[JANUARY, 1887
The Chalukya power was not restored till fixed, his Wokkalêri grant shews that in the time of Taila II., A.D. 973-74. For the A.D. 757-58 he had been reigning for eleven intervening period, the present inscription gives years. According to the present inscription, the following continuation of the genealogy. Kirttivarman III. was of the same generation The verse in line 32f. tells us that "there with him. And this leaves an interval of over was) a brother of king Vikramaditya (II.), two hundred years, for which we have no conof terrible prowess; to his son was Kirttivar. temporaneous historical records of the Chalaman (III.) (1, 32), wlio afflicted wicked people kyas themselves; and, to fill which, we have by scattering earth over them to purify them." only the five names of Taila I., Vikramaditya His son was Tails I. (1. 33). His, again, was III., Bhima, Ayyana I., and Vikramaditya IV. Vikramaditya III. And his, again, was This gives for each generation an average of Bhima. Bhima's son was the noble Ayyana more than forty years, or nearly double of I. (1. 34), who appears to have united the what experience has shewn to be admissible. fortunes of his own lineage with those of the It is clear, therefore, that the genealogy is not Rashtrakūtas, by marrying & daughter of altogether reliable here, and that some steps Krishna. Their son was Vikramaditya IV.
are wanting. Now, it is probable that the (1.35), who married Bonthadevi (1. 36), the family would have preserved correct records ornament of the family of the lords of Chedi, for at any rate two or three generations immeand the daughter of king Lakshmana. And diately before Taila II. And there are two the son of Vikramaditya IV. and Bonthådêvi
points here in support of this. At the rate of was Taila II. (1. 37), "who easily cat asunder
twenty-five years to a generation, the period of in the field of battle the two pillars of war
his father, Vikramaditya IV., would be from of Karkara (1.41), connected with the
about A.D. 945 to 970; which agrees with sovereignty of the family of the Rashtra- the record that he married Bonthadovi, a katas, which were, as it were, evidently the daughter of Lakshmana, of the family of two feet of the evil deity) Kali stretched out the kings of Chodi, i.e. Lakshmana of the with vigour in the act of striding, and which Kalachuri dynasty of Tripura or Têwar.' were, as it were, shoots, formidable, of compact whom General Cunningham places between substance, and having enmity against spiritual A.D. 950 and 975. And, in the same way, the preceptors for their young sprouts, of the creeper, period of his grandfather, Ayyana I., would be now at length cut down after the lapse of a long from about A.D. 920 to 945 ; which agrees time, of the fortunes of the Rashtrakata with the record that he married a daughter family;" and by whom Utpala" (1. 42), -who of a certain Krishna, i.e. Krishna III. of had destroyed the lives of the Hûņas, and had the Rashtrakata dynasty of Manyakhota caused the Maravas!' to tremble at his approach, or Malkhêd, who came" somewhere in the and had cut off the Chaidyas," and had per- period between A.D. 911 and 933. There is, in fected his intellect by policy combined with fact, no substantial objection to accepting the conquest of the whole world, -was cast into list of names as correct, as far back as Taila prison.
I., and to placing the break in the direct snecesWith regard to this part of the genealogy, sion just before him. That this is the real I have to remark that the later inscriptions point at which the record fails, is shewn, I fix the acuession of Taila II. in A.D. 973- think, by the way in which, immediately after 74; and that, though the termination of the the mention of Vikramaditya II. and his son reign of Kirttivarman II. has not yet been Kirttivarman II. in line 31, the same names
10 Or" who possessed prowess equal to that of Bhima." the PachAlas, whom, according to other inscriptions, This expression ay perhaps be intended to indicate Tails IL decapitated in battle; see, for instance, ante, that his name was Bhima, which ooours in the family, Vol. XII. p. 270. nooording to the present inscription, four generations 13 The people of Maru or Marubhmi, the modern later; and, to dosling with the Miraj grant, I gave it
• Marwar. this interpretation. But I feel more doubtfal about it now. The people of Chedi, the kingdom of the Kalachuris 11 See the instance of two ra nastambhas, and the way of Tripura.
ante, Vol. VIII. p. 234. in which one of them was out asunder, described ante, 16 Archwol. Surv. Ind. Vol. IX. p. 85.. Vol. XV. pp. 2538.
17 See the genealogy in Dywuation of the Kanarose Die 11 I have not obtained any other mention of this kingtricte, p. 32, and ante, Vol. XI. p. 109. by name. But he is perhaps the Plachala, or leader of