MARCH, 1889.)
But, in Saka-Samvat 897 current (836 of the village of Erathâņa, - identical, as expired), Pausha bukla 4 ended on Friday, pointed out by Mr. H. H. Dhruva, with the 23rd Decomber, A.D. 914, at about 36 gh. modern Erthân in the Olpad Talukî of the 58 p. ; and the Makara-sankranti occurred Surat District, - to a Brahman, on this on the same day, at about 8 gh. 4 p. ; and occasion, by Trilôchanapaala, who was then any rites and ceremonies connected with it at the Agastya-tirtha on the shore of the would be performed on that same day.
western ocean. Dr. Bühler's published text gives the year That the given Saka year 972 is to be applied 839; which is also quoted in his introductory as an expired year, is shewn by the mention remarks; though in his translation the year is of the Vikrita samvatsara of the Sixty-year given as 836. For the year 839, however, Cycle of Jupiter, which by the mean-siga whether it is taken as current or as expired, system of the cycle was current at the comcorrect results cannot be obtained. Thus, in mencement of Saka-Samvat 971 current, but Saka-Samvat 839 current, Pausha bukla 4 ended by the southern luni-solar system was at about 34 gh. 22 p. on Saturday, 30th coincident with Saka-Samvat 973 current (A.D. November, A.D. 916; twenty-two days before 1050-51). In this year, the purnimanta Paasha the Makara-sanikeránti, which occurred at about krishna 15 ended, not on a Tuesday, but on 39 gh. 7 p. on Sunday, 22nd December. And Sunday, 16th December, A.D. 1050, at about in Saka-Samvat 840 current (839 expired), 52 ghalis, 49 palas, after mean sunrise (for BomPausha sukla 4 ended at about 41 gh. 59 p. bay); and on this day there was no eclipse of on Saturday, 20th December, A.D. 917; two the sun. But, in accordance with what we have days before the Malara-salikránti, which now found to be the regular arrangement of occurred at about 54 gh. 39 p. on Monday, the lunar fortnights for the years of the Saka 22nd December, and the rites and ceremonies era in Gujarat, 'in this period, the amanta of which, moreover, would not be celebrated Pausha krishna 15 ended, as required, on till the following day, Tuesday. The published Tuesday, 16th January, A.D. 1051, at about text fortunately includes a reproduction of the 24 gh. 28 p.; and on this day there was an original figures; of which the last seemed to eclipse of the sun,' which seems to have me, at first sight, clearly to mean 6, and to be been visible in the south of India. & transitional form between the numerical In publishing this inscription, Mr. H. H. symbol and the decimal figure. And the Dhruva translated the words amáväsyű-tithau results shew that the real reading undoubt- stirya-parvaņi by "on the day of the new-moon, edly is the year 888.
that of the solstitial festival." But, that this No. 26.
is not correct, and that súrya-parvani is only In the Surat copper-plate grant of the | used, under metrical necessities, for the more Chaulukya prince Trilochanapala of Lata- complete and more customary expression suryadesa, published with. & Plate, by Mr. H. H. grakana-parvani, is shewn by the fact that in Dhruva in this Journal, Vol. XII. p. 196 ff., the same year the winter solstice, as represented the date (from the published lithograph; by the Mukara-sarikránti or entrance of the Plate iii. line 3 f.) is - Sakê nava-satair sun into Capricornus, occurred at about 19 gh. yuktê dvi-saptaty-adhikê tatha Vikritê vatsaré 31 p. on Monday, 24th December, A.D. 1050; Paushê misê pakshê cha támasê amavasya which day is not in agreement with the given tithau sürya-parvany-Angäravarake, " in tithi by either the amánta or the purnimanta the Saka (year) that is possessed of the number arrangement of the lunar fortnights. of) nine centuries and is increased by seventy
J. F. FLEET. two; in the year Vikrita; in the month
THE SPURIOUS GURJARA GRANTS OF THE Pausha, and in the dark fortnight, on the
SAKA YEARS 400, 415, AND 417. new-moon tithi; at the conjunction (of an At page 56 above, I have stamped the Antrólieclipse) of the sun; on Angaravaraka, or Chhårüli grant of Saka-Samvat 679 (expired) as Tuesday.” And the charter records a grant giving the earliest reliable instance, that I can
> Von Oppolzer's Canon der Finsternise, pp. 216, 217 and Plate 108.