AUGUST, 1887.]
daughter! He then told him what had hap- and except Sellam and the Tékkuttakki, and, of pened the previous evening. The emperor course, her parents, no one was to be allowed was highly pleased at this display of sense to visit the princess. If any one, whoever he and at the faithfulness shown by the lad in might be, were to enter any of the stories, even thus bringing this news to him in good time. in ignorance of who was confined in the place, He asked Krishna Singh to keep this a dead his head was to be cut off then and there. Thus secret, as he would take the necessary steps to the very next night after her projected plans prevent the projected elopement from taking the princess was imprisoned ! place.
She had never dreamtof anything like this. No The emperor at once issued an order sum- one, except the Takkattûkki and Sellam could, moning all the artisans of the place to attend she was told, pass and repass the steps of those the darbár in a couple of hours. The orders seven stories! What was the cause of all this? were duly obeyed, and when they came the Had some spies brought the emperor news of emperor asked them whether it was possible for her intended elopement after overhearing her ? them to raise a great mansion, seven stories No! That could not be, for she had most in height, in a couple of days. They replied carefully watched the place. Possibly the Tûk. that with the kind favour of the king they kuttûkki had somehow overheard her arrangecould do it in one day. He made the neces- ments with Ramachandra, and had played her sary arrangements for it, asking the minister false. How could that be possible in such a and other officers to suspend all other work in foolish creature? However, in her uncertainty, order to superintend the building of the man- she was anxious to examine him. sion, and to procure all that was necessary for It was more than the 15th ghatiká of it. The emperor went to see his daughter and the night. The princess was sitting in her stuck beside her, watching her like a thief. chair in great distress of mind at the sudden No one knew what the mansion was meant frustration of her plans. Krishna Singh was for, and no one had the boldness to ask sitting in front of her and she began to exahim, but the work duly progressed. It is said mine him, commencing in this way :-" Will that even nature obeyed the emperor's orders, the Takkuttûkki bring me that book from the and that an enormous mansion, seven stories cupboard and turn to the 11th page and high, was completed before the eighth ghatiká read P" Kțishna Singh eyed her with anger of that evening. The minister and other for a couple of minutes, and rising up brought officers, deputed to look after the work, then the book from the cupboard; but instead of sent word to the emperor that the mansion reading it tore it to pieces, and holding the was finished, and with his permission went pieces between his thumb and fore-finger, home to dinner. Such was the haste with smelt at them and began to cry aloud till he which the work proceeded to its completion. sobbed. It was with very great difficulty that
The emperor now called all the eunuchs and the princess pacified him. told them that they were to guard the topmost She then asked the reason of his grief and three stories of the new mansion and allow no pointed to the state to which the poor book one to pass or repass, except one or two whom was reduced. He said: "Princess ! It was you he was going to mention. As for the other four that took me, an orphan, and protected me as stories below he sent for pensioned soldiers and tenderly as possible for seven years. You are gave them the same orders. After thus, as it rich. It would have cost you nothing to have wete, garrisoning the mansion, he told them all asked one of your teachers to have devoted & that it was meant for his daughter, where she ghatiká or two to my tuition : you did not do was to live henceforth till her marriage, and that. You are yourself so learned. I am that with her would always live twenty female ever by your side. You might have taught servants as her attendants and friends, the me for a gharika or two every day. That also head of whom was to be one Sellam. Only you did not do. I am now more than twenty, Sellam and the Tukkuttakki were to take pro- and I do not know how to say Harihom!" visions and other things to the seventh mansion, knowing so much yourself, you purposely want
Salutation to Hari! Repeated by Hindu children before beginning the alphabet of any Indian language.