the letters, being rather shallow, do not show through on the reverse side of it at all. The characters are Någart, and the language is Sanskrit. In respect of orthography, I need only note that b is denoted by the sign for v everywhere except in the word babhramur, and that the dental sibilant has been fourteen times employed for the palata) sibilant, and the palatal six times for the dental sibilant.
This inscription also is one of the Paramabhattáraka, Mahdrájádhiraja, and Paramétvara, Jayachchandradeva, who records that, when at Benares, he granted the village of Godanti, situated in the Paschima-chchhapana pattald in Antarvédi, together with its two patakas called Ghantismauyl and Nitamauyt, to the rduta Rajyadharavarman, son of the mahamahattaka, the thakura Vidyadhara, and son's son of the mahdmahattaka, the thakleura Jagaddhara, a Kshatriya of the Vatsa gôtra, whose five pravaras were Bhargava, Chyavana, Apnavâna, Aurva, and Jåmadagnya. And the date on which this grant was made, is stated, both in words and in decimal figures, to have been, - Saturday, the 10th lunar day of the bright half of Vaisakha, of the year 1233. Like the preceding, this grant was written by the mahdkshapatalika, or great keeper of records, the Thakkura Sripati.
The term páfaka, which occurs in the above, is by lexicographers explained to mean -grámaikadeia a part of a village ;' and comparing the use of the word in lines 16 and 17 of the inscription K below, and in line 14 of the inscription of Govindachandra) of the year 1187 (not 1180) published in the Journal Beng. As. Soc., Vol. LVI. Part I. p. 109, I understand the word to denote the ontlying portion of a village, or a kind of hamlet which had a Dame of its own, but really belonged to a larger village. In the present case, the village of Gôdanti, granted by the king, had two such hamlets, named Ghanțiâmaayi and Nitâmauyi respectively.
As regards the date, taking 1233 to be a year of the Vikrama era, the possible equivalente for Vaisakha sukla 10 would be :
for the northern year 1233 current, - Friday, 2 May, A.D. 1175; for the northern year 1233 expired, or
the southern year 1233 current, — Tuesday, 20 April, A.D. 1176; for the southern year 1233 expired, - Saturday, 9 April, A.D. 1177. The actual date, therefore, clearly is Saturday, 9 April, A.D. 177, and the calculation shows that the year 1233, mentioned in our record, was the southern Vikrame year 1988, expired, i.e. the northern year 1235, current.
Of the localities mentioned, Antarvédi is the Doab, or district between the Ganges and Yamunâ rivers. The village granted, and the pattald in which it was situated, I am unable to identify
EXTRACTS FROM THE TEXT. 20. ...... .srimaj-Jayachchandradevo vijayi 11 11 Antarvvédyarh
Pabchimachchhapana-pattalâyám 1° Ghamtiamauyi Nitamauyt 2 saha 21 sa-pata ka-Godanti-gråms-nivåsin[8] nikhila-janapadân-apagatân=api cha raja-rajii
yuvarâja-matri-purðhita-pratihära-sênåpati - bhåndagårik - akshapatalika . bhishag.
• naimi22 ttik-Antahpurika-data-karitaragapattank karasthånagðkulâdhikari-purushån=kjpapayati vô.
(bő)dhayaty=&disati cha [1] Viditam=astu bhavatar yath-parilikhita-grimah 88-jala
The published text and the translation of it aro incorrect. The actual reading of the plato is distinctly Bhaluri-patakana saha 'together with the pataka Bhalurt' (not part of Baluri' (t)).
son that day the 10th tithi of the bright fortnight commenced about mean sunrise, and it ended 1 h. 4 m, before sunrise of the following day.
+ From the impression.
6 Up to this, the text of the insoription, excepting some differences of spelling, is the same as that of the inscription E.
• These signs of panctuation are superfluous.