MARCH, 1887.)
of Khangai Khân. Thy wife and children will When the procession reached the boggy discome to us there with sobs and tears. Wilt trict of Mona, the cart sank to the footboard. not thou therefore give us thy commands ?" It Unable to move it they harnessed horses beis difficult to subdue a newly regenerate body, longing to the five banners to it; but still but if we subdue it we shall doubtless arrive it would not move. The Sunid Kiluken at the state of nirvana, in which there are no Baghatur, as the whole people harnessed sufferings. It is difficult to subdue a strong themselves, bowed himself and said : " My holy body; but if we do crush it, we shall doubtless Ruler, so like a kuluk, who wast born of the meet in the country of the blessed. As thou azure and eternal heaven, wilt thou desert art going to leave thy wife Burtehjujin Setzen thy whole people in this plight while working a widow, and thy sons Ogotai and Tului or- out thy high destiny ? Thy solidly grounded phans, will thou not point out to them water government; thy children and thy wife who in the desert and a road over the ridge ?" bore them; thy native land and waters; all are Thereupon Chinghiz Khân replied: "Do not yonder. Thy government founded on justice; thou die, but point thou out a road along the thy gathered clans, thy dear children and wife : ridge and water in the desert to my widow thy golden palace; all are there. The snow;** Burtehjujin Setzen and my orphans Ogotai and the waters in which thou wast wont to bathe; Tului. The precious jade-stone has no crust, thy numerous Mongol subjects, and thy nor has the polished steel any rust on it. Our birth-place Deligun Boldak; thy standard body is not immortal. Act resolutely and tide made of the crest of a bay colt;" thy pipes things firmly oves. The essence of a thing is and kettledrams; thy whole people and the in its completion, although it have a hundred place Arlan in the plains of the Keralon where beginnings. Firm is the soul of man who keeps thou didst mount the throne; all are there." Ais plighted word. Behave thyself modestly Thy wife Burtehjajin Setzen whom thou didst and surrender thy voice to that of the many. marry before thou becamest famous; thy wellTo die after a lifetime is the fate of us all. watered land Borkhata Khân; thy beloved Secure a good government and abide the friends Mukhuli and Boghorji; and thy admini. commands of the boy Khubilai."'18 After these strator; all are there. Thy lutes and pipes and words he died in the Ting-swine year, and other instruments; the whole of thy great people; the 67tin year of his age. Therefore, says thy holy fatherland; all are yonder." Hast the Altan Topchi, they harnessed horses to thon, my lord, been so charmed by the warmth a waggon, upon which they placed the golden of Kharguna Khanu; by the number of the remains of the Ruler. And as they marched, Tangut people; and by the beauty of Kürbeljin; the Sunid Kiluken Baghatar thus belauded that thou hast forsaken thy old Mongols ? him: "Thou my ruler hast departed, as though Although thy dear soul is fled, we will carry on the wings of a migrating falcon. Thou hast thy remains, precious as the jade-stone, to thy become a load for a creaking cart. Thou hast birthplace, and shew them to thy widow Burteh. departed as if on the wings of a hovering jujin and to all thy people." These words, hawk; as if on the wings of a futtering lark. which it may be remarked have a charming Thou hast become a load for a creaking cart." naïveté and peculiar local colour about them,
17 Ssanang Setzen has it: "Wilt thou not, therefore, O my Lord, rouse thyself and hie thee onward' P"
1 i.e. of his grandson, who afterwards became Khakan of the Mongols and Emperor of China. I have given the names in Ssanang Setzen's orthography. 19 Ssanang Setzen says the 66th.
20 Ssanang Setzen says it was a two-wheeled waggon, and that his whole people accompanied him wailing as they went.
ar Ssanang Setzen here has a better version and I appro. priate the graphic translation of my friend Colonel Yule : "Whilom thou didst atoop like a faloon, rumbling waggon now trundles thee off,
O my king! Hast thou in truth then forsaken thy wifo and thy children and the feet of thy people,
0 my king?
Circling in pride like an eagle, whilom thou didst lond
O my king! But now thou hast stumbled and fallen like an un broken colt,
O my king! For six and thirty years thou hast brought thy poople peace and joy, and now dost thou leave them,
O my king !" * i.e. thy birthplace. - Ssanang Setzen says tho tail of a black horse.
3. Ssanang Setzen says the pastures of the Kerulon where thou didst mount the throne as Khakan of the Arulad.
* Ssanang Setzen adds "thy heavenly-born partner Ahulan Khatun and thy two charming wives Jissu and Jissuken."