OCTOBER, 1887.)
prophecy from between the shoulder pieces but to fight the Sikhs boldly, as he would by of the cloak returned to Bukhårå. Ahmad the help of Allah on a certain date annihilate Shâh conveyed the sacred cloak by way of the Sikhs. After that he marched himself, KAbul to Qandahår, but before doing so left it and happened to arrive just at the time when for some time in the place called Maidan (the the Sardárs were engaged in a hot struggle plain near the city) to enable the population with the Sikhs; but thus reinforced they soon of Kabal and of Khûrd Kábul to perform a gained a complete victory. It is said that on pilgrimage to it, so that even down to our this occasion nearly twenty thousand Sikhs times the mazár (place of pilgrimage] which were slain and made prisoners, while the rewas then made in the said locality within the mainder fled. Having offered thanksgivings precincts of the mosque, is in existence. It to Allah, and rested a few days, Ahmad Shah is said that the blessed cloak remained there returned to Afghanistan after re-installing for some time, and having afterwards been Zain Khải Mohmand in his position of goverbrought to Qandahar was during the Shah's nor, and arrived in Qandahar. life-time kept in the old Jâm'i mosque, situated Next year when information arrived that on the south side of the Burdurâni Mahalla. the population of Amritsar had rebelled, and, After his demise, Timûr Shah his son, having after being day and night engaged in plunder. constructed on the east side of his father's tomb ing, had reduced Zain Khân Mobmand to great a mosque with a dome and tank, transferred it straits, Ahmad Shah marched in the winter to that place, where it now is.
season to India." After arriving in the city The said Waxfr Shah Wall Khan subjugated of Labor and punishing the Sikhs of the Qunduz, Baqlan, and Badakhshận, appointed district, he marched as far as Ambáld where governors in those provinces, and waited on his the Nawab Najibu'ddaula was honoured by return upon Ahmad Shah, who was highly being admitted to an andience; but the Nawab pleased and bestowed gifts upon him; whereon Shujā'au'ddaula, Şubahdår of Lakhnau, feignhe took rest from the fatigues of his campaigning sickness despatched abundant presente, for some time in Ahmadshâbi till the year but refrained from making his appearance. 1178.11 At this time news arrived that the sect After having regulated the administration and of the Sikhs bad united from the whole Pañjab taken some rest, he graciously bestowed the to the number of nearly seventy thousand, governorship of Sarhand upon the said Nawab and were besieging the fort of Chandálů, about Najibu'ddaula, and that of Lahôr according seven karas distant from the town of Amritsar, to the desire of Shah Wali Khan upon Amar and that the whole of the Pañjáb was in Singh Sikh, who was so extremely anxious to a state of rebellion. Ahmad Sbâh ordered display his loyalty, that in the plenitude thereof his Wazir Shah Wali Khân Bâmizâi to collect he called himself Amar Singh Bárukzâi. all the forces as quickly as he could, and after- When Ahmad Shah returned to Qandahår, wards himself merched to the Pañjab." When the Khans of that locality went out to meet the Sikhs heard,-after he had crossed the bim, pay their respects, and keep him company. Sind [Indus] river,--of the approach of the He then spent several years in perfect comfort Durrani army, they abandoned the siege and and great tranquillityfled, but disquieted Zain Khan Mohmand, and Like the ocean he spread the table of Bahikun Khan Malirt, and Murtaga Khan
liberality, Bartchi, and Qasim Khân, and others who were, And abolished from the world the custom on behalf of Ahmad Shah, the governors of and name of mendicity. various districts. He, however, sent word by a After he had reigned twenty-four years, the courier to Zain Khan, who happened to be in disease of cancer, to which he had been forA village named Kip, not to be disheartened, merly subject, again returned, and devoured his
10 A deshy protuberance on the body of Muhammad was thus surnamed, but it was never considered to be an aotaal seal.
"Began on the 1st July 1784. Acoording to our text this ww the fourth invasion of India by Almad Shah, and writer in the Calcutta Review, 1870, Vol. LI., No. CL. p. 89, Allades to it: bat
Grant Du never even mention the word Sikh in his whole work of thres volumes, which are, M is well known, admirable in other reepeota. (In the Panjab, however, there is, and naturally, very vivid reoolloo. tion of this invasion.- ED.) u Tbia ww the afth and last expedition to India.