--- MISCELLANEA. CALCULATIONS OF HINDU DATES. day, the 28th October, A.D. 737, when there was No. 6.
the Anuradha nakshatra, and most probably In the Dhiniki copper-plate grant of Jaika- no eclipse of the sun and for Vikrama-Samvat deva, from Kathiawad, published by Dr. Büh. 795, Sunday, the 16th November, A.D. 788, ler in this Journal, ante, Vol. XII. p. 151ff., and when there was the Jyéshtha nakshatra ; but Plate, the date (from the published lithograph; there cannot have been an eclipse of the sun, 1. 1ff.) runs-Vikrama-samvatsara-satéshu saptasu since there was one on the preceding new-moon chatur-navaty adhikeshy = arkataḥ 974 Karttika- tithi, on Friday, the 17th October, A.D. 738, or, más-épara-pakshe amavasy&yam Adityavêrê by ithe English Tables, Saturday, the 18th OctoJyeabthA-nakshatrê ravigrahana-parvaņi asyam ber. This, of course, was the new.moon titki samvatsara.masa .paksha - divasa - parvåyåm ti-of the Parrimanta northern Karttika that fell thavady=eha Bhomilikiyair ; &c,"in seven in A.D. 738; but the supposition that this is centuries, increased by ninety-four, of the years the day intended is barred by the facts that I of Vikrama, (or) in figures,' 974; in the latter have mentioned above, which prevent our under fortnight of the month Karttika; on the new. standing that the month recorded is the Párnimdnmoon tithi; on Sunday, under the Jyêchtha ta northern month at all; and also by the fact, nakshatra; on the occasion of an eclipse of the ascertained by Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit, that on the sun; on this lunar day, (specified) as above by 17th October, A.D. 738, the nakshatras were the year, and month, and forcnight, and (solar) Sváti and Vibákhê. To complete the details, I day; to-day; here, at Bhamilika," &c.
would add that he finds that the English equiva. This gives us for calculation, Vikrama-Sarhvat lent of the new-moon tithi of the Parnimanta 794 (A.D. 737-38), current according to the lite- northern Karttika which fell in A.D. 737, was ral meaning of the text; the month Karttika Saturday, the 28th September, A.D. 737, when (October November); the second, and as shewn the nakshatras were Chitra and Svati, and there by the following mention of the new-moon day was no solar eclipse. and a solar eclipse, the dark fortnight; the new The only English date, therefore, which at moon tithi ; Sunday; an eclipse of the sun; all answers to the record, is Sunday, the 16th and the Jyáshtha nakshatra or lunar mansion. November A. D. 788; and this is the date that And, as the details of the inscription connect it was accepted by Dr. Bühler, in publishing the specifically with Surashtra or Kathiawad, we inscription, on calculations made by Prof. Jacobi. have to understand that the Vikrama year quoted In order to arrive at it, however, he translated the is the southern Vikrama year, commencing with record as meaning Vikrama-Samvat 794 expired Karttika sukla 1, and having the Amdnta southern and 795 current. And in dealing with the eclipae, arrangement of the months, in which the second which, according to the same Andnta reckoning, fortnight. of each month is the dark fortnight. occurred one lunation earlier, on the new-moon This is, in fact, proved by the record itself, in al- tithi of the preceding month Asvina, he arrived at lotting to the second fortnight of the month the the conclusions, that the grant was actually made new-moon tithi, which of course belongs to the on the new-moon tithi of Asvina, because, though dark fortnight. And, Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit tells the eclipse was not visible, yet the occurrence of
the eclipse was not visible. yet the oce me, it is also shewn by the mention of the Jyêsh- it was known, and therefore the occasion was one thi nakshatra, which can never oocur on the new of special merit; but that the actual drafting of moon tithi of the Párnimdnta northern Karttika. the charter was done a month later, on the new.
As belonging to southern Vikrama-Samvat 794, moon tithi of Karttika, and the person who draftthe given tithi fell in Saka-Samvat 659 expired; ed it was careless, and omitted to draw a disand, if it belonged to southern Vikrama-Samvat tinction between the two occasions. 795, it would fall in Saka-Sanvat 660 expired. For This date has also been discussed by Gen. these two Śaka years, treated as expired according to Cunningham, in his Indian Eras, p. 481. His the requirements of the Tables, Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit conclusions were, that the date belongs to Vigives me the following English equivalents of the krama-Sativat 794, not 795; but that the eclipee recorded date ;--for Vikrama-Samvat 794, Mon. intended really is that of the (17th or) 18th
• The interpretation of the figures, with the excep- Cunningham's Indian Eras, p. 311.---The difference tion of the 4, depends purely on the preceding expres- in the day is because the conjunction of the sun and the sion in words. The first two of them present anything moon occurred late at night, or very early in the mornbut the appearance of 7 and 9.
ing. For the same reason the eclipse Wis not visible Nope, At least, is recorded in Cunningham's Indian in India. Eras, p. 211.