[APRIL, 1887.
And, coupled with the eclipse, the red in case,-may very possibly enable us hereafter, line 19 of the present grant, that, in to 91st by means of detailed calculations, to determine year of the era, the month Magha included precisely which of the eclipses mentioned thirty solar days, which is not always the above is the one intended.
First Plate. 1 Om Svasti Sarv-arta-sukha-ramaņiyâd=vijaya-Kalinganagarat-sakala-bhavana
nirmmån-ai2 ka-gů tradhârasya bhagavató Gokarnna-svâminas-charaṇakamala-yugala-pranfmida. 3 pagata-Kali-kalank8 vinaya-naya-sampadam=ådhårah 8V-Asi-dhårå-parispand-adhigata-sa4 kala-Kaling-Adhirajyas = chatur - adadhi - taranga-mêkhal - &vanitala - pravitat - amala- yasah S anêka-
. 5 samara-samkshobha-janita-jaya-habd8 Gang-&mala-kula-pratishthah pratâp-&tisay-Anâmita
Second Plate; First Side. 6 samasta-sâmanta-chůdamaņi-prabhâ-maõjari-pañja-rağjita-charaņô mâtâpitri-pâd-ånaddhya
ta7 h=paramamahðśvarah sri-maharaj-Endravarmma " Dovanna-pañchâlyán Kettata
gråmê sarva8 samavêtân=katumbinas=samájõâpayati [1] Viditam=asta vô yath=âyan=gråmas=sarvva9 karaih parihsity=d-chandr-arkka-pratishtham=agraharas-kritvå måtâpitrôr=&tmanas-cha
pony-abhi10 vridhayê Kalinganagara-gåmanyaya Gårggồya-sagðtriya Chhandôga-sabrahmachariņê
Second Plate; Second Side. 11 Ddhruvasarmmaņ& Kondavallakéna pratibôdhitair adaka-pûrvvam=asmábhis-sa[m]
pradattas=Tad-viditv[Q] 12 yath-ochitam bhagabhôgam=upanayantaḥ sukham prativasathuêti | bhavishyad
råjabhis-chayam 13 dâna-dharmmo=napályals-Tatha cha Vyâsa-gitâḥ 618ká bhavanti [*] Baha
bhir1=v& 14 sudha datta bahabhis-ch=AnupAlita yasys yasya yada bhůmistasya tasya tad[] 15 phala [11]. Sva-dattam-para-dattåm=b&(va) yatnád-raksha Y udhishthira mahîmim"=mahimatam śrêshtha
Third Plate. 16 dânâch=chhrdyô=nupalanan [11] Shashtim varsha-sahasråņi môdate divi bhûmi.
dah & 17 kshồptâ ch=anumantâ cha tâmny=ôva narako vasêd =iti (1) Vighnatâtis
bhartri-gò-vipra-bala-yoshid-vi18 paschitán ya gatis=så bhavôd-bhůmin haratas=s&san-arkitâm-iti (11)
Pravarddhamana-vijaya-ra19 jya-samvatsarah bka-navati[ho] 90 1 Magha dina trinsatima 30 [11] Idam"
Vinayachandre20 na Bhanuchandrasya sūnunk fåganam Rajasinhasya likhitam gva-mukh-Ajñay 13
. From the original plates,
10 In the original, this word is expressed by a symbol, not in letters.
Li This mark of punctuation is unnecessary. 11 Read mupalyas.
13 Metre, Slöku (Anushtabh); and in the following three verses,
1. Read malim.
5 Read täny. 10 This letter is partially destroyed by the ring-hole, which seems to have been made after the engraving was finished, though space must have been left blank for it.
" Metro, Sika (Anushtubb).