DECEMBER, 1886.]
the first time beheld Gopi and her father the so long waiting, was at last approaching. To neatherd. She thanked them again and again make herself, therefore, as beautiful as possible a thousand times and asked Gopi to beg her by adding flowing hair to her charms, was an hair from Kurudi under the same pretence of important point; so she said to Gôpi:having a sister who had lost hers. Gopi, who
"My dear Gópi, I thank the day which first who had now fully secured the affections of
made us friends! My hair is a weak point Kurudi, brought back Ganga ba i's hair, and the
with me, and if you can make your hair grow at princess pat it on her head, and meditated on
the rate of a cubit a day, I should much like to Varalakshmi; when lo! every hair returned to
see your doctor, and show him my head alsu. its proper place! Thus, through the neatherd
Will you kindly bring him to me?" and his daughter, and by the divine help of Varalakshmi, Gangabai crossed the ocean of Gôpi, as instructed, said-“Undoubtedly he misery, and came back to her former self. shall be here with me to-morrow, my noble The news that Isabhaji was trying to compel
lady;" and returned home. his son Thiņuji to marry Kurudi, was commu- Gangabit was anxiously expecting to hear picated by the one-eyed lady to her friend Gôpi.what had taken place in the palace between She also informed the neatherd's daughter her friend Gôpi and her bitter enemy Kurudi, that, though the prince was not agreeable and, when the latter came home, she related to the match, he would be soon compelled how she had promised to bring the imaginary to give his consent to it, to oblige his father doctor next day to the palacu. Gaiga bál and his aunt. These bits of information could have leapt for joy. were duly passed on to Gangabai, who now
"My end is attained," said she in grent joy. thought this a good opportunity to wreak her
eagerly waiting for the next day to come. vengeance on Kurudi. So she asked Gopi to go to the palace next morning with curds,
As already said, the old king had made his and to sit down rubbing her hair on the
son Thanaji consent to marry Kurudi, and the ground.
wedding day had been fixed for the tenth day
of the bright half of that very month. It was "My dear Gôpi," said she,"if you will
just ten days before the happy event was to keep on rubbing your beautiful hair on the
take place that Kurudi was expecting to see ground, Kurudi will call you mad, for thus in
the doctor with the wonderful power of breedsulting an ornament that nature has granted
ing hair. That morning Gangabai changed you. You innst then tell her that a doctor has
her fernale attire for the first time in her life given you a prescription for making the hair
for a man's and wore a doctor's robes, and so grow quickly, that ever since you have applied
well did she carry out the disguise that her it your hair has been growing at the rate of &
friend Gopi was hardly able to distingaish in cubit a day and that as you are not able to take
the young doctor her friend Gangbil. Thus care of so great a quantity, you are rubbing
metamorphosed and followed by Côpi, Gangait on the ground to check its growth. She will
bài reached Kurndi's house, where she was then ask you for some of the prescription,
welcomed, and given a seat hear its mistress. and you must agree to give it, eud come to me."
"Can you indeed mako hair grow very Gôpi agreed to all that Gaigabai asked her
quickly ?" asked Kurudi. to do, and wont to the palace. She pretended! "Madam," replied the wbum doctor, I hav to rub her bair on the ground until Kurudi ever since I began practising tlie art, been came and asked her the reason, when she replied most successful in it. On no oocusion is the as she had been instructed. Kurudi washnir I have manipulated grown less than a cubit naturally somewhat bald-headed," and as Ish- a day. I shall try the best of any inedicines bhájf had just made his son consent to marry on your head. Only the old hair must be her, her wedding day, for which she had been entirely removed, and the surfaco of the head
u Long and flowing hair in considered one of the best personl adorments of the softer sex sinong the Hindus.
(It may be noted here that the game of the one-eyed Kurudi isa Kanaroso word, morning blind woman. -ED]