JUNE, 1889.)
This inscription is another record of king Anantavarman, otherwise called Choda gangadeve, of the later Ganga dynasty of Kalinga ; and, as in the case of No. 178. the charter recorded in it, is issued from the city of Kalinganagara. It is non-sectarian; the object of it being to record the grant of the village of Sumuds, with its hamlet, in the Sammag or Sammaga vishaya and in the Kalinga doba, to a person named Chôdaganga, evidently a name-sake of the king.
In lines 20 to 23, we have the same verse that occurs in Nos. 178 and 179 above, giving the date of the accession of Anantavarma-Ohodagangadôve. And line 32 f. gives the actual date of the grant itsell, which, without fall details for calculation, is in the month of Vrischika, i.e, in the solar month Mârgaáirsha, in Saka-Samvat 1057, expressed in numerical words. Here, again, the given year is not distinctly specified, either as current or as expired. As an expired year, it is equivalent to A.D. 1135-36.
First Plate. 1 Om Svasti Srimatâm-akhila-bhuvana-vinata-naya-vinaya-dậya)-dana-dakshinya-satya
. Gaucha-sau2 ryya-dhairyy-adi-gana-ratna-pavitra(tra)kaņâm=Atrøya-gotrapar vimala-viya(chá)r
áchåra-puṇya-salila3 prakshAlite-Kalikala-kalmashe-mashinam mahl-Mahondr-sohala-likhara-pratishthitasya
sachar-chara-gu4 rốt salala-bhuyen-niemmân-sika-stradhfreya Gaiana-chadâmapi(uê)=bhbhakobha)
gavató Gokarynasvâmi5 nah prasádatsamasådit-aikabankha-bhêri-pañchamahåśavda(bda)-dhavalach[chhatra
hômochimaru-varavrish6 bhalAñcha(chha)na-samaj[jo]vala-samasta-s&mrajya-mahimnám=anēka-samara-sanga(ngha)
tta-sama(mu)palavdha(bdha)-vi7 jayalakshmi-samålingit-t[t]unga-bhajadaņda-maņditanam 15 Trikalinga-mahibhajkr 1
Ga8 nganAm-anvayam-alankarishņôr-V vishņôr-iva vikram-akranta-dharmandalasya Guna
MA(ma)harpne9 va-mâ(ma)harajasya putrah? sri-Vajrahastadôvab-chatus-chatvarimsatam-avda(bda)
kân kshitim=arakshit 101 Tat-tanayð Gundams-râjâ(8) varsha-trayam-apalayat [11] Tadanu tad-annjah
Kamarnnavadevah pa 11 ficha-trimad-varshâņi | Tasy=knujð Vinayadityaḥ samas-tisrah (11) Tata[b]
Kamarnnava12 tansy8 Vajrahasta[hu] y mada-galita-galân=gajâna(n) sahasram=artthibhyak samadâtea
Second Plate; First Side 13 pañcha-trinsa (máa)tam=avda(bda)kan | Tatas-tad-agra-sunnḥ Kamarnna(raps)vadede
rddha-saman II 14 Tatas-tad-ana(nu)j& Garganda-mahîpatis®-triņi va[**]shâņi | Tad-and(nu)jab-cha
dvaimâturah Kams. 15 [*]ppava ék-(8)na-vinsamấa)ti-varshâņi | Tatas-tu KAMA[r]ppavad-Vaidumy.
Anvaya-samadbhavayam 16 Vinayamahadevydrh jâtaḥ sri-Vajrahastadevo [y] divaḥ patantam-atibhishaņa
1 On the analogy of the results for the dates in No. 178 above. From the original plates. Read daya. % and These marks of panotustion are unnecessary. leo page 163 above, note u.
• See page 168 above, note 18.