[MAY, 1889.
23 sthalaḥ sa-lôha-lavan-akaraḥ sa-matay-âkaraḥ sa-gartt-ôsharaḥ sa-giri-gahana-nidhanaḥ sa-madhûk-âmra-vana-vâțika-vitapa-trina-yûti-gôchara-paryantaḥ 8-ôrdhv-âdhag
24 ta-visu(su)ddhaḥ sva-sîmâ-paryantal 16 traya[s*]trimsa(sa)d-adhika-dvadaka-kata-sam(m)vatsare Vaisa(sa)khe masi su(su)kla-pakshê dabamyam tithau Sa(sa)ni-dinė ankato-pi sam(m)vat 1233 Vaisa(sa)kha su di 10 Sa(sa)nau ady-e
25 ha śrîmad-vijaya-Varanasyam
Gamglyk snâtvå
manuja-bhûta-pitriganams-tarppayitvâ richisham-apaathay-O(au)shadhipati
26 sakala-sekharam samabhyarchchya tribhuvana-trâtur-bhagavatô Vasudevasya půjâm prachura-payasêna havishâ havirbhujam hutvå mâtâ-pitror âtmanas-cha punya-yaśô-bhivriddhayê a
27 småbhir=ggokarṇna-kusalata-pûta-karatal-ôdaka-pûrvvakam
Vatsa-gôtraya BharggavaChyavan-Apnavân-Aurvva-Jamadagny-êti-pamcha-pravaraya mahâmahattaka-thak
kura-ári-Jagaddhara-pautraya mahamaha
28 ttaka-thakkura-śrî-Vidyadhara-putraya râuta-éri-Rajyadharavarmmanê kshatriyaya chamdr-arkkain yavach-chhâsanikṛitya pradattô matvâ yathadiyamâna
29 yata-samast-âdâyan-âjñâvidhêyîbhaya dasyath= ê ti Bhavanti cheâtra ślôkaḥ 17 Likhitam chêdam tamrapaṭṭakam Sripatibhiḥ ||
G.-Another Bengal Asiatic Society's Copper-Plate Grant of Jayachchandra. The (Vikrama) year 1233.
This inscription also is on a single plate, measuring about 21" by " and inscribed on one side only. The edges of it were fashioned slightly thicker than the inscribed surface; and the preservation of the writing is perfect. The ring-hele is in the upper part of the plate. The ring, which had been cut when the grant came under Mr. Fleet's notice, is about " thick and 5" in diameter. It fits very tightly into a round hole in the bottom part of the usual bellshaped seal, which is about 3" high. The surface of the seal is circular, about 3 in diameter; and on it, in relief on a slightly countersunk surface, there are at the top, a representation of Garuda, exactly as in F. above; across the centre, the legend śrimaj-Jayachcha[*]dradevaḥ II; and at the bottom, a sankha-shell. The average size of the letters is about ". The engraving is fairly good; but, as usual, the interiors of most of the letters shew marks of the working of the engraver's tool. The plate is thick and substantial; and the letters, which are rather shallow, do not show through on the reverse side of it at all. The characters are Nâgart, and the language is Sanskrit. As regards orthography, b is denoted by the sign for v everywhere except in the word babhramur; the dental sibilant has been eighteen times employed for the palatal sibilant, and the palatal once for the dental sibilant; sha has taken the place of kha in sésharam, line 23; and the conjunct mera has been employed instead of mra in amura, line 21, and támurakami, line 34,
This inscription also is one of the Paramabhattáraka, Mahárájádhirája, and Paraméévara, Jayachchandradeva, who records that, when at Benares, he granted the village of Kotharavandhari, in the Kosamba pattalá, to the Kshatriya Rajyadharavarman, mentioned as donee in the preceding inscription. The date, too, is the same as that of the inscription F.: and this grant also was written by the mahdkshapatalika, the Thakkura Sripati.
These signs of punctuation are superfluous.
Here follow (differently arranged) the same benedictive and imprecatory verses as in E, 3xcept that for the verse beginning gam-8kih varnnam-ékah cha we have here the verse beginning yan-tha dattáni purd narendraiḥ.