(JULY, 1887.
of her lord to put an end to her miseries. At Bhikshu went inside and opened his bundle of about the seventh ghatiká-for it took this five cups and separated them. Several divine much time for her husband to reach home-& damsels came out from each cup, highly ornacouple of taps were heard at the door accom- mented. Wreaths of sweet-scented jasmines panied by "Adiye- lady"- and she ran at were entwined in their coiled locks, and each once to open the lateh, for she recognised had a dish in her hand. The first lady spread. the voice to be her lord's. A small light from a the leaves. The second sprinkled water and thin single wick was burning in her left hand, placed # 181&' by the side of each guest, while with her right hand she opened the latch while the others served the contents of their and she discovered her husband standing with platters into the leaves of the guests. It was & cheerful face at the gate.
& most charming sight to see this bevy of “Has my lord returned so soon?" said she fair maidens at their work, until the whole
“Yes, my lady. The gift of Paramdśvara party was served. Foolish gaests, they were has been so great," replied Bhikshu, and after not prepared to eat, for they had eaten their carefully bolting the door, he went in, followed fill at home. So, after enjoying the sight more by his wife.
than their meal they all returned home, congraHe then related to her how Paramdávars had tulating Bhikshu on this manifestation of the conferred upon him five gold cups of extraordi- divine favour. nary merit, and to prove that what he told her Now there was a rich land-holder in the was not untrue, he fed her by means of the newly village, who was notorious for bis ambition for acquired vessels. She was extremely delighted anything and everything, whose name was at the divine favour which had thus dawned Asavan. He came to Bhikshu and requested him opon her, and in honour of it wished to give a to give fall particulars as to how he had obtained public feast to the villagers. Bhikshu agreed to the cups. Bhikshu related to him the whole story the idea and was much pleased at the charitable to which Å såvån listened quite unconcernedly, disposition of his wife. And then they had and went his way. He then ordered his wife Tothing to lose by it, for the cups would feed any to give him some food tied up in a bundle number of persons ! So Bhiksha undertook and started with it next morning to the ingudi to invite in the morning all the males of the tree. There he suspended his rice, as Bhiksha village and ordered his wife to invite all the had done, and pretended to sleep, but only females.
kept his eyes closed. That day, too, Parvati Accordingly, after his morning duties were and Paramdávara passed that way and ate of over, Bhikshu went to all the houses and invited his bundle. On returning to the bank the great the male inhabitants of the village to a dinner god placed five cups also in Åstvan's bundle, at his house, and his wife invited all the as he had done in Bhikshu's. Å skvan observed members of the fair sex. But they were all that had passed and was delighted at the amazed to hear that he was to give them all a divine favour. He did not even open his bundle, dinner!
but came running home. “How could a beggar do such a thing ?" said His great idea now was to invite all the they, "but if we do not go he may think that villagers and give them a grand feast bewe have insulted his poverty. So we must go fore he himself tested the boon. Accordingly for form's sake, after dining at home." I the whole village was called in the next morn
In this way they all duly came to Bhikshu's ing, and all came hungry, and sat in a row to house, and seeing no signs of cooking or of a taste of the divine dishes. Asåvån treated them dinner in the place, they were all glad of having courteously and going inside opened the cups. eaten first in their own homes. r own homes
When lo ! several barbers came out of each cup Bhikshu received all the male guests and and shaved the guests clean ! And as they were seated them in their proper places, while his divine the guests could not get out of their wife received and arranged for all the female clutches, and one and all left the house cursing guests. When the arrangements were complete Askvan!
A drinking cup with a neck smaller than ita body,