the writing is well preserved throughout. In the upper part of the plate, there is a hole for a ring. The ring and its seal are not now forthcoming. But it appears that they were discovered with the plate; and that the seal was bell-shaped, and had on it Garuda and a bankhashell, and a legend giving the name of Jayach[ch*]andra. The average size of the letters is about. The engraving is fairly good; though, as usual, the interiors of many of the letters shew marks of the working of the engraver's tool. The plate is thick; and the letters, which are rather shallow, do not shew through on the reverse side of it at all. The characters are Nagari and the language is Sanskrit. As regards orthography, b has been denoted by the sign for everywhere except in the word babhramur; the dental sibilant has been about 35 times employed for the palatal sibilant, and the palatal a few times for the dental sibilant; sha has taken the place of kha in -sésharam, line 23; the conjunct mera has been used for mra in ámvra, line 20; and the dental nasal has occasionally been employed instead of the lingual nasal, e.g. in punya-, line 23.
This inscription also is one of the Paramabhattáraka, Mahárájádhirája, and Paramésvara, Jayachchandradeva, who records that, when in residence at Randavai on the Ganges, he granted the village of Sale[t]i, situated in the Jaru[ttha] pattalá, to the rauta Rajyadharavarman, the donee of the preceding grants. The date is the same as that of the preceding inscription I.; and this grant also was written by the mahakshapaṭalika, the Tkakkura Sripati. The localities mentioned in the grant I am unable to identify.
sa-giri-gahana-nidhânal gôchara-paryantaḥ s-ô
2 śrimaj-Jaya[ch*]chandra
18 devo vijayi 113 Ja[ruttha]-pattalâyâm 15 Sale[t]i-grâma-nivâsino nikhila-janapadân= upaga[tâ]n-api cha raja-raj-yuvarja-mahtri-purôhita-pratîhára-a[*]nipati bhamdagarik-aksha
19 patalika-bhishag - naimittik-ântaḥpurika - dûta- karituragapa [t]tanâkarasthânagôkulâdhivô(bô)dhayaty âdisati cha yatha vidi(di)tam-astu
kâri-purushân-ajñâpayati bhavatam yath-ôparili
20 khita-grâmaḥ sa-jala-sthalaḥ sa-lôha-lavan-âkaraḥ sa-matsy-âkarali sa-gartt-ôsharah sa-madhûk-âmvra(mra)-vana-vâțikâ-vitapa-trina-yâ[ti]
sva-simâ-paryantaḥ shattrimsaty7-adhikadvadasa-sata-samvatsare Vaisa (sa)khê masi su(su)kla-pakshe paurņņimayam(m) tithau Su(su)kra-dine anke-pi samvat 1236 Vaisa (sa)kha
22 di 15 Su(su)kre 1 adya úri-Ramdavai-samâvâsê Gamgâyâm snâtvå vidhivan= timira-pa[ta]la-pâțana
21 rddhv-âdhas-chatur-âghâta-visu(su)ddhaḥ
mamtra-dêva-muni-manuja-bhuta-pitriganâms-tarppayitva patu-mahasam-Ushparôdhi(chi)sham-upasthây-Au
23 shadhipati-sakala-sêsha(kha) ram samabhyarchchya tribhuvana-trâtur-bhagavatô Vâsudai(de)vasya půjâ[m] vidhaya prachura-payasêna havisha havirbhujam hutvâ mâtâ-pitrorâtmanas-cha punya(nya)-yaśô-vivriddhayê alo.
Vatsa-gôtrâva(ya) Bharggava-Chyavana-Apnavâna-Ma(au)rvva-Jamadagnya-pamcha-pravaraya mahâ
24 asmâbhir-gôkarnṇa-kusalata-pûta-karatal-ôdaka-pûrvvakamm
1 From the impression.
Up to this, the text of the inscription, excepting some differences of spelling, and the omission of the word ért before Kanyakubj-, is the same as that of the inscription E.
This sign of punctuation is superfluous.
The second akshara of this word is quite illegible, and has been taken from the inscription K. below; the third may be tha.
Read shaṭtrimhéad-.
The consonant of this akshara is doubtful. This sign of punctuation is superfluous.
• Bead sarhvat.
10 This a appears to be struck out.
11 Bead-paruvakam.