S, the letter, & eun-symbol ....
66 Såsbahd--dôhrd, popular name of a temple sacred foot symbols, 117; -modern Indian at Gwalior, 33;-it was completed in the time
explanation of................ ................... 117 of Mahipala, (q.v.) 35,44 ;-it is a temple of sacred stones in India, 117f;-manis, 124 ;
Vishņu, 35;-the inscription of Mahipala, monoliths, 118 to 123ovoid and sphe.
of Vikrama-Samvat 1150; edited ............ 33ff roidal, 119, 180;"passing through "...... 220, sattra, 'a hall for the charitable distribution
221 of food, &c.'..................................... 45, 46 sacred trees ............
............. 217ff saudha, equivalent to brahmapuri, q. v. ...... 44n S'afd Muhammad Khår, ruler of Hirat ...... 298 Sauryas, a tribe or dynasty in Western India Saka era, supposed to date from the establish
142 ment of the Saka empire in India under Scindia's Dominions, inscriptions from........ either Kadphises II. or Kanerkes, 156;
33ff, 194ff, 201ff, 222ff, 253ff, 257 an instance in which it is confused with the seals, ancient, found at Harappa ................... Gupta era.....
............... 188 Beals of grants, emblems on ............. 10, 106, 139 SAkala in the Pañjab, was the capital of Mi. seals of grants, legends on, 10, 106, 112, 139, hirakula, 246, 249 ;-in earlier times it was 140 ;-instances of their being secured to a capital of Menander or Mi-lan ......... 354
the plate by soldering........................ 106, 139 Sakata, Sakatayana, a later grammarian Berpent, sun-symbol, 66;-& lightning
quoted by Hêmachandra ...... ............... 182 symbol, 66;--symbols, 260;-woman or sdkhda mentioned in' records :
goddess in Europe, 259, 260; -worship in Angirasa .................*****
S................... 71
India, 2538;-in Europe, 260 ;-revived in Bhrigu ..........................
Maisar ................................................ 259 "Kauthuma-Chchhandôga ......................... 107 sex, change of, to protect from evil spirits ... 328
Maitriyanaka-Månavaka ........................ 187 shadafiti, a term for the sun's entrance into Shet-Mâhet,'a collection of ruins near 'Bah. four of the signs of the Zodiac ............... 860 raich'; mentioned under the ancient name Shah Shujaa, treaty with, in 1839, 164;-his
of Sråvasti . ............................... 107, 111 position at Kabul, 167 ;-forgery of his Samanyacharana, a sect of Brahmaņs in signature, 169;-project of returning to Southern India, 177;-a proposed explan
India, 266 ;-doings in Kabul after Macation of the term .................. .................. 281 naghten's death, 267 ;-his murder ........ 290 sambaddha, belonging to,' 'connected with ShAhzâda Fath Jang succeeds Shah Shuja'a,
107, 140n 296 ;-superseded by Muhammad Akbar sangraha-Slokas in the Mahabh­a may Khan, 293 ;- accompanies the English to have been composed by Katyøyana or Pa
India................................................ *** tañjali ...............
..................... 233 Shahzada Shahpar accompanies the English Sarkaracharya; various readings from his
to India .......................................... 238 commentary on the Nrisimhatapaniya. Shatthabha, a Brahman's name................. 45 Upanishad, 69ff ;-reasons for thinking that shell characters,' references to instances of... 364 the printed commentary attached to the Shi-yen-to-bia, another name of So-to-p'o. same is not really by him.
ho, q. v. .............
................. 355 Sankarananda; various readings from his com. ship' tales in Kasmir ... ............ 157n
mentary on the Nrisimhatápantya-Upani, Siah Koh is the ancient Ushidao ...............
shad ................................................... 69 if Sikhism, its connection with Muhammadan. Samkaravarman, king of Kasmir, notes on ...109 iem..................................................... 214 sankranti :
Sikhita; see Sishyahitd. ....................... 32 Kumbha ..........
......... 107 Silacharya, a Jain writer, author of the sarvatsaras of the sixty-year cycle, men doharaffed, q. v. ; he wrote at Gambhata... 188 tioned in records :
bildloutta, P ' a stone-cutter'........................ 46n Bhåva ............................................ 361 Si-liang-fu, possible identification of............ 132
Vilambin .......................................... 177 Simha, a Buddhist patriarch, killed in the time sangar, derivation of ..................... note 10, 624 of Mihirakula ................... 245, 250, 252, 345f lanilha-shell emblem on seals of grants......... 10 Simhapaniya, an ancient town near Gwalior 35, 42 Banskrit and Praksit compositions, a reference Simhavaja, one of the engravers of the S&sto, in an inscription ........
................... 227 bahd-k&-dehrá inscription of Vikrama-SamnSanskrit MSS.; notice of Dr. Oppert's Lists
.............. 46 for Southern India ............................... 164ff Bindibád Cycle of folktales ............... 330n, 335n Siran District, an inscription from the ...... 105fsingauta, an Indian quarter-statt ............... 31
vat 1150 ...