(NOVEMBER, 1887.
joyed, and admiring his abilities rewarded him him. The king had long rides on the mare, by way of advancement in pay. He had the but without any good result. parrot day after day perched on his shoulder The next thing they proposed was that the und conversed with it for a long while but king should wear the rúnkhas' diamond ring, without effect, for who ever heard of a cure and Pequeno João was accordingly sent for it. through conversation with a parrot ?
He was sure of success, and went with a light The increase of pay Pequeno João now had heart. He reached by dusk and stole into the Was a further source of envy to his brothers, so bouse of the ránkhas unobserved. After the they suggested that the king should have a ride day's excursion the rúnkhas came home. on the ránkhas' mare, which, they thought, When he went to bathe he took off his diawould be likely to cure him. Pequeno João was mond ring and left it on the table, to the secret ugain sent for and asked if he was able to fetch 1 joy of Pequeno João, who did not wait long; the rankhas' mare, and he said he could. So and as soon as he saw there was no one by took again he went and hid himself in the rankhas it up quietly and ran out of the house and garden. At midnight he tried to loose the mare, crossed the river. The ránkchas came out of but she called out: “O ránkhas! are you his bath but found the ring gone, and made sure alive or dead 2 Pequeno João is come to take Pequeno João was in the house. He searched me away."
it, every nook and corner, but no one was to be Pequeno João removed the grass that was be- seen! In the morning, however, his suspicions fure the mare and hid himself. The ránkhas came were confirmed for he saw Pequeno João out, but could see no one. He, however, saw that proudly wearing his ring across the river, but there was no grass before the mare and that she he could do nothing but say: "Very well, must be hungry. So he set some grass before Pequeno João, you came to my house, feasted, her and went to sleep again. Thrice Pequeno caused the death of my daughters, took away João attempted, with equal failure, and thrice my caps, took away my parrot and my mare, the rúnkhas came out and saw no one, and and now you are taking away my ring P Some in his anger said that if the mare should day or other I will pay you out for it." disturb him again he would kill her. After But little afraid of the threats of the rána short timo Pequeno João came and told the khas Pequeno João replied :mare to beware of the ránkhas' wrath and to go “Oli, "Barasa, barai, disrún mik ain, with him quietly, which she did. He passed Ani khanchit túlá pún nain." with her to the opposite side of the river and Oh! another journey yet will I make, sat down there.
When with me for certain you I will take. In the morning when the rankchas came out He then went his way and gave the ring to of his house he was astounded to see Pequeno the king. The king was very glad and reJoão seated by the river and the mare standing warded him by raising him to the position of a beside him. He was at a loss to know what to kotwil. As one would expect, the rúnkhas' do, but only cried out : “ Very well, Pequeno ring did the king no good'; and it was next João you came to my house, feasted, caused the suggested that the sword should be tried. death of my daughters, took away my cups, Pequeno João, now & kôtual, effected the took away my parrot, and now you are taking bringing of the sword also as he had done the away my mare. Some day I will make you
ring, being this time made a násir to the pay for it."
greater envy of his brothers, who were now But Pequeno Joað said:
more than ever bent on his roin. "Baran, baran, dasrún mín ain,
They planned together to ask the king to Ani khanchit túlá pán 'nain."
cover himself with the ránkhas' blanket,
brought from off his person while covered with Oh ! another journey yet will I make, it in the night. But who would venture to
When with me for certain you I will take. take anything away from the person of the He got home safe and made the mare over ránkhas ? Pequeno João, already crowned with to the king, who still further increased his pay, 80 many succesaes, undertook to do it; and which made the brothers yet more envious of started on his perilous errand. He reached