[APRIL, 1889.
Third Plate. 40 cha aghấå Cyathî*] I půrvatô Ghantelana-grâma-sîmâyâm simå dakshiņato
Samadiya-grama sî41 mây [4*] [simâ+] paschimatô ta thả gramiya-vahagi-simâyân sỉma | ut[t*]arato
Sivaliya42 vahapi-simâyâ [m] sîmå I eva chatar-aghâţa-viếuddha bhûmî sva-ssma
paryamta[m] ya43 thá-prasiddha-paribhôjya gribâņa[m] palladika-samêtê khalaka-ka[ch]chhaka-bhumi 44 sahità 1,27 a-kara nirmalâ gôpatha-gôprachâra-samêta udaka-pûrva-dharmmêņa prada45 ttà (1) Esha 'vapi tath prapâ cha do-Mâdhavena sad=aiva bharaniya
våpi[m] tatha prapâ[m] cha 46. duo-Madhavêna bharamaņena satâ eshåbhûnt sha(kha)mda-chatushțaya-samkhyåka
A-chat47 dr-årka-kålam yâvata(t) samtâ na-paramparaya bhôktavya bhôktaraniyâs=cha | Jânihi29
dattani 48 parâ narsisdrai dânânio dharmm-Artha-yasa(sa)s-karâņi 1 nimâlya-vamtasi-pratimani
tậni kô năma. 49 sådhu[bo] punar=idadita32 || Atr-arthở sâkshi 11 Vâma33-sri-Sómanáthadêviya
sthân&o34.Darvasu 11 Sri. -50 Visadhêśvaradêva-machhi(the)tya-sthani(na)pati-Vimvalaja #1 Sri-Kâdara-mathêtya
sthậna-Vra(bra) hmaja | De51 vi-sri-Kapâlêsvari-stâ(stha) niya-sthånâo-Kshadaja sthậnao-y6°35-Låshå-sata-yoo-Veda
f(?)ksh  52 lå-guta-I(?)kshủ Sivadêva Vra(bra)hmapuriya-I(?)kshi Disikesi-sata
()ksh4036 Chheda Tatha vråsbra) hmaņa53 Mada(dhu)sûdana-sata-pamạitao-Sômaravi mahajana-Môdha srêshţio37-Nâna-sutao-śrêshțio
Samå| Kalyao-sro - 54 shțio-Khêtâ Prågvà°39.śrôshți-Dharaniga értshțio-Kudá-sutao-Gamgaddva | Gûrja 39.
mahajana-śr[@]shți55 Yajakà 11 Kapam khalakam kastha(chchha)kaṁ g8-patham gô-pracharam bhôkta
vya cha || Datakaho svaya 11 Dharmavarhi56 kayam samcharitam ch=ijõåtam 11 Chha || Srih 11 Ôm 11
ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS. The inscription commences with the date, in twelve centuries, increased by sixty- six (years), of the years that have gone by from the time of the glorious king Vikrama, and, by the popular reckoning, on the fourteenth tithi of the bright fortnight of the month Marga, on Thursday; or, in figures the Vikrama year 1286, in (this) year, the Simha year 96, in (this) year, by the popular reckoning, (the month) Marga, the bright fortnight, the (civil) day 14, on Thursday; on this tithi, (specified) as above by the year, month, fortnight, (civil) day, and week-day; to-day; here at the famous (city of Anahillapataka (line 4).41 And it then gives the following genealogy :
The Paramabhaftáraka, Maharájádhiraja, and Paramósvara, the glorious Malarajadova (I.) (1. 5). His successor (pád-ánudhyata) was the P. M. P., the glorious Chamundarajadeva 17 Road sahita.
What was intended to be the reading here, is not apparent. 9 Metre, Indravajra.-The usual reading here is yan=íha. But there is no inherent objection to the present reading, which is the 2nd pers. sing. imper. par._
20 Read narrisdrair-danini. * Read nirmalya-värista.
32 First na was engraved here; and then it was corrected into ta. 38 Hero vima is perhaps an abbreviation for wimanasthali. M i.e. sthånddhifedri; or else sthanapati, for sthanapati, as in the next line.
$5 i.e., perhaps, yogin. * The mark of abbreviation here seems to be a mistake.
Here, and in the following instances, read frdahshi". * i.o. pragude.
5 i.e. gurjara; or more proporly gurjara. # This visarga is imperfect; only the lower part of it having been formod.
The context is " a charter is written, to the following effect," in lino 25... And this, with the wording of line 55-56, suggests the possibility of Dharmavarbike being another name of Aphilwad.