(JULY, 1887.
to assume an error in the grant, I hope that peasant, in ploughing, at the village of Nan. others versed in the subject will point out my yaura, in the Panwari-Jaitpur Tabsil of the error, and will calculate both the date of this Hamirpur Distriot in the North-West Progrant and also that of the next which offers a vinces. The original plates, of both this and similar difficulty.
B. below, are now in the Library of the Bengal C.-In the race of the Chandratreya princes Asiatic Society at Calcutta; having been there was the king Kirtivarmedevs, who was presented by Mr. V. A. Smith, who obtained succeeded by the king Prithvivermadeva, them through Mr. W. Martin, B.C.S. who again was succeeded by the king Madane The plate, which is inscribed on one side varmadáva, ruler of Kalajara. Madanavar- only, measures about 147' by 78". The edges madeva, when in residence near Bhailasva- of it were turned up, so as to form high min, gave ten ploughs' of land of the village raised rim all round, which was fastened, by Vambaraça, in the sadali vishayn, to the fasing, at two of the corners, but not at the Brahman Rabhalasarman(P), an emigrant from other two. The plate is rather thin; and the the village Dhakart (mentioned in the grant letters, being fairly deep, shew through very B.). The piece of land given was bounded on plainly on the back of it. The engraving is the east by the village Raņa sua, on the south good; but, as usual, the interiors of most of the by Kamaņauda, and on the north by Vijaull. letters show marks of the working of the enThe grant is dated 88mavara or Monday, the graver's tool.-There is no ring-hole in the 15th of the light half of Magha, being the day plate, for a ring, with a serl attached to it; of the full-moon, in the year 1190.
and no indications of a seal heving ever been Bhailasvamin is evidently the same as soldered on to it. Bhaillasvamin, which occurs in a grant pub. The preservation of the plate is perfect. lished by Dr. F. E. Hall (Jour. Beng. As. Soc., With the exception of perhaps one single Vol. XXXI. p. 125, line 5), and has been letter (the consonant of the eighth akshara identified with the modern Bhilss. The other from the end in line 10, read by me yu), every places I am unable to identify.
letter is perfectly clear and distinct; so that, As to the date, the 15th of the light balf of with the one exception referred to, there can Magha of Vikrama-Samvat 1190, by the Tables, be no doubt whatever about the actual readshould be the 12th January A.D. 1134, andings of the plate. The mistakes made by the on this day there was fall-moon (about 3 P.x., engraver are few and unimportant; and they Benares time); but the 12th Jantary, A.D. 1184, admit of any correction. Ba is always dewas a Friday, not a Monday.
noted by the sign for va; bat va and dha are A.-Plate of Dhangador.
throughout clearly distinguished. Thore are
# few slight mistakes of orthography. The [Vikrama]-Samhvat 1068.
language is correct; excepting that, in line This inscription is on a copper-plate, which 8, pravé flerita has been employed in the sense was found, with B. below, in 1872, by aof. pravisha or pravétita.
1 Om Svasti (W) Åsit-kalpatarul“ pranayinanm'-Ananda-kandah satát mitrañárn
nayan-âmpitam para-vaba)lasy-tp[4]ta-ketuḥ parah aêtuh sangara-väridhére
bhagavatas-trailokya-chůdimaņés-Chandratreya 2 mandremmahîyasi kuld brf-Harshadevo nripah 11 Prachanda-mandal-187grasya kara
krinta-mahibhritah | nidagha-bhaskarasydva pratapo yasya duhaahah Ari.' timira-nikara-taraṇiḥ para-ks :
From the ink-impression.
writing. One expects something like suheit-pranayindm. Metre, Sárdolavikridita.
• The anusura (th) before m should be struck ost. • Here two syllables ( -) have been omitted in the Metro, Sloks (Anushtabh). text; it is just possible, that they may stand in the margin above rub pra, where there appears to be some
| Metre, Arya.