Sishya, in the Mahabhishya, is the person stork, the, a fire-symbol ............
who raises questions to be solved ............ 80 Subeinga in ancient Burma, where is it?...... 317 Šishyahita, Ugrabhati's commentary on the Subeinna = Subeinga.................................. 317
Katantra, was written in the eleventh cen- Subhashitdvali of Vallabhadeva; a notice of tury ...................................*
........... 32
Dr. Peterson's edition of it, 240ff; it canSistán = Sakarráin ............ ............. 221 not be placed earlier than the first half of Sivadeva I., Mahdrdja, of Nepål; his Gölmi- the fifteenth century A.D. ..................... 241
dhitô inscription of Gupta-Samvat 318, Sumêru, mountain, spoken of as one of the
noticed ........................ ................ 192ff breasta of the earth .............................. 200 Sivagaņa, a Maurya chieftain; bis Kanaswa sun; invocations of the, 198;-a temple of
inscription of Malava-Samvat 795, noticed, the, at Mandasör, q. v., 196, 200, 201 ;--wor. 191f;--notice of Dr. Peterson's revised ship of the, when making a grant, 10;
version of this inscription .......................... 152 other instances of worship of the... 10, 13, Skandagupta (Early Gupta); notice of Dr.
107, 112, 140, 196 Bhagwanlal Indraji's version of his Bhitari sun symbols, 64ff, 192, 93 ;-in Albania, pillar inscription, 151ff;-he conquered the 68;-Ireland, 68;-in Lapland ............... 67
Pushyamitras ................................... 148f, 151 sun-worship, 89F ;-in Modern India, 64, 65, 6l3kavárttika, a name given by commentators 89;-in Mexico, 64, 65, 89 ;-in Persia, 64,
to certain Kårikås in the Mahabhåshya...... 229 90;- in the Vedas, 64;-Modern European anake in symbolism, see serpent .................. 66 customs indicating. 92;--connection besolar race included the kings of Kanaaj ...... 8. tween it and ire-worship, 91, 92;--traces sons, nostrums for procuring ..........., note 2, 300 of it in Christianity .............................. 65 sosanpata, a peculiar South Indian sword ... 28 Sunabat Jat, a folktale from Bombay .........365ff So-to-p'o-ho, a king of Southern Koala, il Sundaridevi, wife of Vateardja, q. v. 107, 110, 141
probably of the Andhra dynasty ........... 355 Suryapala, of Gwalior (Kachchhapagbåta)... 35, 43 spears in India..
..............30, 31 Saryavansa included the kings of Kanauj ... 8 Spiti, women of, their resemblance to those Sátrakdra, a term for Påņini, as opposed to
of the Eskimo .................................... 62, 63 Varttikakdra for Katyayana ................... 229 spitting on coins for luck.......................... 328 avastika, 92ff;-as a fire symbol, 64, 66, 89, epurious inscription ...............................172 and n 92;-as a sun symbol, 65, 92;-as & mark Gravasti, ancient name of the modern "Sahet. on modern Indian buildings, 93 ;-as an
Mhet'; chief town of a bhukti and a ornament in embroidery, 94; = the trinacria mandala .............. ........................ 107, 111
of Sicily, 89;= triquetra, 66 ; = triskele, Srikambuvarnagiri, an ancient hill, mentioned 66;-variant forms of, 94, 95;-variant in the Gwalior inscription of Vikrama-Sam
aspect of, 96;-universality of, 94;-—is a vat 1150......
possible origin of the Greek key-pattern ... 96 Sripathi, the ancient Sanskrit name of swords in India, 28;---vernacular names for Byana, q. v. ............
......... 239 Indian, much wanted, with description...... 30 Srboaharaja, a grammarian quoted by a com: Syalapati' of Kabul; notes on his date and mentator on Hêmachandra
182 coins; they are not dated in the Gupta eru. 185ff Śrfvadhůvallabha, or VadhQvallabha, a symbolism in Asia, object of studying ......... 61 biruda of Malladêva-Nandivarman (Båņa); symbols of the sun, 64ff;-of the moon,
64ff ;-cup, 64ff ;-egg, 119, 120; -fire, Srivallabha, -probably Govinda II. (R&shtra
64 ;-foot, 117; serpent ..... ............ 260 kata) ....................... Srutapala, a grammarian quoted by Hôma
chandra .......................... ............ 182 star-symbols are sun-symbols ...................... 66 Taladhvaja, ancient name of Tallja in KathiA. athal, a standard for measuring gardens for waa ................................................... 861
revenue purposes............. ............... 269 talapatta, probably 'an ear ornament' ......... 45n St. John's Eve in Ireland, relio of gun-wor. talking animals in Indian folktales ............. 332n ship
.............. 92 tangl, an aboriginal bow ........... ............. 27 stone-circles, 120;---implements, what to look Tangut, see His .............
128 for, 316;-Lucky, 321;-monuments, an: tankha, a standard for assessing land revenue 970
cient, what to look for in them ................ 316 Tapasavataardja, Dr. Hultzsch on the ......... 344 stone-worship in India, 117, 118;-in ancient Tarikh Sulędni, a historioal work on AfghEurope ...... .............118, 119 nistán ..........
................... 162