[MARCE, 1889.
in which he replies to the criticisms of Prof. Bat, in Baka-samvat 811 current (810 Oldenberg, and rejects the claims to the discovery expired), while the párriménta tithi ended at pat forward by Mr. Pincott in J.R.A. 8., Vols.
about 24 gh. 11 p. on Saturday, 16th March, XVI. and XIX.
A. D. 888, on which day there was no solar M. Clermont Gannean gives a fourth instalment
eclipse, the amanta Chaitra krishna 15 ended of his notes on Arab Epigraphy and History, The present paper contains a critique of Dr.
on Monday, 15th April, A.D. 888, at about Gildemeister's article on an Arabic inscription
5 gh.; and on this day there was an eclipse found at Banias, the ancient Paneas, in Galilee, of the sun,' which seems to have been visible which appeared in the Zeitschrift der Deutschen in the south of India. Palästina-Vereins, Vol. X., pp. 168 and fl., and This result corroborates that obtained under a note on the bridge constructed at Lydda by No. 22 of these Calculations; and shews that Sultan Baibars.
by this period the amants southern arrangeA transcription and translation by M. Oppert,
ment of the lunar fortnights had permaof a Babylonian contract concerning a slave, is
nently superseded the purnimanta arrangethe most interesting portion of the miscellaneous
ment with the years of the Saka era in notes which conclude the volume.
G. A. GÉIERBON. Gujarat.
In the HaddalA copperplate grant of the No. 24.
Chapa Mahasamantadhipati Dharanivardha, In the Bagumra copper-plate grant of the the feudatory of a king named Mahipaladeva, Rashtrakata Mahasamantadhipati Krish- from the eastern part of Kathiawad, pubparaja II. of Gujarat, published, with & lished by Dr. Bühler in this Journal, Vol. XII. Plate, by Dr. Hultzsch in this Journal, Vol. page 190 ff., it is recorded that Dharanivaraha, XIII. p. 65 ff., the date (from the published who was residing (Plate ii. line 1 f.) at Vartext and lithograph; Plate ii. b, line 11 f.) is dhamana, which has been identified by Dr. - Saka-nțipa-kal-atîta-savatchhara (read sa Bühler with the modern Wadhwan in the Vatsara)-satêshv=ashtasu dah-ôtarëshu (read Jhålàwad Prant in Kathiawad, granted the das-ôttarëshu) Chaitre amâvâsyâ(read Chaitr. village of Vinkala to a Brahman, -(Plate ii. âmâvûsya)-säryagrahaņa-parvaņi, -"in eight line 12) udagayana-mahaparvaņi, -"at the centuries, increased by ten, of the years that great festival or conjunction of the udagahave gone by from the time of the Saka king; at yang," i.e. at the winter solstice, which is the conjunction of an eclipse of the sun on to be taken as represented by the Makarathe new-moon tithi of (the month) Chaitra." sankranti or entrance of the Sun into CapriAnd the charter records a grant of the village cornus. And towards the end, we have the full of Kavithasidhi, - which has been identified details (Plate ii. line 21) of - Saka-Samvat with the modern Kösâd in the Olpad Táluka of 836 Pausha su di 4 uttarîyanê, -"the Saka the Surat District, - by Kțishyaraja II., on year 836; (the month) Pausha; the bright this occasion, after bathing in the Narmada at fortnight; the (civil) day 4, (and, with it, the the Bhagavat-tirtha.
fourth tithr); at the uttarayana," i.e., again, Here, again, a correct result can be obtained at the festival of the winter solstice. only by taking the given year 810 as an ex- Here, again, a correct result can be obtained pired year.
only by taking the given year as an expired Thus in Sakar-Samvat 810 current, by Prof. year. K. L. Chhatre's Tables, the párnimánta Chaitra Thus, in Saka-Samvat 836 carrent, Pausha krishna 15 ended on Sunday, 26th February, sukla 4 ended at about 45 ghatis, 45 palas, A.D. 887, at about 40 ghafis, 4 palas, after after mean sunrise (for Bombay), on Saturday, mean sunrise (for Bombay); and the amánta 4th December, A.D. 913; eighteen days betithi, on Tuesday, 28th March, at about 22 gh. fore the Makara-saskránti, which occurred 30 p. And on neither of these days was there at about 52 gh. 31 p. on Wednesday, 22nd an eclipse of the sun.
December. * ante, Vol. XVI. p. 100 .
Von Oppolzer's Canon der Finsternisse, pp. 200, 201, and Plate 100.