any songs of the Seh-deh, but thinks there must be the surrounding Tátårs. Baron Rosen, who writes some preserved among the women, who are great the article, doubts whether the method employed singers. The editor (Baron V. Rosen) adds some by the worthy priest is altogether efficacious, as remarks, calling attention to the three manuscripts he recommends the mulla to betake himself to in the Guran dialect preserved in the British works on Arabic philology by Russians, whose Museum. He cites Dr. Rieu's Catalogue and the authority the mulla would not recognise. To valuable remarks which he has appended on the attack Musalmans thoroughly, a knowledge of characteristics of that dialect.
their dogmatic works is necessary and not only (e) Remarks of V. Tysenhausen on the First of the Quran. Russian Embassy to Hirdt.-This was in the time (2) Transactions of the Eastern Section of the of the Sultan Abd Sayyid. The Persian histo- Russian Archæological Society, Vol. I. Part 2. rian, 'Abdu'r-Razzaq of Samarqand, mentions the (a) 4 Hoard of Golden Dindrs of the Pathan ambassadors of the Russian 'padishakh' (i.e. the Sultans of India. The original seat of the Grand Duke Ivan III.), who came to Aba Sayyid Bulgarians on the Volga, now represented by at Hirat in 869 A.H. from 3rd Sept. (O. S.) 1464 such towns as Bulgara and Biliara, is still a to 23rd Aug. (O.S.) 1465. A Persian embassy is great place for finding coins, especially after a mentioned in the travels of the merchant Anasta- period of heavy rains, when they are washed up Bius Nikitin (edited by Sreznevski).
out of the sand. They are generally found 6) Archæological Discoveries in the District isolated, but sometimes in hoards. The preof Semirechia, or District of the Seven Rivers (a sence of isolated coins may be explained either name given by the Russians to the newly acquired by accidental loss or by the ancient custom of country near Kashghar.) This is an account of scattering money among crowds. The coins gene. a cemetery containing many graves of Nestorian rally found have been copper or silver: gold have Christians near the town of Pishpak.
been exceedingly rare. This has resulted from the (9) Collection of materials for the Study of circumstance that in the oldest days of the trade of Ethnology, published by the Dashkov Ethnological the Volga-Bulgarians with Asia, silver money was Museum. Notices of the Mishart.-In this "col. alone employed. Bulgara (on the Volga), was a leotion of materials" may be mentioned the great depôt of the trade with the East, whence following, all written by natives of the countries goods were taken by merchants from Novgorod of which they treat :-B. H. Boyev, “On the to the coast of the Baltic and further. Up to this Marriage Laws of the Bulgarians;" Th. Y. time in Volga-Bulgaria, dindrs of the Pathan Treuland, “Christening Customs among the Sultans of India are the only gold coins which Letts;" S. V. Kokiev, " Papers on the Mode of have been found. But they are so rare that the Life of the Ossets;" G. A. Khalatianetz, "General author of the article, M. A. Likhachev, declares Sketch of Armenian Folk Tales." Lastly, the that during his thirty years' labour in collecting, little work of E. Malov is devoted to the up to the present year he has only got four. Musalman Tätår inhabitants of the Russian | The first hoard ever found of Pathan dindrs Governments of Riazan, Tambov, Penza, Nishe- was during the year 1884. Not far from the novgorod, Simbirsk, Saratov and Samara.
village of Tenishevo is a little lake, very deep. (h) The Self-Instructor in the Sart Language, Towards the end of May, in the year 1884, some (The Sarts are a people of Turkistán), by Z. A. little peasant children were playing on the bank of Alekseiev.-The work is confused and a great this lake. They found seven golden coins, five of deal of it taken up with needless disquisitions. It which came into the possession of the author, and will not be useful to any one desiring to learn the one was bought by a rich Tätâr of Kazan. This language.
M Likhachev tried to purchase from the Tatar, © Transactions of the Russian Imperial but was obliged to abandon his plan, as a fabuGeographical Society. Collection of notes on the lous sum was asked for it. He, however, took Government of Kutaïs.-Two important essays a copy of it. One was sold to a certain gentleman, here: i.) Shafranov's "Contributions to the who happened to be staying in the neighbourhood. geography of the Ancient Colchis;" (ii.) "Des- and of this he was not able to take a copy. On cription of a church at Mama-Tzminda, with looking at the six gold coins, he found that two of excellently preserved Greek inscriptions." them were coined in the name of 'Alau'ddin
() Concerning Adam, according to the teach-Muhammad Shah Sikandar As-sant, who ruled ing of the Bible and that of the Quran, being the from 695 to 1715 A.H.(=1295—1315 A.D.) The discussions of the Priest Erithymius Malov with remaining four belong to the reign of Muhama learned mulla.-Malov lives at Kazan and mad I, the son of Tughlaq Shab, i.e. the appears to be a very carnest missionary among period 725-752 A.H. ( 1826-1350 A.D.)