(1. 6). His successor was the P. M. P., the glorious Durlabharajadeva (1. 7). His successor was the P. M. P., the glorious Bhimadeva (I.) (1. 8). His successor was the P. M. P., the glorious Karnadeve, who had the biruda or secondary name of Trailokyamalla (1. 9). His successor was the P. M P., the glorious Jayasim hadeva (1. 11), who was victorious over the lord of Avanti and over the Varvarakas, and who had the biruda of Siddhachakravartin (1. 10). His successor was the P. M. P., the glorious Kumarapaladeva (1. 13), who was equal in prowess to the god Chaturbhuja (Vishņu), and who conquered in battle the king of Sakambhari (1. 12). His successor was the P. M. P., the glorious Ajayapaladeve (1. 15); who reproduced in this Kali age the spotless reign of Rama; and who levied tribute from LakshmApala, (the king) of the Sapadala ksha (country). His successor was the P. M. P., the glorious Mularajarteve (II.) (l. 17); who overcame in war Nagarjuna, the king of K&vi, difficult to be conquered. And his successor is the P. M. P., the glorious Bhimadova (II.) (1. 19); who has the biruda of Abhinava-Siddhardjadeva, and who is a very incarnation of the god) Bala-Narayaņa (Vishnu).
In the reign of the last-mentioned king (1. 19), and while his feudatory (pádapadm-ôpajivin) the Mahámátya, the illustrious Ratanapala (1. 20), is superintending all the functions connected with the royal seal in the records (sríkarana) and other departments; and while, in the district 9 (pattald) that he acquired through the favour of his lord, vis. in the province of Surashtraḥ mandala which is being enjoyed by him (1. 22), his deputy in the records-department at the city of) Vamanasthall is the Mahápratihára (?), the illustrious somarAjadeva (1.23); with the consent (?) (pratipatti) of the five families headed by (that of the Mahattara, or Mahattama, the illustrious Sobhanadêva, a charter is written, to the following effect (1. 25):
“By Mahipala, the son of VÁlaharà, of the Pragvát kindred, there has been made an irrigation-well (vápí) at the village of GhantelAna (. 26), in the southern part of it; and also & watering-trough (prapá). And to Madhava, the son of Paraśara, of the Nagara kindred, there has been given an allotment of land, consisting of a field connected with the irrigationwell at the village of Ghantelana (1. 28), and measuring fifty chains (pdía ) (1. 29). Its boundaries are:-On the east, the field of Samachanda, and the river Soshadi (1. 30); on the south also, the river Soshadi; on the west, the field which is the holding (satka) of the Rauta Védagarbha; and on the north, the king's highway.
“Also (1. 31), in the northern part of the village, there is given a second field, for the watering-trough, situated in the north-west corner, and measuring one hundred pdúas (1. 33). Its boundaries are :-On the east, the king's land, or the land of the king's servants; on the south, the field of the Méhara (P) Sölüyâ; and on the west, the boundary of the village of Bhaharada (1. 34); while, on the north, the boundary is at the boundary of the vahani.
"So also, in the village of Akavaliya (1. 35), in the northern part, there is given land producing one candy' (khanda) (of grain), and measuring one hundred pásas (1. 36). Its boundaries are :-On the east, the boundary of the village of Sakall (1. 37); on the south, the boundary of (the village of) Varadi; on the west, the road that goes over the village of Ghantelåna (1. 38); and on the north, the vahani.
“So also in the village of Bhdharada (1. 39), there is given land producing one khanda, and measuring one hundred pásas. Its boundaries are:-On the cast, the boundary of the village of Ghantelana (1. 40); on the south, the boundary of the village of Samadiya; on the west, the boundary of the vahani of the village ; and on the north, the boundary of the vahani of (the village of) Sivaliya (1. 41).
"This irrigation-well and watering-trough (1. 45) are to be always maintuined by Madhava. And, as long as they are maintained, he and his descendants are to enjoy this land yielding four Ichandas.43
12 See note 18 above.
13 The total measurement of the four allotmonts, however, was three hundred and fifty pias; and in the last two instancos one hundred palas are stated to yiuld ono khanda: so that the total yield should appurontly bu oul three and a half khandas.