows:- kit tam sdyagade po syagade nam sasamaya sûijjamti parasamayâ s. sasamayaparasamayà s., jivå 8. ajiva s jivajivá s., lögð 8. alôgô s. lögålog8 s. ;10 suyagada nam jîvâjivall.punna-påv'-âsava-samvara-nijjara-bamdha-mokkhåvasâ â payatthå sdijjamti; samaņâņam achirakklapavvaiyâņam kusamayam ôhamatimohiyâņam samdhajaya-sahajabuddhi-pariņáma-samsaigåņam pavakaramaliņamaiganavisôhanattham, asiyassa kiriyâvâisayassa, chaürasie akiriyâvâiņam, sattatthid annániyavảiqam, vattiske vôņaiyaviiņam, tinha têsatthåņam annadithiya 18 sayanan bûham [267] kichcha sasamað thêvijjaï ;15 na naditthaantal vayani nissaram sutthu darisayamtá vivihavittharanagamaparamasabbhava-guņavisithả môkkhapahôdåraga17 udará annanatam'andhakaraduggêsu divabhûyê sôpâņa chêva siddhisugaïgharuttamassale nikkhôbhanippakampasuttattha, 19
I have before me the commentary of Harshakula, 20 from the Tapágacha. It was composed “ varsha 1583," but not after Vira, but after Vikrama, i.e. A.D. 1527.21 The origin of the Tapágacha dates from Vira, 1755.
III. The third angam, thanam sthanam; an enumeration arranged in categories designed for the instruction of the more advanced and in fact for the eighth year of their instruction.23 The categories comprise successively subjects or conceptions conceived as one, two, and so on up to ten. Hence the whole text consists of 10 ajjhayana, which are called Skasthána, dvisthana, etc.; ajjh. 2–4 each contain 4 udd., ajjh. 5 three udd., the rest of the ajjh. have no such sub-division, and exist as égasaráni (V) of one udd. each.
From the miscellaneous contents of this compendium I extract the following: - the nakshatras: addá, chittá, sáti [268] are designated as égatáré, and then the number of the stars of the other nakshatras is enumerated. 33 In an enameration of the divisions of time in 2, - beginning with avaliya and reaching to sisapahéliya, pallova ma, sugaróvama, osappini, wasappiņi - the
Named from N Alandi, & suburb (pb4hiriki) of Rajagriha. . In the preceding 22 ajjh.sldhv.Soharab prardpital.
1 Medaryagótrina schol. ; I conjecture that this is a misunderstanding for Mêvarys - see above, p. 285. Métaryd is regarded as the tenth scholar of Mah&virs; see Hêm. v. 32.
# s. Bhagavatt 3, 185 and Jacobi, ante, Vol. IX. p. 160. • Bûchanåt strat, sutriņa kritat tat sátrakrita.
10 In N. we first read loe aloe, löyáloe, then jivå sj. j. lastly sasamal P. Raamaaparamae; so slao in the following afgas. The verb is in each of the nine instances in the plural: sdijjamti. The triads: jivijivk. jivan (jiva ajira jivajiva) lökolókò lôkah (lokalokah), sat asat sa-asat are assigned specially to the Terasiyas, Trairafika, by Abh. on aiga 12, 1.
11 jivajto to visóhanattham is omitted by N. 13 sandéhajátká cha sahajabuddhipariņámasazinkayitié cha ye. 13 pasamdiya N. 14 pratikshepam.
36 vijjanti N. . 18 nana eto. omitted in N. 7 mokshapathêvatrals.
18 grihottaminsya. 11 adtrath cha'rthai cha niryakti-bhAshya-sangrahani-vritti-ch drpi-panjikadir Apa iti sutricthab. * We have a commentary to the fourth painna by a certain Harshakusala.
11 The statements in reference to genealogy at the end are in agreement with Dharmasagara'a Gruiwall of the Tapdgacha, of the members of which patriarchs 14, 52-57 are mentioned; so that between 53 and 54 Jaguchchandramuni is referred to. See Kl. p. 267 ab.
#tatra. bhavyay mökshAbhilfshiņaḥ sthitagurpadésasys pranino, 'shavarshapramånapravrajydparylywy i'va strato 'pisthandigan ddyam, Abhayadeva; see above, p. 223, 224..
See my treatise on the nakshatras, 2,881. Ind. Stud. 9, 448. 10, 298. Accord, to the schol. we have here to do with the krittikd series of. Bhag. 1, 873. ml. The names of the nakshatras appear hero invariably in their secondary form: dhanitha, bhaddavay, etc. The name of the shibudhnya is (2, 3) corrupted into vividdhi (sve Ind. Stud. 10, 298).
A number of 194 plaoss! tanya ahaturnavatyadhiks arkasthanaiatan bhavati.